11-10-2020, 06:58 PM
Elder Game, LLC is not anywhere close to hitting their $5000 donation goal for 2020. The $5,000, while not required, is used to cover development costs. Please consider donating to Project: Gorgon's continued development here (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/vbdonate.php?do=donate), treat yourself to a support package here (https://shop.projectgorgon.com/), buy a copy for your friend(s) here (https://store.steampowered.com/app/342940/Project_Gorgon/) or help spread the word on social media.
As an indie development, Project: Gorgon is not subject to the demands of a publisher but that also means that we don’t receive funding for development.
Your donation will be used for costs associated with developing Project: Gorgon.
Hello everyone!
Before I begin to explain this post, I want to start with a quote from Citan (Source (http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Citan%27s_update:_Enthusiasm), thank you BetaNotus):
I'm still just one person, doing most of the day-to-day coding and content. And if I just work at normal speeds, it's not enough. MMOs are big games. To make it happen, my secret weapon is enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic makes me faster. A LOT faster.
As an example of what enthusiasm can do, I implemented all of Ice Magic in a day and a half because I was excited about it. I designed and implemented all the abilities, gear, particles, effects, pets, advancement, everything. If I wasn't enthusiastic, that task would have taken a week or more.
I know it's kind of an odd pull from the past but I chose this quote to remind everyone that Project: Gorgon is being created by a real human that is driven by our continued excitement for this wonderful game that he has created.
So... why did you feel the need to make this post?
Well, as most of us are well aware, Project: Gorgon is a passion project that is not backed by any publishers or investors. It's a massive undertaking that relies solely on contributions from the community in order to continue development.
It's my hope that we can help feed Citan's enthusiasm by showing our support for Project: Gorgon this Holiday Season! It's optional of course but if you can't help financially, it would mean wonders to the rest of community if you could convince some friends to try the Free Demo, or even make a post on Twitter to help get the word out(#MMORPG is still valid).
With roughly 18 months to go until launch, let's show them our support on the road to release!
As of 11/10: 14% of their donation goal for 2020
As an indie development, Project: Gorgon is not subject to the demands of a publisher but that also means that we don’t receive funding for development.
Your donation will be used for costs associated with developing Project: Gorgon.
Hello everyone!
Before I begin to explain this post, I want to start with a quote from Citan (Source (http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Citan%27s_update:_Enthusiasm), thank you BetaNotus):
I'm still just one person, doing most of the day-to-day coding and content. And if I just work at normal speeds, it's not enough. MMOs are big games. To make it happen, my secret weapon is enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic makes me faster. A LOT faster.
As an example of what enthusiasm can do, I implemented all of Ice Magic in a day and a half because I was excited about it. I designed and implemented all the abilities, gear, particles, effects, pets, advancement, everything. If I wasn't enthusiastic, that task would have taken a week or more.
I know it's kind of an odd pull from the past but I chose this quote to remind everyone that Project: Gorgon is being created by a real human that is driven by our continued excitement for this wonderful game that he has created.
So... why did you feel the need to make this post?
Well, as most of us are well aware, Project: Gorgon is a passion project that is not backed by any publishers or investors. It's a massive undertaking that relies solely on contributions from the community in order to continue development.
It's my hope that we can help feed Citan's enthusiasm by showing our support for Project: Gorgon this Holiday Season! It's optional of course but if you can't help financially, it would mean wonders to the rest of community if you could convince some friends to try the Free Demo, or even make a post on Twitter to help get the word out(#MMORPG is still valid).
With roughly 18 months to go until launch, let's show them our support on the road to release!
As of 11/10: 14% of their donation goal for 2020