View Full Version : SausageJavelins is not me

09-19-2022, 04:54 AM
If you see any of the following characters in-game, please understand that they are not mine:




Not sure why I'm even posting this. I deleted my chars, after dropping a bunch of stuff, although I wouldn't say I had any desire to delete and quit.
Mental illness is a terrible thing, beyond anything for which most people have relatable experiences.

I never wanted to do this...but I certainly felt an overwhelming compulsion to do whatever harm to myself that I could, be it non-physical. This had nothing to do with the game, the community, the developers, any of it. There was no good reason for this.

I deleted my mushroom farming app as well. Seems ironic that the only issue request submitted for PhasePharmer was submitted today.

Please understand that none of this was intentional. You are all awesome and that's probably why I didn't fit in well...

09-20-2022, 12:21 PM
Sorry to see you go. And very sorry you are having these problems. You'll be missed.

Take care. Come back if you can.

09-21-2022, 08:16 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you're hurting like this. I've been there too and I know it feels impossible to climb out of that black hole. I just want you to know that ever since I started playing way back in alpha, you've enriched this community with your presence and warmth. You've made it a better, more fun place to be.

I made that one issue report. I'm truly sorry if that catalyzed any of this. PhasePharmer has been a great resource for me and I would have liked to help fix that issue (as much as I could with my meager Ruby and JS skills). I understand if you need to step away from all of this for a while. I know I did.


09-22-2022, 09:00 AM
Very sorry to hear of your issues and departure from PG. You are missed.