View Full Version : Druid Questions
03-23-2017, 08:17 AM
I have a few questions around Druid that I can't seem to find on the Wiki...
What makes the Druid skill a "PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION"?
How is this different than Archery?
What are the current drawbacks to becoming Druid?
03-23-2017, 08:55 AM
Its permanent because you cant un-druid and even if you don't have the druid skill active you are still tied to the druid emergency's and will not earn any xp in combat or crafting until the event has finished - this is also classed as the main drawback.
Its different to archer as you don't need arrows ???? not really sure on how to answer that one lol
03-23-2017, 09:28 AM
Its permanent because you cant un-druid and even if you don't have the druid skill active you are still tied to the druid emergency's and will not earn any xp in combat or crafting until the event has finished - this is also classed as the main drawback.
Its different to archer as you don't need arrows ???? not really sure on how to answer that one lol
What's the Druid Emergency's?
I've heard of Druid Events, but not following what those are either.
The Archery example wasn't very clear, sorry about that. My curiosity is how is "becoming" a Druid different than other Combat Skills (other than the obvious of Arrows and such)?
03-23-2017, 10:36 AM
They're things which druids have to go do.
Most recently, invasions of horrible creatures which are difficult for the high-level players to mob and kill. Like, seriously, my level 40 character just has to run when they show up.
03-24-2017, 04:59 AM
Druids do not need to attend this events, you just so happen to make no xp during it, I've skipped a few since I was tied up doing something else but for most part events are quickly resolved all is back to normal, attending will score you 16 drevas points.
Druids do not need to attend this events, you just so happen to make no xp during it, I've skipped a few since I was tied up doing something else [...]
Note that it could change in the future. Silvonis warned us they might consider penalizing druids that just skip druid events more. (Sorry, I can't find the reference.)
03-24-2017, 09:15 PM
Hope not, when I agreed to be a druid it was based per say on current bonus/ penalties if they planning to change things they are going to give people a chance to abort the druid thing if they wishing to, can't tear up a contract and rewrite it without getting a signature again.
03-25-2017, 12:00 AM
Hope not, when I agreed to be a druid it was based per say on current bonus/ penalties if they planning to change things they are going to give people a chance to abort the druid thing if they wishing to, can't tear up a contract and rewrite it without getting a signature again.
You are playing a game that is in development, and that means things are subject to change. When you make a permanent choice you are subject to those changes and that has always been the case.
03-25-2017, 08:35 PM
You are playing a game that is in development, and that means things are subject to change.
So you're saying the "permanent choice" thing could change? :p
03-26-2017, 08:17 AM
So you're saying the "permanent choice" thing could change? :p
The game is still in Alpha, many things can and, in some cases, will change.
I've played for a few weeks now and I've considered Druid, but I'm going to stay away from it for now, at least until I can level a nice handful of skills to 50.
03-26-2017, 09:51 PM
The game is still in Alpha
Yep, noted. Perhaps they should just put the Alpha title in the tagline... "Project: Gorgon - An Alpha MMO", it's pretty much one of the first responses to everything :)
09-03-2017, 09:34 PM
I have a few questions around Druid that I can't seem to find on the Wiki...
What makes the Druid skill a "PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION"?
How is this different than Archery?
What are the current drawbacks to becoming Druid?
So I shall do my best to answer all of these questions.
1. What makes Druid Permanent?
Well the in game lore reason is that being a Druid is more a way a life, a philosophy if you will. You are sworn to protect nature, and defend it, by going against all the forces that would do it harm. In this philosophy it contradicts with Lycanthropy, because the Lycan Goddess, Norala is the sister/other half of Dreva, the Druid goddess. They are two sides of the same coin per say. Nature, one sworn to protect the weak and preserve nature, while the other is the wrathful part of Nature, devouring those it can, while securing a place for the strong. Dreva/Norala. Thats why you cannot have both the Druid and Lycan skills active at the same time.
2. How is Druid different then Archery? is a really really good DPS skill that uses a bow to kill enemies at high rates, and provides utility by somehow shooting your allies with arrows, and having other arrow types, each useful in different situations.
And the other Druid is more built as a support skill to help you out with heals, or protect you against melee attackers.
3. What are the current drawbacks on being a druid?
...Number 1. It is permanent, like Lycanthropy. Once you got it, you cannot remove it. You chose the way of life, and all the side-effects that come with it.
So to activate the Druid ability you must have a wooden conduit, such as these: Wooden Clubs(Hammer), Bows(Archery), Staves(Staff/Fire Magic/Ice Magic), Wooden Animal Shoes(Cow, Deer, not sure on Pig), and the Spider Harness(for well Spiders). If you do not have any wooden conduit/weapon, you cannot use the druid skill.
And the only other drawback is that sometimes during the day, randomly assigned by the Admins using some program or something(I am not a tech person). You will have a Druid Event, which starts off as such. BOOOM Premonition, now you have about One Hour till the druid event starts, it will involve some form of Killing monsters. Druids do not gain any XP while the druid event is taking place (not the premonition part, just the actual killing session), Do not worry chances are it'll be done in like 15 minutes, so its not a huge loss. Heck most of these events give nice loot, animal parts that are useful. Main reason for that is YOU SIGNED UP to be a druid, so now its your responsibility to deal with Nature when she wants to mess you up.
Serbule: Krakens
South Serbule: Ranalons
Etilbule: Droaches
Kur: Frost Elementals
Ilmari: Beholders
Your Questions Have been answered by Nrdr123, your friendly neighborhood Rabbit/Wolf/Cow/Deer/Bat/Druid/Any and all Future Beast Forms. Have Fun.
09-03-2017, 09:51 PM
You are playing a game that is in development, and that means things are subject to change. When you make a permanent choice you are subject to those changes and that has always been the case.
Then at least give us a way to get rid of druidism once you change it. That's like signing a contract and the other side changes the rules in the middle of the match.
What we signed up for was, no exp in anything during druid events.
Druid events in general are normally resolved in minutes, most of the time they're over before you can travel from the neck of the woods where you're currently to where ever the event happens. Suicide Express (TM) is only still in the game because there's no mounts, right, so don't forget that. And then there's times when you're in the middle of a dungeon with a bunch of guildies or friends and would have to permanently drop out of that, since we don't have a party summon type of spell.
And this is where such a penalty would totally ruin a character, even worse than lycan does with those 3 days of fullmoon.
I unlocked druid to 70, hence spent a TON of money for the skill and all the spells, the gear, but seriously, if you don't give us a way to "un-druid" in case you do implement such penalty measures, I'll not be happy with it, and so won't anybody else you just showed the middle finger.
That's also not how you treat people who test earnestly and report bugs, give input etc.
09-03-2017, 10:08 PM
Before someone comes with the "but 1 hour premonition" argument, I often log in to less than 5 min left or an event in progress.
You also never know how much is left till it starts and where it's gonna be.
When you have one of those overeager "yay draeva getttttt" groups around, chances are good you'll miss it completely.
And don't even get me started on the terrible tagging system.
09-04-2017, 06:08 PM
Nrd, I believe that's a no on the piggies (also no for bats and rabbits afaik, can rabbits equip anything druid-ish?)
09-04-2017, 09:02 PM
Nope Rabbits cannot use the Druid Skill, but on the upside Ice Magic. Sooooo Worth it. I am biased for Rabbit Form, since I can use my Unarmed/Ice Magic Combo on it. But yea Bats and Rabbits cannot use Druid skill.
Maybe in the future they will add some sort of harness for them to work with like Spiders have.
09-04-2017, 11:35 PM
Then at least give us a way to get rid of druidism once you change it. That's like signing a contract and the other side changes the rules in the middle of the match.
What we signed up for was, no exp in anything during druid events.
Druid events in general are normally resolved in minutes, most of the time they're over before you can travel from the neck of the woods where you're currently to where ever the event happens. Suicide Express (TM) is only still in the game because there's no mounts, right, so don't forget that. And then there's times when you're in the middle of a dungeon with a bunch of guildies or friends and would have to permanently drop out of that, since we don't have a party summon type of spell.
And this is where such a penalty would totally ruin a character, even worse than lycan does with those 3 days of fullmoon.
I unlocked druid to 70, hence spent a TON of money for the skill and all the spells, the gear, but seriously, if you don't give us a way to "un-druid" in case you do implement such penalty measures, I'll not be happy with it, and so won't anybody else you just showed the middle finger.
That's also not how you treat people who test earnestly and report bugs, give input etc.
We have always said, "Accepting the mantle of Druid is a PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION. Even though this is Alpha, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS CHOICE FROM YOUR CHARACTER." We have also always said that those who choose to become a Druid will need to heed the call of the wild, and that has always been the case.
We are on repeat on this, but this is an Alpha. That means things are subject to change and if you choose a permanent alteration that is an inherit risk. Anything and everything is subject to change. We don't have any immediate plans for those who intentinonally skip Druid events, but that is of course something that could change in the future.
09-05-2017, 09:48 AM
We have always said, "Accepting the mantle of Druid is a PERMANENT CHARACTER ALTERATION. Even though this is Alpha, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS CHOICE FROM YOUR CHARACTER." We have also always said that those who choose to become a Druid will need to heed the call of the wild, and that has always been the case.
We are on repeat on this, but this is an Alpha. That means things are subject to change and if you choose a permanent alteration that is an inherit risk. Anything and everything is subject to change. We don't have any immediate plans for those who intentinonally skip Druid events, but that is of course something that could change in the future.
Alpha, subject to change, permanent alteration, is understood and not the point. My point is, that, if you want to focus on punishing mechanics instead of reward systems, in ways that punish harder than currently, then Druidism needs an opt-out for the testing phase, because punishing mechanics are not fun and not what I expected when I became Druid and Lycan. 3 days of forced wolf is a good tradeoff for the undisputed power of the skill. Expensive "un" potions for animal forms make sense, so people think twice before they go animal and shut doors with lots of vendors and inconvenience themselves greatly. All these things, you can plan around. What you can NOT plan around is, when you suddenly run around as if you'd be cursed by 3 different bosses, because your kid needed attention or your dog needed to go out or your day at work was exhaustive and you're on autopilot for an hour to relax and thus fail to participate in those events. No XP for 10, 15, 90 minutes? Yeah, no big deal. Not fun either, but you can live with it and do something else. So, if the system stays as is, there's no problem, but if you intend to ramp up the "hardcore oldschool factor" for Druids because it's OldschoolCool, then that's not okay in my book. Oh, and if you want to punish Druidism, then make it stronger. Like, lycans faceroll through dungeons and archers explode dungeon levels with 2 buttons as reward for the pain they go through, whereas Druidism is a weird mix of toned-down support and damage, not in the slightest an "advanced skill".
There, wall of text hits capslock. Let's find out if the forum implodes.
09-05-2017, 10:57 AM
Druids probably need something they can do in the interim if they're too far to help.
Or be excused from it if they weren't around for the summons.
09-05-2017, 11:56 AM
So, if the system stays as is, there's no problem, but if you intend to ramp up the "hardcore oldschool factor" for Druids because it's OldschoolCool, then that's not okay in my book.
Good to know.
09-05-2017, 02:24 PM
Druids can fly (reminder).
Silvonis, you said something scary though "We don't have any immediate plans for those who intentionally skip Druid events, but that is of course something that could change in the future". That's a tad scary, I do admit skipping druid events intentionally but in the future, how can you determine if it's intentional or not.
Since this was discussed a lot, I'll say it again I'm fine being both druid and lycan, I knew they were both permanent although at the time we didn't have druid events. I haven't used any for combat in a long time but I'm okay with the downsides as long as we don't get the lycan+druid characters deleted or something.
There's no secret I hate the current form of druid events but I have hope they will be tweaked so...what's the big deal about druid being permanent? Except the event mobs are not loot pinatas anymore *insert evil laugh*, this seems to be the huge issue. They are perfectly doable, all that's required is tagging a mob (boring and all but you can get the credit for participation).
09-05-2017, 06:58 PM
It'd probably like if you haven't participated in any form in a druid event (like attack a monster, like droach or kraken), for the past like 3 weeks or something, you are forced to be in Druid ability mode till you participate in the next event and you will gain no xp till then. Thats what I think it might turn into, or they put an effect like, Nature's Wrath OR Repudiation: Your character is now 100% vulnerable to Darkness, Fire, and Nature Damage. So some type of temporary curse.
09-05-2017, 09:40 PM
What do you do about people who take a game break or are unable to log during druid events though? I have only seen one popping in the past 2 weeks while I was online.
09-05-2017, 10:14 PM
Can't punish offline people, that would be insane. This also includes people who have to log off during events. Adults have a lot more going on in their lives than gaming.
What do you do about people who take a game break or are unable to log during druid events though? I have only seen one popping in the past 2 weeks while I was online.
Instead of "not participating in the last 3 weeks", it can be "not participating in the last 10 events you've been online". They happen randomly, so not being able to log in would not matter.
09-06-2017, 04:52 AM
Or why not just DDOS every user who has a druid flag but isn't doing the event?
Seriously - if you have to punish someone to force them to do content, that content is not fun enough. And really, druid events are many things, but "fun" is not one of them.
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