View Full Version : Regarding upcoming races

06-21-2017, 08:08 AM

With the addition of dwarves, fae, etc. coming, are there any plans to offer a character race and/or name change option?

I understand that this may seem like a shameless request to pre-level a unique race (ok, it is...), but for someone like me who will only play one character (and that character WILL be a dwarf), it's a major bummer to level up a character that I'm going to end up deleting or never playing once I have said dwarf. Of course (just for my example), my dwarf will be heavily in to brewing. But assuming that all items, etc. will be wiped, all of my brewing stuff that I've collected to level the skill will be gone - and I don't want to waste them all on my current character who has no business brewing anything anyway.

I can only speak for myself, but I'd be more than willing to PAY a one-time fee for a race change to be able to carry over leveled skills, essentially.

Thanks much for reading, and any insight on upcoming plans for the implementation of the new races is greatly appreciated!


06-21-2017, 11:26 AM
We will definitely have paid name changes, and the ability to change your avatar (including gender) is coming as well.

But changing your race is much more complicated. There's not currently any tech for that, and it's not planned for the near future. Past that, we're not certain, but I wouldn't expect race changes before full launch. (That is, not Steam Early Access but full release.)

06-21-2017, 02:58 PM
Sad to hear, but not unexpected. I would definitely like to see racechanges become an option in the future though. I would much rather racechange Hoxard to dwarf and level a new deer than level a new dwarf and have to restart poetry for bard.

06-22-2017, 05:28 AM
Thanks, srand, for the reply. I guess I'll plan accordingly : )
