View Full Version : How is the game?
I first played in PG 2017; left some time in 2018. Have a few questions about the game now. Kind of thinking about trying it again.
I am wondering how development has come along?
Is there chat combat log yet?
Does the GUI still have the odd grey box?
Really, I would like to know if current players feel that it is worth getting back in to.
What is the player base like? [Active times (US)/ est. numbers]
Thanks for your time!
06-03-2022, 02:25 PM
If you already own the game, easiest is to just log in and take a look at things.
We have a chat log, (i don't use it, so vague on details) I think it's tied to the VIP system right now until they are happy with it.
Developement is moving along nicely. A LOT has been added since you played. New zones, dungeons, mounts, fae race with mounts on the way. New skills both combat and non combat.
Graphics are slowly getting better with zone redesigns. I think kur is up next. Player base goes up and down, with lots coming back when we get a new area.
Genetics and animal breeding are being tested on faebees and wasps, other animals in the works when the system is ready.
Orcs and Statehelm are on the way. The world gets bigger all the time.
Just became Pay To Play (or more like pay pay pay pay pay to play).
I know why they did, but I am curious how it will work for them in the long run.
06-28-2022, 11:25 AM
It absolutely did not become pay to play. VIP is mostly "I want to donate to the developers".
What you get is a little storage space. Which barely matters now with the hugely expanded space from saddle bags.
I want to donate
There was already a method to donate, this is much larger.
Four extra characters who can auto skill while you are off line, plus the mentioned extra inventory across the board?
And it all disappears the month you stop paying? That is a flavor of PTP no matter how much you hate to admit it.
Look, as I said I understand the need. More money equals more production and everybody involved would like to at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am as much a fanboy as anyone and have dropped several games over the years while staying with Eric and Sandra's dream. Why? Because I really enjoy gaming in the world created.
That said, this new VIP is Pay To Play and I am curious if it will help or hinder. I was borderline tempted to try it, except for the disappointment imagined when payment stops for whatever reason (4 characters and their inventory poof - plus remaining characters overloaded with no place to put things - which makes VIP a permanent decision). But that is me.
If VIP is worth a subscription fee for a beta to you, have at it. Just don't pretend it isn't what it is.
06-29-2022, 11:51 AM
I don't "hate to admit it". That's your method of saying "I'm right, you won't admit it."
I disagree with your statement.
In comparing PTP games, what PG gives you is very little. You and some other people like to use VIP to beat the PTP drum.
I disagree with your statement.
I said it first. There has been a means to donate for four or five years, yet that was your knee jerk response.
Further, how much a PTP scheme gives you is irrelevant to the definition.
Can you advance normal gameplay by spending money or opening a paywall? If yes, well, you know....
Regardless, as I mentioned, if you wish to pay a subscription to a beta to gain advantage, have at it.
06-30-2022, 09:32 AM
I'm looking at two long-timers with different opinions about the VIP program and wondering how to help. The OP was asking "How is the game?" OP, the game is great. Plenty of new things added all the time and players are having fun. Since you asked a broad question, that's the quick answer. If you own the game, pop in and check it out. Otherwise, give the demo a shot.
I'm rowing the boat here, Drum. As you know, VIP was in the development plan from the beginning. This is not a new add-on. Personally, I bought a package from the Indigogo campaign years ago, knowing it had a VIP component. As Mikhaila describes, VIP is about supporting the game. There is not another income strategy for the development team after players purchase the game. Given that there's no expectation that game will have thousands of new players buying Project: Gorgon, VIP is the method by which we are able to contribute to the well-being of the game. We're clear on that, yes?
As for your claim that the game is pay to play, I'm not expecting to change your opinion, but I do acknowledge your feedback. One perspective on supporting the game could be: the longer you play, the smaller the price/hour played ratio. As an example, If you paid $40 for the game and played 4000 hours (completely possible for some of us), your current dollar/hour ratio is one cent per hour. I've played enough that I'm already feeling like I need to give a bit more back to the team and may do so during the current fundraising drive.
1000 VIP Challenge. (Latest update: Active VIP tally: Subscriptions: 508 - Packages: 399 - Tokens: 7 - Total: 914)
Separately, you have concerns about the benefits VIP affords, including four extra characters, auto-skill, and extra inventory. Players who contribute do want to feel like they get something for their support dollars, therefore the VIP program does have perks. How would it elsewise succeed?
I was borderline tempted to try it, except for the disappointment imagined when payment stops for whatever reason (4 characters and their inventory poof - plus remaining characters overloaded with no place to put things - which makes VIP a permanent decision). But that is me.
If VIP is worth a subscription fee for a beta to you, have at it. Just don't pretend it isn't what it is.
I don't think anyone is pretending. VIP does benefit players that use it, but it's not necessary to play and enjoy the game. Skipping the VIP subscription could be compared to the different versions of hardcore available in the game. VIP makes things easier, like... being a druid makes things easier ;). If you choose to try out VIP for a month, you can structure your account so that you don't feel pinched when the VIP expires. There is no need for any form of competition in game; however you decide to play is up to you and VIP could be part of that.
Grey ~( '. ')~
06-30-2022, 11:56 AM
I said it first. There has been a means to donate for four or five years, yet that was your knee jerk response.
Further, how much a PTP scheme gives you is irrelevant to the definition.
Can you advance normal gameplay by spending money or opening a paywall? If yes, well, you know....
Regardless, as I mentioned, if you wish to pay a subscription to a beta to gain advantage, have at it.
Hardly a "kneejerk reaction". That's just a tag you like to use with anyone that disagrees with you, trying to claim they didn't think about their opinion. :)
But a subscription? Please. I tossed 500 at the game before there ever was a benefit to the package. For me, that's how much enjoyment out of it.
By your definition, the game is PTP. That's fine, we all have our opinions. I'm guessing you'd also say it was PTP if you could donate a dime and get 1 fish. You paid, you got a benefit. PTP by definition.
I've played many PTP games. The benefits far outstrip what you get otherwise, and it can be nearly impossible to play the games without playing. I simply don't see PG in that catagory. Extra slots for characters? Extra storage? I could just buy another account while things are on sale and have the equivalent of VIP for a one time fee.
But you have your opinion, and I have mine. I feel calling the game PTP is unfair, especially when talking to new players. Just a vast difference in the VIP program and what we normally see in PTP games. It's almost as if you are angry about VIP and have some sort of grudge...but maybe I'm reading to much into it.
But I'm done. Not worth arguing with you. I'll toss you to ignore, maybe you do the same to me, and we keep our opinions from clashing on the boards.
Gee, I disagree with him, so ignore? Whatever. lol
My point stays, even if ignored. If you get something (like leveling while offline) that cannot be gotten in the game no matter how much you want to grind, merely by paying some money, that is the literal definition of Pay To Play.
Meanwhile, yeah back to the origin of this thread.
As mentioned, several new areas and an additional race MGO. Skills are way higher now also (80). As to game play.. I already mentioned I dropped several games while remaining here, so that sort of answers that (at least for me).
Just wander back in and poke around.
06-30-2022, 04:47 PM
Gee, I disagree with him, so ignore? Whatever. lol
My point stays, even if ignored. If you get something (like leveling while offline) that cannot be gotten in the game no matter how much you want to grind, merely by paying some money, that is the literal definition of Pay To Play.
Meanwhile, yeah back to the origin of this thread.
As mentioned, several new areas and an additional race MGO. Skills are way higher now also (80). As to game play.. I already mentioned I dropped several games while remaining here, so that sort of answers that (at least for me).
Just wander back in and poke around.
What do you get that has use in gameplay that cannot be ground out otherwise? Besides some slots for the item or character storage?
Because you claimed " pay pay pay pay pay to play" not just pay to win. Which makes your unreasonable over-exaggeration extend from a skewed viewpoint to a level of ignorant dishonesty.
What do you get that has use in gameplay that cannot be ground out otherwise?
Ahh, thanks for that. I would have bet money it would get to name calling and smears eventually.
My skewed view - ignorant dishonesty was in the quote you forwarded. Did you actually read it or just click on reply to snark on me?
Leveling while offline. (where do you go to grind that?).
At least the horses could be gotten in game - so Horse Packages were not restricted to a paywall, so they fit your definition.
I am as much a fanboy of Gorgon as anyone, yet you are acting like I dissed the game? All I said is there is now a money menu and you can rebrand that however you wish, but it is still there.
I will repeat my comment once more. If you wish to pay a subscription fee for a beta to gain perks otherwise not available in the game, have at it.
07-02-2022, 12:22 AM
drum - Yeah. It's time for this to stop. In case you feel you have to try to get the last word in on that, I'll just say: I won't repeat myself. You managed to turn an innocent question into your own personal tirade. I hope I do not see this again. Ever.
Kind of thinking about trying it again.
A lot has indeed happened in the four years or so you have been gone. So have you decided to rejoin the game?
What are your reactions so far, if so?
The new skill levels can be costly and a bit of a grind, but that isn't a new thing and exploring the new areas can at least make it more interesting than killing another 1500 goblins.
Ahh, goblins. Catalog Goblins were added to the player vendor areas including the added Casino in Eltibule, so finding the necessary needful thing at least got easier if nothing else.
As tedious as it sounds, searching the forums for Update Notes and scrolling them from back in time when you stopped might be your best bet for a heads up, or just rejoin the game and start the adventure.
So long gone, it will be like playing for the first time.
I first played in PG 2017; left some time in 2018. Have a few questions about the game now. Kind of thinking about trying it again.
I am wondering how development has come along?
Is there chat combat log yet?
Does the GUI still have the odd grey box?
Really, I would like to know if current players feel that it is worth getting back in to.
What is the player base like? [Active times (US)/ est. numbers]
Thanks for your time!
I guess it depends on why you stopped playing initially?
Fundamentally the game is the same game. It still has its unique, quirky mechanics if that was something that you liked. The world has expanded and there have been some quality of life changes and new skill inclusions. Better visuals.
On the other side the game is still really really grindy and there seems to be a thing of adding new content like skills that are not very fun at all when you first start using them. You guessed it, you have a massive grind to get to a point where they start to feel fun. As previously stated there is now a pay to win element if that is something that bothers you.
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