View Full Version : New Player Feedback 1-21-2022

01-21-2022, 06:19 AM
Please allow me to preface this post by stating that I have been asked multiple times by different people to submit my feedback as a new player and that today marks the end of the third week of my time playing Project: Gorgon and although I wanted a more complete perspective of the game before submitting my findings I am uncertain of whether there will be a fourth week and so I am taking the time to reply as of community request before I leave.

Starting Out:

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with the game and within an hour of playing through the tutorial island I knew that Project: Gorgon had something special. I loved that I could equip any different weapon at any time and completely change how my character fought. The writing was good, the world immersive, and I was eager to find my way in the world. That feeling hit a sudden halt when I discovered that all of the loot I had been gathering was tailored to my equipped skills so when I finally did find a weapon I enjoyed using, I had no equipment for it. I deleted my character and only later found out that it is not uncommon for new players to delete their first character. "How important is having gear for my skills, in this game?" I asked myself. Begrudgingly, I decided to give the game another shot and made a new character with the skills that I discovered to be enjoyable. I believe this is where most players stop.

Serbule and the Surrounding Areas:

I'm glad that I decided to make another character because truly this is the best part of the game. I began playing on New Years Day so the population was great and everyone was having a great time. The help channel was a tremendous boon and any time I became stuck the players were there to support me. I learned a lot about the game very quickly and even met some other new players to group up with. Through following the quests I soon found myself at the gates of Serbule Crypt where I found even more people to group up with, several of which I am still friends with today! Even getting inside of the crypt without the skeletal archers and mages killing me was tricky and it became quite clear that to get far in this game you would need to team up with others.

Over the next few days I made it my mission to do as many quests and explore as much of the zone(s) as I could. I sought out a guild to facilitate this desire and because before this point I had experienced nothing beyond the help channel, nearby chat, and speaking with my friends it was a huge culture shock to find that several high level guilds were very toxic, demanding that I search the wiki for information or sign up on their website before I could be included. I did eventually find a guild after a few days of searching. I believe this is where most of those that make it beyond the tutorial island stop.

Eltibule and Sun Vale:

By the time I had reached Eltibule it felt like the player population outside of my newly acquired guild had dropped by as much as 75%. I could go hours without seeing another player, and the range between players had become so great that finding players to work on the same quests or progression as myself had become too great for both parties to benefit simultaneously. I spent a lot of time in this level range soloing, occasionally doing a single dungeon clear per day with my guild at specific hours. It seems like the questions I began to have around this point were no longer answered in the help channel and I was even met with the same animosity I found when searching for a guild for asking simple questions such as: Are the stat benefits of sitting in a chair worth leveling up carpentry? During this period of a few days I had to add as many as 2 or 3 people to my ignore list per day for soliciting to me in private messages when I spoke in the nearby or help channels. I played mostly alone outside of my guild activities and the players I met in the world began to ignore me or run past when I said hello and refused to group up, more concerned with farming art alone or power-leveling their 10th skill. By this point I would argue that 90% of the players who have started this game have quit to find more friendly, social, and fun games.

Kur Mountains:

This is where the game dies. I have played entire days without talking to a single person outside of my friends list, hours at a time without even a single living soul in sight. Nobody wants to group up, nobody wants to do the dungeons. This zone alone took more time than every zone before it, combined, and not simply because the quests are difficult and you find yourself grinding at a snail's pace between the few acts of kindness you will receive from higher level players to aid you in making progress through content that was never intended to be done alone, but because the cost to train becomes exponentially greater as all of your skills begin to hit their respective caps at the same time. With the cost of a trader being 7k per day and the number of users online at any given moment being too low to sell goods to other players via the trade channel, this truly did seem to be "the wall." I looked up and saw a lot of high level players doing group missions, dailies, and even hanging out around town, so I decided to leave the Kur Mountains as quickly as I could... Ilmari is 100% dead. The next two zones have no players in them at all. Kur Mountains is where the game dies. Player traders are asking ridiculous sums of money for crafted armor that can allow me to bypass all of that. The game doesn't mean that much to me, and if you look at the zones following this harsh wasteland you'll see that the players agree.

The Future:

I found a player in global chat that will commission me a full set of gear for a fourth of the price that the player-traders are asking, but only after dealing with the toxic attitude and nay-sayers who think you don't need to have gear to progress through dead zones alone or perhaps are too dissociated from what it means to be new again. True to my word I will be farming to purchase this set of gear over the next few days but gear won't change the number of players in those zones, it will simply allow me to access a greater amount of content alone. The reason this game seems popular is because there are 500 people packed into 3 zones like sardines. The reality of the situation is that this game has fewer players than emulators and indie-projects and in spite of it's 6.8 out of 10 score this game can't even stand toe-to-toe with "F-tier" MMORPGs like Archeage and Rift.

With all of that being said please allow me to more concisely describe my concerns in listed format:

- If you're going to tie regeneration to combat don't force players to stay in combat for a random duration after the fight is over.
- The pathing of mobs in certain dungeons like the goblin dungeon under Eltibule keep or the werewolf cave in the Kur Mountains is atrocious and seems like an artificial difficulty that shouldn't exist for solo players or groups.
- The primary means of making coin in this game should not be through emptying a vendors pocket. Players come first in an MMORPG and so does real-player trading. I shouldn't be selling crafting materials to vendors for money.
- Some skills like Fuel to Flesh have underwhelming values and it feels bad to even waste the time and hotbar slots to use them. Fuel to flesh is 25 more power with a cooldown long enough to only use it once per fight when after the fight is over my regeneration will kick in for 10x more power per interval of time. I can see this skill being useful with mods that are not easily available and secondary to damage. An example more players might be able to appreciate is "Dig Deep" which not only has an activation cost (time) but restores as little as 20% of your power bar every 2 minutes. Brain Scrub becomes irrelevant because a -1 power debuff means nothing when my abilities cost over 100 and my resource pool is over 400.
- Some skills, like Dig Deep or Tundra spikes will force your character to go into "walk mode" which largely defeats the point of using them. Some skills like Tundra Spikes, which is a pbaoe, require a target to activate and should not. Some skills, such as Ring of Fire, will actually put your character in combat mode and force you to suffer regeneration and movement speed penalties without using them on an enemy target.
- Due to the strict requirements to setting up and maintain a trader, quest related goods are not accessible for purchase at low levels because it is not cost or time efficient for mid-level players to list those items. It took me a week to make butter in this game for a quest I received within the first couple of days of playtime because I had to learn cheesemaking, which required me to learn textiling, which required me to grind favor, in the middle of a zone surrounded by mobs, because for all 7 days there was no butter, stools, benches, lapis lazuli, fire powder... on the market.
- I should not be forced to level skills that make no sense thematically for my character and skills that I do not enjoy and should be optional but are not. To unlock augmentation you are required to sink tons of time and money leveling skills that serve no purpose for your character, and benefit you in no way outside of augmentation. This seems like an artifical time-sink and pushes players away.
- There needs to be a way to more easily find parties and guilds. I'm not asking for a "group finder" but it's clear that you need some means of organizing people. Until I found a guild and established a retinue of friends trying to organize dungeons, even low level ones, was a near impossibility. People log on at different times, and want to go to different zones, and don't know what the requirements for activities are or if there even is any in the first place. I think a "meeting board" might help in that players can pin or post messages that they are seeking others or forming parties. Something does need to be done, however, because sitting around the entrance of a zone waiting for more people to show up only goes so far.
- This isn't a personal issue because I haven't made it to a point where I can find satisfaction in grinding out the details but I was informed that the combat logging in this game is too poor to develop a program capable of calculating DPS, HPS, or Damage received. This hurts the longevity of the game.
- If flying or swimming drains power it should also offer endurance experience. There is no swimming skill, running, or jumping skills, although these seem more optional.
- The difference between players using running speed modifications and those that are not is too severe. A player with the wisdom to equip run-speed enhancing gear that you can find at levels 5-10 alongside a running potion of trivial difficulty and a skill that provides greater movement is the difference between waiting 5 minutes for everyone in your group to arrive or 30 minutes. Finding people to group with is difficult enough without the party disbanding due to boredom. I believe mounts may help to alleviate this present issue.
- I have heard complaints from multiple people that when unlocking a new skill such as ice magic or druidism that they should not have to re-level their skills from 1. I believe this is a valid complaint that although did not affect me because I was at the time working on unlocking augmentation would have potentially caused me to quit and find a new game to "start over" in.
- I love that you can open a browser page to the wiki from within the game, but 95% of the information on the wikipedia is void. For a game that is... 8 years into development with in-game support and functionality I expect more.
- It took me 2 weeks to realize that I didn't need the crystal awl from the starting quest in Serbule and when asking in global chat I was only told that, "you cannot get another." This needs to be cleaned up.
- When attempting to use the unstuck command the game replied, "no path available" and I was forced to use teleportation that is not available to a new player to become unstuck.
- Safe Fall from staff and other short-duration buffs that are innate bonuses to a character should be a toggle not something I have to cast every few minutes.
- Fire magic cannot be used in the water but levitation potions do not exist through alchemy.
- Level 1 characters using a level 50+ pet with animal handling are game-breaking.
- Utility tools such as the versatility knife should not be worse than the lower level versions which include skill or loot mods.
- The cartography report seems entirely inaccurate in most zones.
- Civic Pride should not be leveled up most easily by simply throwing high-value items into the trash. The experience gain for filling, lighting, and snuffing lamps is disproportional to the rest of a character's development.
- I should not be penalized for not wanting to play an instrument for my vegetables while I'm gardening.
- Surveys should not randomly change location after being marked on the map.
- Leather-working is extraordinarily disproportionately easy compared to tailoring and blacksmithing.
- Redwing Casino tokens largely defeat the point and interest of leveling teleportation magic for a large part of the game.
- Superjump somehow changes the functionality of jumping and causes a delay in the act of jumping when you press the jump hotkey.
- There should be no confusion about which events are ran, supported, and authenticated by GMs and which ones are player-made. A couple of days ago I went to what I thought was a GM event because I received multiple announcements in the middle of my screen while I was playing and then one of the players asked for all of the bottles that I thought I had been gifted as part of the event to be returned.
- Up to level 50 it seems that the only cloth armor in this game are dresses and heels. This is not a proper representation of "old lore" or even modern day clothing.
- Fire Walls and Frost Orbs should not be pets. They shouldn't taunt, or have an hp bar, or get in the way when I try to loot something.
- By default I should be able to move the window selector on the right hand side of the screen in the same way I do with the other windows.
- The outline around the buff/effects box needs to have a transparency option.
- RemoveHateFromTabTargetting needs to be enabled by default. It defeats the point of a reticle-based targeting system by having "target next" select a mob furthest from you in the opposite direction that you are facing.
- By default, instrument volume needs to be reduced by 50%. I almost immediately uninstalled the game when I walked into the Serbule garden and was introduced to a cacophony that could only be described as the question: "Are the developers inept?" made manifest.

The game is only as much of a time sink because it is filled with leveling up skills that you have no interest in. If I had to summarize this game, it might be:

"It's a good game, but not worth playing past level 20 until they fix the overwhelming amount of bugs, stat and ability discrepencies, and "artificial" time-sinks. For $25 I feel as though it was money well spent, but do not play this if you are looking for a long-term evolving online world."

01-21-2022, 08:57 AM
Hi Eidolonn,

I'm just another regular player like yourself, but I want to thank you for taking time to provide feedback.

I know some people may not take kindly to your feedback, but I feel constructive feedback is important and more helpful than feedback like "10/10 invite all your friends!"

I agree that the game isn't really "solo" friendly after a certain point unless you are playing specific "classes," but even then it takes a lot of gear and time investment.

Reading through your general gameplay so far, I think your issue is that you are trying to level through the "dead levels" solo. Once you hit level 30 or so, which I'm assuming you have achieved to have been leveling in Kur Mountains, I would suggest heading to the Red Wing Casino and participating in some of the daily quest runs.

You will level up really fast that way and most groups don't mind taking on people of all levels. It's not uncommon for a level 80 person to group with a level 30 person and just run through the dungeon for fun and the free 10k or so councils you get daily. It may sound like a lot of money to a new player, but stuff gets so expensive later on its a drop in the bucket. This is why higher level players don't mind running through the lower level dungeons with new players, and the new players also benefit from some fast xp leveling.

My opinion also is that by leveling more people up these dungeons makes for a larger population for the higher level dungeons that everyone wants to participate in, and it makes it easier to make groups for those dungeons.

I don't have time to respond to all of your feedback, but I do want to say that grouping with people in the casino daily dungeons will help you level up really quickly, and I'd suggest you give it a try to bypass the midrange levels. It's not a bad thing to get one "combat skill" combination to a higher level either, because you can always switch back to a lower level "combat skill" and go through the lower level content at a slower pace when you have the desire too.

01-21-2022, 09:19 AM
I'm not oblivious to the daily-dungeon fast-track but I was expecting an adventure and a story and power-leveling through the same 4 dungeons until I reach max level doesn't sound fun at all. That being said, 10k per day and a few thousand experience is going to take longer to level up than if I were doing the quests alone. Thirdly, I know I had a lot to type out but quite frankly the toxicity in the community which I refer to multiple times seems to stem primarily from those same level 80s. The only thing those players have left to do is drag new players past all of the questing and exploration so they have somebody to play with after pushing out all of the community over the past 8 years of development.

01-21-2022, 09:58 AM
One point about the wiki:

- I love that you can open a browser page to the wiki from within the game, but 95% of the information on the wikipedia is void. For a game that is... 8 years into development with in-game support and functionality I expect more.

That wiki isn't done by the Devs, it is kept up by a few players, with the vast bulk of the volunteer work done by Beta Notus.

01-21-2022, 10:51 AM
I'm not oblivious to the daily-dungeon fast-track but I was expecting an adventure and a story and power-leveling through the same 4 dungeons until I reach max level doesn't sound fun at all. That being said, 10k per day and a few thousand experience is going to take longer to level up than if I were doing the quests alone. Thirdly, I know I had a lot to type out but quite frankly the toxicity in the community which I refer to multiple times seems to stem primarily from those same level 80s. The only thing those players have left to do is drag new players past all of the questing and exploration so they have somebody to play with after pushing out all of the community over the past 8 years of development.

I'm not sure toxic is a great way to describe a portion of the community, but ok.

I'll give you some advice. It's ok to not like a particular game style in a sandbox game, but you can't expect everyone to adopt your vision of what "fun" is in a game.

You want to take your time and enjoy the game which is great, and I think you should try to find a guild, or make a guild, that focuses on running through the lower level content without trying to out-level the dungeons. I'm sure there are quite a few players who would enjoy that.

I don't think you will get far by trying to cast negative judgment on a portion of the community that enjoys playing PG differently than you, but feel free to continue with your "anti-toxicity" campaign.

01-21-2022, 11:43 AM
I'm not sure toxic is a great way to describe a portion of the community, but ok.

I'll give you some advice. It's ok to not like a particular game style in a sandbox game, but you can't expect everyone to adopt your vision of what "fun" is in a game.

You want to take your time and enjoy the game which is great, and I think you should try to find a guild, or make a guild, that focuses on running through the lower level content without trying to out-level the dungeons. I'm sure there are quite a few players who would enjoy that.

I don't think you will get far by trying to cast negative judgment on a portion of the community that enjoys playing PG differently than you, but feel free to continue with your "anti-toxicity" campaign.

You didn't read anything I typed did you? 1. I had to block multiple people for sending me soliciting and hateful messages 2. I received poor and/or false information in help and global channels 3. Guilds demanded that I sign up on their website and review the wiki for information for casual gameplay 4. I have no idea why you think I was not/am not in a guild when I even referred to the guild activities that I was doing with them. 5. I think I am well in my right to expect a "role playing" experience to include adventure and exploration.

Agree or don't, but it's not going to change my mind and the player numbers prove that I'm not wrong. I gave this game 3 weeks, in spite of the multiple points at which I even listed were opportune times for me to quit playing. I gave this game more than it deserved, and I'm now even offering feedback so that if it doesn't sooner die I might be able to return to it and enjoy what I know it can offer. I'm sure that if you read some of the other feedback you'll start to see some similarities.

01-21-2022, 11:52 AM
If you are in a guild of like minded people then why are you soloing so much.

Your story doesn't check out.

My advice stands, make/join a guild of like minded people or play something you find more enjoyable.

I do find it amusing that you are supposedly eagerly awaiting all the "toxic" people to quit so you can return to the game and enjoy it.

01-21-2022, 12:58 PM
I do find it amusing that you are supposedly eagerly awaiting all the "toxic" people to quit so you can return to the game and enjoy it.

Yes. "Toxic," "Foul," "Disgusting," "Nasty," "Distasteful," "Vile, "Malignant." I'm not waiting for the toxic players to quit, I'm waiting for the "still waters that stagnate" to be given life by a new audience and that is only going to be done if this game multiplies their numbers by tens. Players don't want to play this, and I just explained why I'm now one of them. The game is buggy, combat feels terrible, and you have to level a bunch of trade-skills that have no relevancy to your character. Why do I need nature appreciation as a fire mage? Gardening? I get it... players like to be creative and the best thing a game can do is give them options. There is a difference between having 100 skills to choose from and forcing a player to level 100 skills.

01-21-2022, 01:26 PM
I find your opinion of the community absurd, but I wish you well with whatever other game you end up playing.

Your posts come across as a person with an axe to grind against the game and not a new player. I dont believe you are a new player, but I'm done interacting with your negativity either way. I'll be blocking you now.

Good day.

01-21-2022, 01:35 PM

First you imply that I don't know how to play, then you accuse me of not having a guild, then you say that I'm not a new player, meanwhile ignoring all of the evidence that I just provided. Somehow you think I am the one here with an axe to grind, and surely I might- especially with the way I have been treated in the past couple of weeks in PG, but look at yourself throwing around false accusations.

01-21-2022, 02:57 PM

This thread is veering into some inappropriate territory. Project: Gorgon has a no insult policy. Regardless of what happened, all players should be able to make posts without expectation of being harassed. In this case, the issue appears to be on all sides.

There are multiple expectations here that do not coincide with either Project: Gorgon or our community. Everyone chill a bit.


Volunteer Guide

01-21-2022, 03:45 PM
No worries Greyfyn, I'm done with the thread.

I don't think there is anything productive being presented in this thread and I doubt the intentions of the OP as stated earlier.

01-21-2022, 10:30 PM
After those false accusations and shameless claims it's clear that this guy didn't even read what I typed. I will be around a couple more days watching this thread if anyone has questions or concerns.

01-22-2022, 03:03 AM
Not going to address all your points, but I think you're mostly right. In terms of progression, you're supposed to go to sun vale after eltibule and then kur, so that's probably why you had so much trouble there. Now of course there's nothing really in game that tells you that and kur logically seems like the next connected zone so I don't blame you. We could do with a world map that tells you the rough level range of all the zones.

EDIT: Just reread your original post and saw that you did go to Sun Vale. My bad, but I'm going to leave this advice here anyway for others

Personally, I haven't really experienced too many toxic people but there's always going to be some in every community. I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad time.

I think the game does get worse after eltibule and sun vale. My only real issue with sun vale is there's only 1 respawn point in a large zone, so if you're all the way in the south and die, it can be kind of a pain. Also we could REALLY do with the main quest line being extended. I'm not asking for Wow themepark levels of quests, but story is nice and the main questline is like a nice piece of string guiding new players along, that just kind of ends in eltibule. I think current plans are to not release any more main questline until the game launches though.

There's really not that much to find in kur, especially solo and with the cold weather making it really difficult, there's not much opportunity to explore until you're much higher level. I think 90% of my kur experience as a new player was just straight lining towards kur tower for grinding and the inn. I actually didn't use the wiki for the map at first, but I think I got pretty lucky spotting kur tower almost immediately and then I saw the buildings for the inn after that. Personally I really enjoyed overcoming the challenge of kur mountains, but it is a wall to new players since you need to get movement speed gear, cold weather gear etc. Many people do just give up at that point and quit since they don't know or forgot about sun vale, or their build is just too bad and they don't want to have to reroll or grind gear which is perfectly understandable.

Just in case any new player is reading this and wants help with kur:
You beeline to the Inn, maybe stopping at kur tower for heat. I recommend binding at the Inn teleport pad, then your aim is to get bartered gear from ukorga, using tufts of fur. It will give you a decent set of enchanted lvl 40 (35? It's been a while) cold weather gear and you can usually buy the mats dirt cheap from a skinning npc used tab like kleave or player shops. Alternatively just grind the wolves and bears by the eltibule portal. You'll probably die a lot, depending on your build but since you respawn at the portal it's not a big deal.

Ilmari is similarly barren, it makes sense thematically as a desert, but other than the town which provides limited usefulness (work orders and a few training npcs) there's basically only war caches and 1 group dungeon that everyone just teleports straight inside to anyway. War caches are pretty hard but they give some amazing gear upgrades and are designed for solo play.

Rahu, outside of the city, is just terrible. Mobs placed at random, pathing randomly and I think their navmeshs are still broken. Rahu would probably be better at this point if everything outside of the town was just removed.

Gazluk, nobody ever farms outside if they have a choice. It looks pretty and has some nice things to find like glowy yellow crystals, the caves, 2 npc outposts + Gazluk keep. It's also kinda nice from a gameplay perspective because it's almost what kur gets you ready for. Sadly, the caves don't look particularly interesting (kinda hard for a cave to do) and if you grind in Gazluk that's what you'll spend 90% of your time looking at.

Fae realm feels unfinished still, I like the sky box, the uniqueness, the elites and wintertide itself, but there's just a real lack of things to actually find. Also super hard and completely inefficient to basically ever grind in this zone since there are no solo dungeons and the mobs are reasonably spread out with wasps that debuff your movement speed to a crawl.

Povus I think is a big improvement though, it's the current end game zone and I think it's been done really well. Enemies are balanced imo, the zone is interesting and looks good and there are actually things to find and do. More is always better, but I think it's almost as good as serbule, despite not having quite as much to do.

01-22-2022, 05:32 AM
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

First, I just want to say that although I had some difficulty in the Kur Mountains- and I hate to correct you on this because it might seem desolate after doing the previous zones- primarily because about 50% of the quests take place in or are picked up from within the group-dungeon areas. The few that aren't, like gather 5 trophy wolf skins, are miserable to do in the cold because you end up spending tens of thousands on campfires. Fortunately, you can get the winter gear that you were talking about at the same time as the skins.

Secondly, the Ilmari desert is trivialized by using fire resistance potions, but the entire zone feels empty and there doesn't seem to be nearly as many quests or things to do outside of 3 or 4 areas. This picture I've included is what you'll expect to find in Rahu and the surrounding area(s). The problem is that Project Gorgon forces players to grind skills they don't want to do, to produce goods they can't sell, alone, between sessions of buggy and slow combat. Nobody wants to play that.

The solution isn't to urge players to skip the entire game by fast-tracking them through power-leveling casino daily quest runs, it's to fix the game and the story and make the world feel alive.


You seem to think that the Eltibule area was fun and that's fantastic but the number of players and quality of quests seems to diminish in spectacular fashion. More npcs and instances than before are locked behind quest or favor progression and I have to believe that the population is at least 75% lower than in Serbule. Finding a group for the goblin dungeon isn't too difficult, especially with people being power-leveled through there at level 1, but Eltibule is where I found players stopped socializing. You couldn't ask, "hey does anyone want to form a party?" and actually find somebody interested in joining you. Most people in this area stopped saying hello. Sun Vale is a pleasant zone with a wide level range but the zone is just as desolate as Ilmari, and you're right that there isn't many quests or even favor-work to do there.

01-22-2022, 05:57 AM

I'm not even going to bother posting a screenshot of the Kur Mountains but you can safely assume that it is, like I said, dead.

01-22-2022, 08:12 AM
I'd say that both Kur and Ilmari have more to do than might first appear. They are themed as bleak wilderness zones.

Kur is a great place for gathering resources and can be a hub for storage. There is a lot of storage in Kur, depending on what you do as a character, but just the basics have 4 npc and the shrine, all accessable from the table in the second hut. There is also everything you need for tradeskilling. I store a ton of materials there.

For raw materials you have the low end metal slab motherlodes, a huge amount of wood, and mining of various types.

Several areas for grinding EP, loot, or hides. Two orc camps, the werewolf area, yetis, or lower level stuff by the elt zone. After that you have the wolf cave and the ice caves.

It's cold outside, but there is a system of camp fires around the zone, and with warm weather gear you have a good amount of time between needing to warm up. Far longer if you use cold potions, orcish thickskin, or several other cold remedies. Kur is also a training zone for Gaz :) Much colder in Gaz, but like kur it has mining, motherlodes, wood and high level skins. Trash mobs also drop runestones, lace, and notus books. And of course Glowy Yellow Crystals, needed for crafting high end gear.

Ilmari doesn't have as much as kur. But i end up there a few times a week for work orders, quests, heading to dungeon, or war caches.

01-22-2022, 09:05 AM
Excellent feedback; thank you for sharing! :)

01-22-2022, 06:35 PM
Excellent feedback; thank you for sharing! :)

You are most welcome!

01-24-2022, 06:51 AM
I'd like to post an update on my status today and leave a couple more suggestions that I had forgot to include in the original post.

The individual who offered to sell me some equipment didn't have the materials to make the equipment so I wasn't able to make an informed analysis but I did find a new guild that operates at a higher level, hoping as a "last-ditch effort" to experience some of the higher level content with other players instead of alone. The guild has been extremely helpful in terms of information and materials that I need for spell research but I still find myself only logging in to play alone.

Which brings me to my next point: The amount of materials I need for my upcoming spells for fire and ice magic is so ridiculous that it shocked even a level 80 player when I told him that I needed 146 blue books and 76 red books which actually only covers the ice spells not the fire ones. The wiki suggests looting the ground-spawns in Rahu for the books, but they are uncommon spawns and only 5% of the time will you receive a book for research. Just to get my 60 and 65 spells for fire and ice magic, I calculated that I will need to kill approximately 20,000 mobs. That's more than all mobs I've killed combined. Sound familiar? It seems like the grind is doubling every zone. I don't think it would bother me nearly as much if it wasn't relatively "low level" content and that I would have to do more than 90% of it alone.

As for the suggestions I forgot to include previously:
- Surveying is not well-integrating into the leveling process and players don't discover the purpose or necessity of crystals until after they have explored and quested and gathered materials in a zone. It isn't until 3 or 4 zones after you start that you realize you'll need these crystals by the hundreds.
- If a player trains you, and dies in the process, you should be entitled to the loot from the mobs that you killed in defending yourself.

I'm not going to kill 20,000 mobs or sit in Rahu for the next 2 weeks farming spell books. Good luck Project: Gorgon.

01-24-2022, 07:41 AM
It shocked even a level 80 player when I told him that I needed 146 blue books and 76 red books which actually only covers the ice spells not the fire ones

Fortunately, you need none of these, you need Frost Nibs (albeit, I agree, in pretty large quantity).

To many players, me included, the game sometimes seems flawed like that, when it fact we didn't research hard enough other ways to get what we want. Some may rage quit, some keep trying.

Even me complaining once that I needed to grow 5000 barleys for something eventually was in fact not really true (or rather, is no longer true). So to anyone reading this: don't give up, there is probably a simpler and easier solution to your seemingly impossible grind.

01-25-2022, 07:46 AM
Longtime solo player here, go by Sem in game. I mostly wanted to say to anyone new reading through this that the game is viably soloable for the most part, aside from the higher level dungeons of course, and even then some of them can be done with enough gear and grinding. I've gotten multiple combat skills to cap and have multiple other trade skills and random stuff high or at cap as well. That being said, yes it is a grind and a lot of stuff will suck for a while, but it is very possible to solo most of the content in this game. I honestly can't say that for the vast majority of MMOs out there, where you're gated through group content or everything after cap requires a group - and there's little else to do aside from that. I haven't done a single daily dungeon or anything Gazluk+, I don't buy gear to rush ahead, I simply take my time and use the markets for materials (when necessary, or feeling lazy) and for selling stuff I get from slot machines (all of my phoenix eggs came from the casino, woo). Tl;dr - if you want to solo, solo your heart out, just don't expect it to be fast or easy. I'm more than happy to help anyone on the solo path with advice or suggestions as to how to proceed if stuck or lost!

Regarding the community at large, I've played MMOs for a very long time (read: I'm old) and this is one of the least "toxic" communities I've been a part of. It's the main reason I keep playing to be honest, I can't stand the types of players that MMOs these days tend to accrue in spades and thusly avoid playing those games altogether for that reason alone, which should say something about the quality of the regulars and the devs/admins. The ones that do show up and are indeed "toxic" tend to filter out due to the nature of the game and the community after some time. They tend to be the ones who try to rush to the 'endgame' content as fast as possible, from my experiene at least, and then get cranky and ask where the real content is. Wrong mentality for this game.

While statements like the OP's can have merit, I have to question that particular aspect of it considering I am very intolerant to negativity in an online community. This place feels comfortable.

01-25-2022, 11:26 AM
I will agree with Sem on the level of Toxic people in this game. It's by far the best community I have found and the guides and devs have a lot of rules in place to try and limit the toxicity. This doesn't mean you will like all the people, and it doesn't mean you won't find arguments. And yes, sometimes you will ask for help and not get the exact answer you want, or may get more info than you wanted. But overall it's a helpful, mellow community.