View Full Version : Backer Returns

12-03-2020, 06:42 PM

I was an Alpha Backer and I know that I had bought a package that ultimately included a horse and some other things. I've just returned to the game after pretty much leaving post-Steam launch. I see in the game that there's a place to retrieve items that I may be able to get due to my backing of the game and it calls for some kind of code. I figured I could log into the shop but it doesn't recognize either of my two emails. How can I get some help with this? I'm not in a huge rush but would love to get my hands on any items that are due to me. Thanks!

12-04-2020, 01:26 AM
You might want to read the second quote below first and look ingame for the Account Package text described there.


If you bought a backer package but cannot find your e-mail, then you need to contact support@projectgorgon.com and give them as much information as you can so they can look up your package and resend the info.

Getting Your Pre-Ordered Benefits
We aren't yet rolling out any of the pre-order benefits (such as horses, titles*, special items, or VIP features). Some of those features are still a long way off, while others will be coming soon. But before we roll out anything, we want to make sure we've got your data right.

If you backed us through Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you'll be able to see a message in-game showing which package you bought. That way, if there are any problems or errors, you can let us know early so we can address them.

If you bought a package through the Gorgon Shop, we'll email you asking for your alpha account name and other info needed to fulfill your package. After we assign that info to your account, you'll see a message in-game confirming that you've got the right package.

When your account's pre-order package is set up, you'll see a message on the Settings screen here. The "here" in the quote referring to Settings>System just above the logout button

*titles have been added, but you need to fill out a form, wait for approval and it won't be available till it is added to a game update.

12-04-2020, 05:18 AM
Thanks for the response! I kind of figured a few things weren't even available yet but I wanted to check to be safe.