View Full Version : Update Notes: November 17, 2023

11-17-2023, 12:16 AM
This is a small update that fixes a number of bugs, as well as tweaking and extending the new content from our last update.

Dungeon-Related Fixes and Improvements
Warning -- these patch notes contain spoilers. If you haven't started the new dungeon in Errruka the Benefactor's cave, just skip this section.
The acid slime in Errruka's Cave now displays in the correct location. It was displaying too low, leaving players thinking they were high and dry when they actually weren't.
Previously, the animal combat-skill trainer challenge required you to be an animal for at least 7 days of real-world time and 12 hours of gameplay time. The former requirement of real-world time was not communicated, leaving some animals unsure why they couldn't open the door. For simplicity we've dropped the real-world time requirement.
Added a few special respawning eggs to the Aktaari event. These "egg events" are a prototype way to add replayability to the Aktaari event. In the future we may implement a large number of these sorts of "events", and randomly choose which are active during each Aktaari run.
Fixed a bug that prevented Aktaari Princess's door from activating.
Completing the mummy puzzle reopens doors leading to the puzzle (if they happen to have closed).
The exit to the Lady room remains unlocked for several minutes after leaving (in case players return immediately).
Rixie's Floating rings respawn more quickly.
Evu Fruit requires Foraging 85, down from 95.
The Elite version of Mangler Scorpions have been replaced with much larger Mutilator Scorpions (to make it easier to differentiate them from the non-Elite scorpions).
You can now unlock Hammer 81-90, Battle Chemistry 81-90, and Butchering 81-90 at the appropriate trainers.
You can no longer unlock Fishing 81-90 until you've unlocked Fishing 71-80.
Fixed a bug where giving Support Local Fauna Initiative flier to Hazy Mirror yielded no item.
Fixed typo in Serendipity Cheddar's dialog.
Added an additional boss encounter (although there's still at least one boss that has yet to be discovered)

Non-Dungeon-Related Fixes
Fixed a whole bunch of typos in skill hints.
The ability Summon Doomstorm no longer refers to "frangments" instead of "fragments".
Awesome Spring Fairy Shoes, the recipe, and the recipe scroll, are all now properly Awesome instead of just Amazing.
Changed labels of armor- and power-restore after death-avoidance attribute, so they no longer just say "Healing".
Fixed display of triple digit levels on your hotbar.
The recipe for Astounding Skinning Knife was erroneously called Awesome.
Coffee beans and soybeans are worth more Foraging XP.
Fixed: Stun Trap 5 had same stats as Stun Trap 6.
Orcish Wheat now grows in visible stages.
Fixed the broken locked-NPC UI icon.
Performance Appreciation info effect should now disappear when you're not appreciating any performances.
Fixed some bugs causing instrument playing animations to get out of sync.
"Square" map indicators have been renamed "Pointed Square", and a new Square (which is the old square) has been added in its place.
Updated player nameplate colors in real-time as a response to entering or exiting PvP mode.
When your targeted player is in PvP mode, an icon will indicate as much (replacing an old bugged-out icon showing their level as 0).
Animal forms that are in skeleton illusion can now mount properly.
Updated Brambleskin 10's damage.
Changed level at which the third cheesemaking cask is unlocked to 40 (previously 41).
Fixed mount form for skeletons when their underlying form is spider.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause unlisted vendor items to list for 0 councils.
Updated Bounding Escape 6 numbers (7 speed for 12 seconds -> 9 speed for 17 seconds)
System Shock abilities dealt 1 point of Damage-over-Time even when no DoT treasure effects were in use.
Warden (Necklace): "While Privacy Field is active, melee attacks that damage you have a 75% chance to restore 34 Power to you" => this treasure effect did not work correctly
Icesnake can now occur with Ice Magic treasure effects.
Head Candle will now persist through zoning & changing gear.
Deep Wasps now count for the "Bats Eat Bugs" quest.

We'll be back with more fixes and updates soon!