View Full Version : First impressions from a new player.

12-20-2021, 09:42 AM
Hello I just bought the game after playing the demo and leveling a handful of skills to 10+. I felt compelled to write a forum post about it and maybe offer a tiny bit of feedback if that sorta thing is ok. My skills aren't very high, my main combat skills are close to 20 so I can't really come from a place of heavy experience in the game and offer anything truly constructive, a lot of what I have to say is solely on a first impression basis only. The tutorial island is fun and I think it does a great job of showcasing the novelty and humor of the game, I also think it helps players understand how the game doesn't hold your hand when it comes to exploring. I absolutely loved the part when you get too far in the tutorial dungeon and all the warning signs pop up on the screen, it completely subverted my expectations in a delightfully strange way and I hope that sort of approach stays in the game. When I read a book I love having my expectations subverted, so that sort of thing is refreshing to see in a game as long as it doesn't negatively impact the experience, I have to say it really perked my interests going forward.

My real first impression was when I got out of the tutorial and started diving deeper into the game, I think I first said to myself something along the lines of "I hope they don't can this game because there is something special brewing here". That train of thought lead me to buying the game soon after, I wanted to support the development because I really, really liked what I saw. A "good" mmorpg has a certain immersive quality to it that I think many modern mmorpgs fail to capture, and it is definitely in that initial novel stage that captures that feeling. Not sure if this is the correct correlation but a good mmorpg should feel like the first time you played an mmorpg, it should be a new and fantastical experience and I believe project gorgon is 100% on the right track on nailing that feeling. I do think that nowadays this is totally a niche game which is perfectly fine, there is a demand for it. I think there is a demand for that experience that subverts expectations when so many mmorpgs cater to the lowest common denominator. Even vanilla WoW was like this, I played the beta and many years after the launch, vanilla wow subverted expectations in really great ways and was a wonderfully immerse experience (until they got greedy).

On a more technical note I love the skill system, its fantastic. There is room for improvement but I do understand the game is in development and things change. If I had to add a suggestion I feel like sometimes they can be somewhat bland in a few places and perhaps adding more flavor abilities could help, stuff that helps the roleplaying potential of drawing people into choosing a skill they want to stick with. I know its a skill system but having more obvious archetypal defining abilities probably wouldn't hurt either, that is just my opinion though so take that for what it is like I said, I'm new so I could be wrong there. I immediately feel like proper crowd control is lacking, often times I come across enemies and I know I can't go anywhere near them because I would get swamped and this will tie into one of my bigger complaints later on. I think the itemization is wonderful, actual RNG loot is very cool to see in an mmorpg and something I miss from the days of Asheron's Call, you could go buck wild here in so many ways even with flavor type mods. The NPCs and favor system is such a good idea, I'd love to see it expanded further and deeper maybe give more complicated reasons to have a favorable standing with an npc, loving the dialogue as well. I'd love to see more quirky, bizarre stuff I find it really suits this game, I dig the balance of medieval fantasy and the just plain weird. This is the first video game that has made me laugh out loud at the word oiink, I may be a dumb and silly person though.

I don't really have any big problems with the game so I will just say a couple of the blatantly obvious ones I have noticed. Traveling is a slog fest to me, maybe it gets easier? I don't know, but I find traveling to be a chore and I seem to have to go back and forth a lot so that makes it even worse, num-lock key is super clutch to me. I know there is teleportation but frankly haven't figured it out yet, you can blame that one on me. I think the game could benefit from various transportation systems not just teleportation, morrowind is a good example they had silt striders, teleportation, boats, bind points etc and it never took away from the feeling of vastness because it more or less just cut down on the time it takes to get from A to B, now taking out A to B entirely would be a horrible idea but I think there are inventive and immersive ways to solve the problem. Another problem I see which ties into the crowd control issue above is that people seem to just be doing their own things, perhaps there isn't much incentive to interact with other people and explore dungeons or maybe I'm just a noob but it seems like no one really groups up in this game to do content. I'd really love to explore the low level dungeons and I really want to but I don't think anyone could really care or needs to do them. The only other blatantly obvious thing is that I think there needs to be more world building, more content, more flavor etc but obviously that comes with time and the game is in development, to be honest I don't even really expect that much haha there is already so much content here but much of it revolves around the skills and not much more.

I don't really have much else to say, so far I'm loving the game and I hope you guys keep doing what your doing!!

12-20-2021, 03:55 PM
Hi Nazmar, welcome to Project: Gorgon

The devs welcome feedback, so of course it is okay, and keep it coming. :) Travelling methods have expanded a lot since I started playing. And one of the main versions, Horseback riding, is getting added to the game fairly soon. It will cause a shake up to travel, and I anticipate there will be refinements as time goes on.

There is a looking for group channel on the Official Discord: https://discord.gg/projectgorgon
Also joining a guild helps with grouping and dungeon runs.

01-16-2022, 01:25 AM
Hello I just bought the game after playing the demo and leveling a handful of skills to 10+. I felt compelled to write a forum post about it and maybe offer a tiny bit of feedback if that sorta thing is ok. My skills aren't very high, my main combat skills are close to 20 so I can't really come from a place of heavy experience in the game and offer anything truly constructive, a lot of what I have to say is solely on a first impression basis only. The tutorial island is fun and I think it does a great job of showcasing the novelty and humor of the game, I also think it helps players understand how the game doesn't hold your hand when it comes to exploring. I absolutely loved the part when you get too far in the tutorial dungeon and all the warning signs pop up on the screen, it completely subverted my expectations in a delightfully strange way and I hope that sort of approach stays in the game. When I read a book I love having my expectations subverted, so that sort of thing is refreshing to see in a game as long as it doesn't negatively impact the experience, I have to say it really perked my interests going forward.

My real first impression was when I got out of the tutorial and started diving deeper into the game, I think I first said to myself something along the lines of "I hope they don't can this game because there is something special brewing here". That train of thought lead me to buying the game soon after, I wanted to support the development because I really, really liked what I saw. A "good" mmorpg has a certain immersive quality to it that I think many modern mmorpgs fail to capture, and it is definitely in that initial novel stage that captures that feeling. Not sure if this is the correct correlation but a good mmorpg should feel like the first time you played an mmorpg, it should be a new and fantastical experience and I believe project gorgon is 100% on the right track on nailing that feeling. I do think that nowadays this is totally a niche game which is perfectly fine, there is a demand for it. I think there is a demand for that experience that subverts expectations when so many mmorpgs cater to the lowest common denominator. Even vanilla WoW was like this, I played the beta and many years after the launch, vanilla wow subverted expectations in really great ways and was a wonderfully immerse experience (until they got greedy).

On a more technical note I love the skill system, its fantastic. There is room for improvement but I do understand the game is in development and things change. If I had to add a suggestion I feel like sometimes they can be somewhat bland in a few places and perhaps adding more flavor abilities could help, stuff that helps the roleplaying potential of drawing people into choosing a skill they want to stick with. I know its a skill system but having more obvious archetypal defining abilities probably wouldn't hurt either, that is just my opinion though so take that for what it is like I said, I'm new so I could be wrong there. I immediately feel like proper crowd control is lacking, often times I come across enemies and I know I can't go anywhere near them because I would get swamped and this will tie into one of my bigger complaints later on. I think the itemization is wonderful, actual RNG loot is very cool to see in an mmorpg and something I miss from the days of Asheron's Call, you could go buck wild here in so many ways even with flavor type mods. The NPCs and favor system is such a good idea from this site, I'd love to see it expanded further and deeper maybe give more complicated reasons to have a favorable standing with an npc, loving the dialogue as well. I'd love to see more quirky, bizarre stuff I find it really suits this game, I dig the balance of medieval fantasy and the just plain weird. This is the first video game that has made me laugh out loud at the word oiink, I may be a dumb and silly person though site (https://gbplus.net/).

I don't really have any big problems with the game so I will just say a couple of the blatantly obvious ones I have noticed. Traveling is a slog fest to me, maybe it gets easier? I don't know, but I find traveling to be a chore and I seem to have to go back and forth a lot so that makes it even worse, num-lock key is super clutch to me. I know there is teleportation but frankly haven't figured it out yet, you can blame that one on me. I think the game could benefit from various transportation systems not just teleportation, morrowind is a good example they had silt striders, teleportation, boats, bind points etc and it never took away from the feeling of vastness because it more or less just cut down on the time it takes to get from A to B, now taking out A to B entirely would be a horrible idea but I think there are inventive and immersive ways to solve the problem. Another problem I see which ties into the crowd control issue above is that people seem to just be doing their own things, perhaps there isn't much incentive to interact with other people and explore dungeons or maybe I'm just a noob but it seems like no one really groups up in this game to do content. I'd really love to explore the low level dungeons and I really want to but I don't think anyone could really care or needs to do them. The only other blatantly obvious thing is that I think there needs to be more world building, more content, more flavor etc but obviously that comes with time and the game is in development, to be honest I don't even really expect that much haha there is already so much content here but much of it revolves around the skills and not much more.

I don't really have much else to say, so far I'm loving the game and I hope you guys keep doing what your doing!!

I am playing this game from last one month and a got addicted to its sound. Its really amzing one. I truly apreciate your topic and full agree tyou. This site a lob. Thank you so much for the amazing experience.

01-18-2022, 01:35 PM
Early travel can feel a bit slow. There are a ton of ways to speed things up as you level, ranging from various potions, drugs, gear with + to movement, and mods in several classes that add to your speed.

An easy example is psychology. At level 30 there are mods to feet and head that add +4 to sprint, nearly doubling normal speed.

As you progress you gain more skills, and those skills gain more and better mods from armor. I've been playing for a number of years and done a lot of different skills. There's a ton of ways to set things up and a lot of my favorite attacks are from how I've selected the mods on my armor. (Eventually you can learn transmutation and augmentation and designing a build really gets crazy.)

Worldbuilding is ongoing and I know we all want more. That said, I find a lot of the world is subtle and you have to dig a bit for it. Maybe dig isn't the right word? Encounter it? There are stories out there that have parts scattered around in different places. I don't want to spoil things, so won't give an example, but it's neat t piece things together rather than click on an npc and get an info dump. Reminds me a lot of some of the stuff in EQ.

01-18-2022, 09:52 PM
I know its a skill system but having more obvious archetypal defining abilities probably wouldn't hurt either, that is just my opinion though so take that for what it is like I said, I'm new so I could be wrong there. I immediately feel like proper crowd control is lacking, often times I come across enemies and I know I can't go anywhere near them because I would get swamped and this will tie into one of my bigger complaints later on.

Hi Nazmar,

I'm still fairly new to the game myself, even though I reached 1,000 hours in the game. I still feel like there is a lot I don't know and I lot I haven't done yet.

Anyways, I think you are right about the lack of a proper crowd control class. Anyone browsing this forum has probably played a few different MMO's and understands the different types of crowd control concepts like rooting, or sleeping, etc. I think there are some forms of this in PG, but they are likely too underpowered to be effective at controlling a crowd.

I've never been in a group that attempts to crowd control monsters. Usually the tank will round up an entire room and then people in the group will dps down the most dangerous monsters first. It's a rare day where body-pulling is necessary. Body pulling is when you walk just close enough to gain a monsters attention, then run backwards before attacking the monster.

If you body-pull a monster far enough away before you attack, the monster won't have any other monster assist it.

I don't think there is much option for dealing with grouped together monsters besides body-pulling if possible, or leveling up enough that you can fight multiple monsters at once. Body-pulling isn't always viable either because of how fast monsters respawn. Unless you are constantly moving forward in a dungeon, monsters will respawn on top of you.

Its almost like PG wants you to fight a lot of monsters at once. The new dungeon "Fungal Fortress" seems to try and reduce the number of monsters and "adds" you get when fighting stuff, and I hope the developers make more dungeons like this.

For me, it's more "fun" to fight monsters two or three at a time instead of a swarm of them. Plus its easier to see whats going on and it looks "nicer" when there aren't a bunch of monsters on top of each other. Targeting keys are essential to selecting the right monsters, but that's an entire topic unto itself. Definitely skim your keybindings and see what the targeting key options are.

I'm a bit tired so I'm probably rambling, but I came here to basically say, I agree with you about the lack of proper/effective crowd control in the game coming as an approximately 1000 hour player. I'd be interested to hear the takes from people who have been playing the game a longer than I have though.

Anyways, good night and see you all in game next time!

02-09-2022, 11:08 AM
Crowd control is a little lacking, certainly compared to EQ where an enchanter could park a mob indefinitely, charm another, etc. Psychology though, has a bit of it. "Tell me about your mother." is not only hilarious as the mob does exactly that. Just sits mesmerized telling you a story. There is also a fear ability to send a mob off into the hinterlands.

Several skills have mods that essentially root a mob for a bit, or slow them considerably. Staff, Ice, Unarmed.

Stuns also play an important part of CC. Many skills have a stun for use on a mob, some like unarmed can do an AOE stun. Very useful for buying a lot of time.

02-09-2022, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I hope that the introduction of mounts improves travel time.

One thing I want to focus on (for newish players) is "content stoppers" -- times where a new player just doesn't know what to do or where to go. Obviously the game doesn't have a specific path through the content, but I also don't want things to be so nebulous and broad that you have no idea what to do next.

I think a lot of new players hit one of these spots where they don't know where to go, and they just give up and quit. So if you've run into those situations, please share the details!

(Of course, asking in-game will usually get you a good idea of where to go next, but most players won't ask, so the game needs to do a better job of broadcasting some of that info.)

02-09-2022, 06:25 PM
Can the maps of Serbule and Serbule hills come with some points already marked on them?

There is the "Things to do" section, it could give some hints on the things people got stuck on.
-Where can I sell things?: Mark the Baroness, Tapestry Inn, Marna, Larsan and Joeh on the maps. Put a note about selling items when you get off the island.
-Where can I store things?
-Where can I get more gems for teleporting?

A new one will be : Where can i get a horse.

With a few hints and some things marked on a map for when they get off the island, it will get some folks over the hump.

02-12-2022, 12:07 PM
Hello I just bought the game after playing the demo and leveling a handful of skills to 10+. I felt compelled to write a forum post about it and maybe offer a tiny bit of feedback if that sorta thing is ok. My skills aren't very high, my main combat skills are close to 20 so I can't really come from a place of heavy experience in the game and offer anything truly constructive, a lot of what I have to say is solely on a first impression basis only. The tutorial island is fun and I think it does a great job of showcasing the novelty and humor of the game, I also think it helps players understand how the game doesn't hold your hand when it comes to exploring. I absolutely loved the part when you get too far in the tutorial dungeon and all the warning signs pop up on the screen, it completely subverted my expectations in a delightfully strange way and I hope that sort of approach stays in the game. When I read a book I love having my expectations subverted, so that sort of thing is refreshing to see in a game as long as it doesn't negatively impact the experience, I have to say it really perked my interests going forward.

My real first impression was when I got out of the tutorial and started diving deeper into the game, I think I first said to myself something along the lines of "I hope they don't can this game because there is something special brewing here". That train of thought lead me to buying the game soon after, I wanted to support the development because I really, really liked what I saw. A "good" mmorpg has a certain immersive quality to it that I think many modern mmorpgs fail to capture, and it is definitely in that initial novel stage that captures that feeling. Not sure if this is the correct correlation but a good mmorpg should feel like the first time you played an mmorpg, it should be a new and fantastical experience and I believe project gorgon is 100% on the right track on nailing that feeling. I do think that nowadays this is totally a niche game which is perfectly fine, there is a demand for it. I think there is a demand for that experience that subverts expectations when so many mmorpgs cater to the lowest common denominator. Even vanilla WoW was like this, I played the beta and many years after the launch, vanilla wow subverted expectations in really great ways and was a wonderfully immerse experience (until they got greedy).

On a more technical note I love the skill system, its fantastic. There is room for improvement but I do understand the game is in development and things change. If I had to add a suggestion I feel like sometimes they can be somewhat bland in a few places and perhaps adding more flavor abilities could help, stuff that helps the roleplaying potential of drawing people into choosing a skill they want to stick with. I know its a skill system but having more obvious archetypal defining abilities probably wouldn't hurt either, that is just my opinion though so take that for what it is like I said, I'm new so I could be wrong there. I immediately feel like proper crowd control is lacking, often times I come across enemies and I know I can't go anywhere near them because I would get swamped and this will tie into one of my bigger complaints later on. I think the itemization is wonderful, actual RNG loot is very cool to see in an mmorpg and something I miss from the days of Asheron's Call, you could go buck wild here in so many ways even with flavor type mods. The NPCs and favor system is such a good idea, I'd love to see it expanded further and deeper maybe give more complicated reasons to have a favorable standing with an npc, loving the dialogue as well. I'd love to see more quirky, bizarre stuff I find it really suits this game, I dig the balance of medieval fantasy and the just plain weird. This is the first video game that has made me laugh out loud at the word oiink, I may be a dumb and silly person though site (https://nullsclash.net/nulls-brawl/).

I don't really have any big problems with the game so I will just say a couple of the blatantly obvious ones I have noticed. Traveling is a slog fest to me, maybe it gets easier? I don't know, but I find traveling to be a chore and I seem to have to go back and forth a lot so that makes it even worse, num-lock key is super clutch to me. I know there is teleportation but frankly haven't figured it out yet, you can blame that one on me. I think the game could benefit from various transportation systems not just teleportation, morrowind is a good example they had silt striders, teleportation, boats, bind points etc and it never took away from the feeling of vastness because it more or less just cut down on the time it takes to get from A to B, now taking out A to B entirely would be a horrible idea but I think there are inventive and immersive ways to solve the problem. Another problem I see which ties into the crowd control issue above is that people seem to just be doing their own things, perhaps there isn't much incentive to interact with other people and explore dungeons or maybe I'm just a noob but it seems like no one really groups up in this game to do content. I'd really love to explore the low level dungeons and I really want to but I don't think anyone could really care or needs to do them. The only other blatantly obvious thing is that I think there needs to be more world building, more content, more flavor etc but obviously that comes with time and the game is in development, to be honest I don't even really expect that much haha there is already so much content here but much of it revolves around the skills and not much more.

I don't really have much else to say, so far I'm loving the game and I hope you guys keep doing what your doing!!

To be honest, I'm playing this game since last 3 days with my poor computer, I'll keep playing this game when I'll buy a new super gaming PC. Well thank you for this amazing info keep share with us.

04-20-2022, 09:37 PM
This is a question that I have not been able to figure out, but instead I am also interested in knowing which map is the best.
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04-30-2022, 08:08 PM



06-16-2022, 03:31 AM
This is a question that I have not been able to figure out, but instead I am also interested in knowing which map is the best.
Episode MOD APK (https://megamodapk.com/episode-choose-your-story-mod-apk/)
Well, all maps are good in its traits and it depends on your level too. You will find different traits and items in different maps. You may have to go back to previous maps to get certain items. So, there's really isn't a good or bad map.

09-29-2022, 01:34 AM
To be honest, I'm playing this game since last 3 days with my poor computer, I'll keep playing this game when I'll buy a new super gaming PC. Well thank you for this amazing info keep share with us.YO WhatsApp (https://gbapps.net/yowhatsapp-apk-download/)

Yes I agree with you I am also addicted to this game...After playing it for the first time.

12-15-2022, 01:29 PM
To be honest, I'm playing this game since last 3 days with my poor computer, I'll keep playing this game when I'll buy a new super gaming PC. Well thank you for this amazing info keep share with us. Fouad WhatsApp (https://www.rogtechs.com/fouad-whatsapp-download/)

I support you. And this game is really fascinating, I'm eventually becoming a pro at it I guess probably because of my high-end PC. Playing such games on a better machine definitely improves the experience.