View Full Version : Spinning around ; Lag
07-11-2017, 04:14 AM
When trying to turn around, there is a noticeable lag and it spins you.
I have gig internet and a pretty good system
Windows 10 pro
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) X4 880K Quad Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
Mem: 8gb
Card name: AMD Radeon (TM) R7 370 Series
Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6811)
DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
Resolution 1080p
07-11-2017, 04:58 AM
This kind of sounds similar to the other current thread: NPCs and backface culling (
I wonder if when the client is updated to 64bit if it might help with this issue, that update should be happening fairly soon. It might be an issue that will be addressed during the graphics tuneup that will happen during Beta phase. There is new graphic system content going in, or just recently implemented, might take time to iron out issue with that, and trying to do a quick fix now might have to be redone with other new systems like weather coming in, so they might be holding off on fine tuning graphics for that reason. We will have to wait till they get around to fixing it.
07-11-2017, 08:43 AM
hi ShieldBreaker
just posting bugs, not expecting quick fix...
09-24-2017, 01:42 AM
I have the exact same problem with good hardware and internet as well. I don't know how more people aren't suffering from this. They must be on really old computers that all developers seem to cater to for some reason.
09-24-2017, 10:27 AM
It doesn't do this as often to me right now, but I'll experience it on the big PC with the VR-development client and fancy expensive graphics card... Just as I do on my Macbook Air.
So I think it's a game reaction to packet lag or something.
I don't know how more people aren't suffering from this. They must be on really old computers that all developers seem to cater to for some reason.
Or maybe those ppl turn with keys and not mouse.
09-26-2017, 03:25 PM
Or maybe those ppl turn with keys and not mouse.
The funny thing is... It does it even with auto-pathing. If the turn-around lag is happening, your character will walk past the target and flip around.
09-26-2017, 08:43 PM
The scenario you're describing is always, 100%, due to a sudden framerate drop on the client. To fix it we'd need to figure out exactly what causes it, which is an ongoing search, because there are likely dozens of causes. But none of them are related to your network connection at all.
The first thing to check whenever this happens is your framerate. See if it dips, then see if it dips when you turn your graphics settings to the lowest. Then see if it happens in specifically one place.
If you don't normally have this problem, but on some days it occurs worse than others, that's useful to report. For the "it suddenly happens/now it's gone again" scenarios, my current guess about the cause is that there's a round-off error in Unity's pathmapping system that very rarely causes monsters to get stuck in rocks or the ground. When the server is up for a month or so, the number of monsters can reach in the dozens. As you turn around, those monsters become non-culled -- the game tries to render them, even though they're in a nearby rock or whatever. And when the game suddenly has to render dozens of monsters animating, it causes a huge framerate drop for a moment, which can cause all kinds of client control issues. You can't see the monsters, but they're there, and tanking framerate. The fix is not simple but I'm definitely working on it!
The server rebooted on Sunday due to ISP work, so it shouldn't be occurring now. If it's still occurring now, but DIDN'T occur BEFORE Sunday, that'd be great to hear too, as it might mean my hypothesis is wrong.
For people who have this problem all the time, but only at specific places, that means there's too much graphical stuff coming into the camera view at once. It's something that can be fixed by localized optimization, which we aren't doing right now, but which we do on an area-by-area basis when we have enough reports.
For people who have this problem all the time everywhere, that means your FPS is bad all the time. You need to lower your graphics settings; there's not really anything we can do to magically improve FPS across the board during alpha!
09-26-2017, 11:46 PM
Yeah, on my Air this happens... Sometimes. But not all the time. Not even most of the time! It's weird. And when it's happening, it happens mostly when going through doors or across graphical segments. And happens to NPCs as well as monsters. And sometimes it even happens on the PC.
12-17-2017, 10:57 AM
Just like to add that I also have had this issue since I came to play over the summer in July. It happens just turning, not necessarily turning around. It still always happens in Serbule Keep. Graphics settings don't seem to make any difference. I logged in today a little while and noticed it happening in Kur as well now by the Inn. Seems like a localization issue then?
Previous to this past summer I never had this issue anywhere in game.
12-17-2017, 03:52 PM
I AM ON A i7 6950X GTX 1080
I noticed that every time I am near large rocks ( like kur near the URaks or rahu near the path to town or serbule around all large rock ) I have reduction in my fraps by 20-30 . anytime else I'm at 60 fraps . my ping is around 70-120 . my character swings around fraps drops . I have tried adjusting all settings to no avail .
On side note I can now trade so thank you cause since 2014 I've never been able to do so :):) .. I am on Gsync if that matter with 2k monitor . Also if I change my resolution through game from 2560/1440 to 1920/1080 yet the resolution does not change . also as changing where the tooltips are .... I am unable to do so .. Yes I used special abilities but no matter what I input whether Neg or pos it does not go to top left of screen .. After speaking with a few others who are on different resolutions they too experience same issue !!! anywho I am playing just fine . except for the erratic swings in char movements n fraps drop .
Side note ; When changing the tooltipx or Y settings regardless if I input anything neg or above 50 pos it goes back to right at my mouse point .. For some reason anything neg puts it back to original mouse . like it does not recognize it .
I want to personally thank you not only for being able to trade , but for all the hard work and long hours you and Srand n silvonis put into this game to make it great :):) /bows
Wanted to add happens whether I input simple or fantastic settings
12-17-2017, 08:10 PM
It's some sort of backside culling that is unrelated to video card, at least that's Citan's best guess.
At least, I have it happen to me when I'm on the PC with the VR setup and the tiny Mac Air with the Intel integrated. I haven't had it happen in awhile.
If you can do anything to reduce your network load or background processes it seems to happen less; like there's some sort of timing issue and the game is busy changing out one part of memory while your character is still moving. That's what's helped for me.
12-19-2017, 06:37 AM
I get the 180 flip camera thing in Kur often, especially by the first tent a little past the entrance to the zone and anywhere mob density is very high. Serbule used to happen badly in the city but it seems much improved. My computer is no slacker either, GTX1070, 16 GIG DDR4 RAM, 1 TERRA SOLID STATE, AND AN ASUS GAMING MOTHERBOARD. I play battlefield 1 on ultra i 64 man servers with zero frame rate issues. Hope this gets fixed because its gotten me killed a fee times lol.
I was going to mention this problem also as it's really is quite a pain for many people who may use the mouse at times. The frame rate drop is one thing, but the spinning round is another.
It ALWAYS happens when going past the player vendor stalls on entrance to Serbule. If using the mouse you can end up spinning right round, using the keyboard doesn't do this. It *seems* to be loading textures from either main memory or disk. it's perfectly repeatable and exact at this point.
If I have a constant angular velocity of 10 degrees per second, while turning slowly, surely a frame rate drop shouldn't spin you 180 degrees no matter what caused it. Since a 1 second frame drop (lets say) should still only turn you 10 degrees. There seems to be something "off" with the mouse input processing here. Maybe the mickeys get all buffered up I don't know.
I will try it with mouse acceleration off in case the input is coming from the normal mouse driver path instead of the direct mouse input thingy Microsoft added a few years ago.
As for the cause of the frame rate drop at this specific place I might do some profiling to see if I can see anything.
FYI this is on the lowest, fastest graphics setting, on a nvidia 880M 4Gb ram, 32Gb main ram.
12-23-2017, 04:41 PM
Murk, I have setting on simple on my machine one would think it would not happen , I Agree I think its something with the mouse . I can repeat as well by the player vendors but for me it happens around large rocks as well .
There is a bunch allocations lasting 70ms on my system - red, and no render bars at this time in yellow. I am not sure what sort of allocation it is at the moment.
01-01-2018, 09:07 PM
Murk pretty much summed up what I was going to say. I also experience this issue randomly in parts of serbule, usually where everyone is hanging out by the well and almost always in the building with the cooking station. I spent today messing with all the graphic settings to try and get it to stop because I turn with mouse and it really was starting to get to me and making me dread trips back to town. I have a gtx 1080 and even lowering everything down to minimum I can't get it to go away, although it does happen considerably less. I don't really experience this issue anywhere else so the rest of the game is fine and playable, except maybe around the occasional large rock like others have mentioned.
I'm just happy to see that I'm not the only one and it will eventually get fixed. So until then I can just mouse turn in Serbule and be happy to be playing such a great game.
01-02-2018, 01:32 AM
The pile of NPC vendors and corners in dungeons does it to me.
But only when there's network inconsistency as well.
It might be hard to find because it's an 'and' situation?
The pile of NPC vendors and corners in dungeons does it to me.
But only when there's network inconsistency as well.
It might be hard to find because it's an 'and' situation?
What makes you think there is a network component to this?
01-03-2018, 02:08 PM
What makes you think there is a network component to this?
Because it's always associated with a spike of network traffic as well. At least in my examination on my local network.
My presumption is the client is reloading locations at the same time as reloading textures; perhaps one is waiting for the other?
01-03-2018, 05:00 PM
I only have this issue when mouse turning. Drunk + mouse turning is a fun combination. I bet if I add Astyrion's curse I'll just run in circles.
01-03-2018, 05:52 PM
The lag is really bad in rahu too , i've realized this now that I'm spending mroe time there. Its gotten me killed a few times, literally freeze when trying to face certain directions during combat against the citizens outside the city.
At the end of the day I think it will be sorted at some point, but I assume right now that development effort is focused elsewhere and I certainly can't say any more about it because the reasons why this may happen are largely speculation on my part. But -
I think it's worth noting any specific small areas where noticeable trouble happens might be useful for later - especially if it is an easily repeatable situation.
For now, steer with the keyboard!
01-04-2018, 01:34 PM
I mostly steer with tab, which is why I saw it happening more with lag, I think, since lag on coordinate systems would leave the client pathing incorrectly. Still it was the same symptom that cause the house-turning bug (which since my second-most is mousing) I'd notice as well.
01-14-2018, 05:32 PM
phwew, I am glad it is not just player here (LOVE the game btw ty for that!) and I have been driving myself INSANE trying to remedy this mouse look/turning or overturning issue. I thought it was a hardware/PC issue because I just did a fresh windows 10 install on a semi dated PC that has been having some blue screens and other misc. hiccups as of late. It certainly should run this game higher than 25-30 FPS though.
my specs are I5 3.4ghz / 8 gig DDR3 ram / asus MB / GTX 960 4 gig / SSD
Any additional tweaks or recommendations to make it run smoother would be greatly appreciated thanks.
01-14-2018, 06:58 PM
Does anyone have a video of this happening?
01-15-2018, 10:17 AM
Here I recorded some.
01-15-2018, 01:43 PM
That is exactly the same mouse movement lag I get that is in the video Living linked above. Try to turn a few degrees and end up doing a snap 180.
Note: The mouse movement lag occurs everywhere for me in game, not just in the Serbule market.
01-15-2018, 08:10 PM
Huh, it was happening to me Saturday night. My FPS was diving below where it usually was, with nothing running in the background. Flaming swords were eating up 5 fps!
I basically couldn't turn past the garden for some reason.
I hadn't seen it happen for a couple months.
01-16-2018, 05:58 AM
I would like to note that this happens everywhere for me, just in varying extents. It can be reproduced at any time and seems to get worse at peak server time and in towns/busy areas. Any help at all would be appreciated--it is making my time spent in this extraordinarily crafted world less enjoyable :(
01-16-2018, 07:44 AM
Can confirm also with livings video its what I experience but I get it with either stearing with the keyboard to rotate or holding down the mouse right click and rotating camera. Either way certain areas just cause that massive frame stuttering and jittery camera movement that makes you look in directions completely unexpected after you unfreeze.
01-18-2018, 10:14 PM
so far, I feel like OptimizeMeshes is helping a bit for me in Serbule. I still have issues in the cooks house and where the player vendors are if I try to run out the south gate, but they don't seem nearly as bad as before. I'll try turning it off and on and experiment a bit more.
01-20-2018, 10:19 AM
I am still having bad mouse look/turning lag even after the patch. I tried both ways w/ mesh on and off and it still persists. I will be keyturning for the immediate future :p
03-29-2018, 02:36 PM
I am still having bad mouse look/turning lag even after the patch. I tried both ways w/ mesh on and off and it still persists. I will be keyturning for the immediate future :p
I also have the problem.
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
GPU: Asus Strix 1080ti OC edition 11gb GDDR5x
RAM: Corsair DDR4 2666mhz (64 GB)
Installed to: 500 GB SSD
All drivers updated including motherboard and BIOS
Ping according to Resource Monitor on WindowsPlayer.exe (the game client): 38ms with 0% packetloss
when I am not moving I am around 48-60FPS and when I turn it drops to 18FPS. I feel its an optimization problem still with the camera and area rendering but idk since I just came back and this is a fresh install using the Steam Client version of Project Gorgon.
someone told me it's due to poor animation calculations and when I turned the animations for people in distance to 1, the frequency of its occurance is reduced but not eliminated.
I also found disabling speech bubbles, turning their distance to 1 and turning off grass density and grass distance to 1 helps too but again does not elemenate its frequency enough to be considered an adequate reduction of spin/turn(180) running problem. I tried just the mouse and also tried just the keyboard along with combination of the two and neither fixes the underlying problem. I am beginning to think my first edit is the underlying problem along with how the camera and movement animations work because it happens when I am not moving but just turning the camera with only the mouse but not so much with keyboard.
04-01-2018, 09:40 PM
Has anyone figured out a fix for this yet? This spinning lag is happening to me all the time in town. It makes navigating the shops and general populated area impossibly annoying.
04-02-2018, 12:06 PM
Can you trigger it predictably?
Like, number of players around or something?
I've never been able to get it to be predictable.
04-03-2018, 09:46 AM
OptimizeMeshes made me stutter out of town, so I turned it off :S I've only experienced one other game with this 180 degree flip and that was EQ2...I think turning off mouse look improved it in that game. But that was everywhere - not just in crowded areas. It is very frustrating to suddenly be facing in another direction and I do try to turn with keys in towns now.
04-07-2018, 03:55 PM
This is still happening constantly, especially in Serbule. I am not sure what causes it, or how to lessen it. I have tried different graphics settings, and I am running a i7 4770k processor with 32GB ram and a Geforce there shouldn't be any issues..
I love this game and I really want to figure out how to fix this... lol..
04-07-2018, 07:29 PM
lordreyrey That's similar to my PC (tho I usually run on an Air) and that's why I thought the spinning was due to lag...
04-07-2018, 07:34 PM
I have shiny new PC that is total overkill for this game. Nvidia card, for the record. I also have spin lag in town, and in the market area (were all the vendors are) I have to right click on the ground to move around. Multiply this by my 3 mule toons, and OMG it's my huge, horrible, #1 ( peeve about the game.
I put up with it though, because PG rocks for the most part.
04-07-2018, 07:55 PM
Its weird. I watched videos all over You Tube of people playing, and there are not a lot of players in forums commenting on this... so doesnt seem like many players are experiencing this issue. Yet it happens to me all the time.
I have tried it on another PC down stairs, similar build though, with a 980ti, so I am not sure.
There has gotta be a way to fix this lol.
04-08-2018, 08:37 AM
Its weird. I watched videos all over You Tube of people playing, and there are not a lot of players in forums commenting on this... so doesnt seem like many players are experiencing this issue. Yet it happens to me all the time.
I have tried it on another PC down stairs, similar build though, with a 980ti, so I am not sure.
There has gotta be a way to fix this lol.
One would hope the "optimization" updates will, but I am not clear on what causes this particular problem, and it's just JUST Serbule. Just more noticeable in town.
04-08-2018, 11:09 AM
Found a fix to this problem that I've had since day 1! Someone just blurted this out in global chat and it has pretty much eliminated this issue for me. Change Entity Animation Distance Multiplier to .50 or less in advanced graphics settings. Hope this helps yall as much as it did me. gtx 1080 and would lag all over serbule, but not now.
Thanks to Prominus.
update: After playing a bit, this definitely isn't an ideal fix, because it limits the animations of other characters and mobs, but helps in the places where I'd get the lag bad.
04-08-2018, 12:03 PM
As a newcomer, Like IndigoBlue, I too have a rediculously spec'd machine (16 core 4.0 amd threadripper, 32gb memory, nvidia 1080ti in SLI... and PCIE M2 SSD) the turning lag that means you try to go "there" and miss because it jerks you round is indeed the most irritating thing.. Dont get me wrong, I know its all early stages and all that, but, right now, this is for me the most irritating part, and it doesnt seem to be necessarily high populated areas although its worse there.. Im talking in the academy on the noob island, the spider cave, generally running around...
Its very disorientating and definately the one thing spoiling my fun.
04-10-2018, 10:27 AM
Found a fix to this problem that I've had since day 1! Someone just blurted this out in global chat and it has pretty much eliminated this issue for me. Change Entity Animation Distance Multiplier to .50 or less in advanced graphics settings. Hope this helps yall as much as it did me. gtx 1080 and would lag all over serbule, but not now.
Thanks to Prominus.
update: After playing a bit, this definitely isn't an ideal fix, because it limits the animations of other characters and mobs, but helps in the places where I'd get the lag bad.
I tried this just after the latest update on 4/7. Things are a "leetle" better. But I usually get on in the early AM US time, and DON'T have this problem in Serbule Town at all, for maybe 1.5 hours. Because there are less then 20 people in town. Which drives me to believe it's:
1. The rendering time needed in areas with heavy foliage, or lots of lines (Serbule Marketplace).
2. The render time needed in Serbule Town when there are more then 20 people walking around/spelling/dropping items at the same time.
05-09-2018, 10:35 PM
I noticed a similar occurrence of this issue in the new Battletech game. I'll be holding mouse look and moving camera with wasd and sometimes the game will lag and the camera will jump across the map. It always makes me think of the issue in project gorgon. Maybe it's a unity issue of some kind.
edit: looks like citan confirmed it's a unity bug in new dev blog :)
05-29-2020, 07:42 PM
New player here, I know this is like 2 years old, just wondering if there is a solve I can do on my end? Very hard to play when I get flipped 180 all the time.
07-08-2020, 09:23 PM
This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.
It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!
07-09-2020, 03:06 AM
This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.
It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!
It's a bug with the game engine Unity so, unfortunately, it's out of our hands. That said, we are working on an update that includes an upgrade to the Unity Game Engine, so it may be resolved with that.
07-09-2020, 06:23 AM
This same camera lag where the camera jerks around when barely turning the camera view is happening and it is driving me absolutely crazy.
It is now July 9th, 2020. Why has this not been fixed or a solution found?!
Go to special settings and type in Spherecull if you haven't already, this should make turning around significantly less laggy unless if you're playing on a very weak computer.
It's a bug with the game engine Unity so, unfortunately, it's out of our hands. That said, we are working on an update that includes an upgrade to the Unity Game Engine, so it may be resolved with that.
Some more data for your investigation. I've definitely been experiencing this problem, post Unity update. As another user mentioned, reducing the value in Advanced Settings for "Entity Animation Distance Multiplier" greatly reduces the impact of the problem, but of course now the game looks less lively.
I see the issue most often (but not limited) when entering Serbule Keep, especially in the trading area. Without using my keyboard (A and D to turn) I doubt I could navigate my way through there.
I'm interested in providing support in investigating this problem, as I am able to reliably reproduce it.
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