View Full Version : Invasion Event suggestion

07-01-2020, 01:48 PM
Hey everyone, so this is something I enjoyed in Rift, and warhammer online public quests in that periodically in a zone a large monster event occurs. I'm unsure of unity but in rpg maker there is the tool to make these events based on map triggers. So like in serbule hills if no ranalons are killed in 2 hours then an event starts, maybe it global shoots "a ranalon invasion is occurring in serbule hills" and like the spider event in serbule progressingly harder and larger amounts of ranalon march towards the inn. If they arent repelled then the NPCs despawn for awhile kinda like how the calligraphy trainer goes fishing during the full moon.

I just had a bunch of fun during the spider event and 8t would give the world another aspect of feeling real and that the players exist within a socio political dynamic. Maybe provide favor rewards for the NPCs I dont mind too much about the rewards as it sounds super fun.

07-01-2020, 11:01 PM
We already hav something similar, but only for duids and, to lesser extend, Wardens. That bing sai I perosnaly wouldn't perosnally mind similar vents happeningmore reulary for everyoe - but, imo, there had to be some good rewads. Othervise people will just ignore it, as tends to happen with druid events

07-02-2020, 08:37 AM
Agree with the point of needing to be a reason to take part. I got excited to attend druid events but quickly ignored them. Warden events I actually like better. The world changes, and sometimes there are interesting mobs to farm. I spent two hours hunting bharghest in gazuk the other day. Druid events mean I just avoid that zone for awhile.

07-02-2020, 08:44 AM
Idk if it's possible but a zone based buff could be a unique reward in addition to maybe a wave of elites or bosses for drops.

Like a temp buff "defender of serbule hills, +5% combat/craft exp while in the zone"

Also going to piggyback on this thread to add another suggestion:

So once you reach a civic pride threshold like 40 a character is capable of becoming a govenor of a city, and being able to have some things to control like taxes, but I'm sure there are a bunch of other things that could be rolled into that. It would be really fun to have a serbule, eltibule, kur, elections. Could even be race restricted in rahu idk I love this game and like to suggest stuff.

Similar to systems in star wars galaxies, lineage 2, or archeage. With players able to cast a vote for a candidate. The winner gets a temp title, maybe a special hat, and access to "city funds" that could be use for various city based events. Maybe able to increase what vendors in that city pay for specific items like food, maybe reduce the player shop stall fees, maybe even tie it into the invasion where a city could use funds to help the defense in some way like a temp armor buff. As new prestonbule cave getting invaded by orcs you would need as much help as you can get!