View Full Version : ... (*waves*)

01-08-2024, 11:51 AM
Most of my intro's in my siggy.
I'm on Demo version right now, don't even know if people can see me typing "Hi" to them when I can only type in Demo chat.
Not yet decide if I'm buying the game, but I'm taking my time. Wanna find Friends first, honestly. I'm good at team-playing. Send me a message, chat me ingame, do your thing.
Hi, Everyone. <3

01-08-2024, 04:06 PM
Hi Fath, welcome to Project Gorgon

I think I saw you earlier today in Serbule Keep. Regular players have to opt in to Demo Chat, so there are a bunch of long time players that will see your demo chats but individual players may not. Of course other demo people will also see them. There is no time limit on the demo, so take as long as you like. Hope you find what your are looking for from the game, and join us fully. :) Be sure to check the wiki and get the link to the official Discord, it is more lively than the forums.

01-08-2024, 04:31 PM
Thanks, ShieldBreaker! Appreciate the info, and the Welcome *^_^*

01-10-2024, 04:46 AM
Welcome to the game!

01-10-2024, 01:14 PM
Thanks, duane!

I'm going for 'step 2' now, trying to find a Guild home... I know I can't join one till I purchase the game, but I'm just trying to trod down some kind of solid path before I do...