View Full Version : Akhisa's Web turns 2! Come celebrate with us!

03-26-2021, 04:12 PM
Hey all! Akhisa's Web, the premier guild dedicated to the best god P:G has to offer, hit 2 years old! To celebrate this milestone, we invite you to come to Serbule to get free food, drinks, and more this coming Sunday! And with the update adding new dance moves, this is the perfect opportunity to show Serbule how to party!!!

Date and Time:
Sunday, March 28th, 2021 --- From: 1pm Server Time to 9pm Server Time

We will be doing two raffles, one at the beginning and one at the end of this timeframe, which will feature fabulous prizes!!!
And throughout the rest of the time food dispensers and fantastic drinks will be put out to keep things going so be sure to check back periodically. Who knows? You might find something new to enjoy!

03-31-2021, 11:59 AM
That was fun! You guys are a very active guild that gives back to the community which is great! However I still don't trust all you spiders ;P

But a lot of us aren't even spiders! Or are we? Is it all just an illusion that we have humanoids in the guild?! I promise you can trust us - here have some traditional friendship tea that certainly isn't spider juice and has no side effects what so ever! If not now then whenever is convenient - we can wait, we are very patient ;)

But thanks for coming to hang - Sundays party was a lot of fun and the surprise spider invasion at the end was really something else! :D

I really enjoy PG b/c of the community and the turn out and support to all of our events makes me a very happy spid- ahem rakhsasa. When I started PG the hide and seek and different player hosted events were a big part of the draw for me so happy to organize events to pay it forward \\o// Praise Akhisa!