View Full Version : Out of Stock Packages

06-02-2021, 02:40 PM
I was wondering if the Thoroughbred Breeder package was going to come back in stock anytime soon? I know someone asked a month ago, but I am confused as to whether that had happened yet, or if I had just missed it.

06-02-2021, 08:11 PM
I was able to buy it on Tuesday this week.

06-02-2021, 10:05 PM
The Gorgon Shop is currently stocked. Please try again and then let us know whether your order was successful.

06-03-2021, 01:16 PM
The Gorgon Shop is currently stocked. Please try again and then let us know whether your order was successful.

It did show up when I went back today, thanks! Maybe I just managed to hit it right at the wrong time? Either way, it did end up working out thank you!