View Full Version : New Race Avatars

06-29-2022, 08:25 AM
With the Fae, and soon Orc and others, being introduced it has opened to door to get additional character slots.
The new VIP pay to play is what inspired me to suggest another option, since there is an obvious mechanic in play to expand the 4 slot max and also an obvious need for additional funding to produce the game.

A simple one time fee for a single extra character.
For many who have been playing forever, the current slots are fully utilized (for storage if nothing else). Giving one up to examine a new race's gameplay is not an option.

If that is a deal breaker, then possibly ponder door #2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) . The ability to change the race of an existing character.
Converting a mule character into an Orc, or Fae, or whatever.

06-30-2022, 08:05 PM
A simple one time fee for a single extra character.
For many who have been playing forever, the current slots are fully utilized (for storage if nothing else). Giving one up to examine a new race's gameplay is not an option.

With funding development the main purpose of having VIP, packages, and straight up donation options available, do you have a proposed price point for this extra character slot? Because right now, I have to say that with the sale going on, you could get quite a deal with a second account right now. Like Mik said. And have four slots.

Or did you want this to be pay to play? With an à la carte menu. You know...that sounds like a cash store situation. Exactly what we should not have.


07-01-2022, 03:07 AM
They already got the cash store initiative working. Just trying to motivate and make it more useful for my game style.
I cannot be the only one not willing to pay a continuous subscription for a beta, with perks that disappear when not paying.
As to your fix, a second account would lack the requirements needed to access the new races and try them out, which is the point of this query.

Price is up to them and like any other business decision, each of us would have to determine if we think it is worth it for just one extra slot.
I am not even all that excited to try a new race, but it would be nice to have it as an option, even if it is a non-cash door #2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) scenario.