View Full Version : Some newbie Questions for starting

07-25-2024, 12:21 AM
Sooo I started an Adventurer in this game.

I found my way to Serbule and took on most of the favor quests (I may have missed some) but somehow its quite hard for me. It seems to do some I need first favor with someone else and for that I need even more stuff etc...

I got fire magic (for killing deers as the npc recommend), sword and psychology for combat. But every brain bug/tiger/wild pig kill me if they find a friend and somehow there are good in this :) Do I need better loot (which is really random?) other skills, more level, more I do not know??

I do pick everything up I can find. Should I level cooking (any other crafting skill? Found carpentry and alchemy so far) first?

I do like to play a healer normally, I did read that mentalism is for that? (Hello Echur who needs more favor...) But that guide said something from mentalism and fae magic. Is that the only way? Because fae magic requires being a fairy which requires a not so easy group quest which requires a new character with drawbacks?

I am mainly confused by now, partly I get killed so often and just do not know if I do something wrong or if solo is really that hard?

slope (https://slope3.com)
Am i meant to go to other zones? I fould the gate to Eltibule but was to scared to go further :) Just marked it on my map. Because in other games I played to complete one zone before going to another as they increase in level/difficulty

07-29-2024, 03:47 PM
Getting killed is usually only a minor setback, and you probably want to find new ways to die to get as much Death XP as possible (it is its own skill after all). Learning cooking and getting the buffs from food are really helpful to stay alive longer. Learning to pull one monster at a time and running away before being overwhelmed are important tactics to learn. There is a lot to learn, once you get built up in level and you know monsters strengths it will seem easier. Gathering material like pork, venison and animal skins help with making money, gifting for favor and getting combat xp without too much danger.

Serbule Hills is also a low level zone you will probably want to check out early on, it is south of Serbule keep. Some quest will require going to higher level zones, and you can end up having quests that probably sit on your quest log for a fair amount of time. The quests with an orange dots and the main quests, all the rest are mostly side quests.

BowGus Degamer
08-15-2024, 05:24 PM
Beware - Fire Magic is a strong skill but it is among the most expensive to lvl as it needs so many rare mats
Try various skills and run them up to lvl 30 or so until you find ones that u enjoy.
By lvl 50 u'll know if they suit you or not.
lvl 60 has pricey lvl uncap, lvl 70 has bank breaker uncap (350K+)
Run those skills up to 80-90 then use one of them to lvl a new skill.
all those non-combat skills will be useful but making your own gear will only happen after you've max'd the combat stuff.
They're just slow to go up.
One major thing to do is to join a guild for all the help and support they will give.
While lvling, team up when you can for faster kills, to make good friends and to let other ppl know who you are.