View Full Version : Jewelry Crafting
Hello all, i would like to know what led Jewelry crafting learning pattern to be the way it is.
We got Fae, Necromancy and Priest flavored Jewelry but only one of these Priest jewelry is locked behind skill/levels requirements to be able to craft this item, Priest is a permanent skill.
Now I'm investing enormous amount of resources and feel like I'm getting short changed compare to other people.
Any reason Fae Jewelry is not tied to race only or why Necromancy jewelry isn't restricted to skill/levels requirement just like Priest?
Any way the Priest requirements could be lifted?
05-10-2020, 04:02 AM
I think its a bug. There is no other crafting recipe (to my knowledge) that requires certain level in battle skill to be crafted. Well, I think wolf speed potions require you to be werewolf, but thats it.
05-10-2020, 04:49 AM
It makes sense to me that you might need to be a priest to make holy artifacts. You might need to do blessings or channel the power of the god to make it effective. If it didn't change, Priest would have a distinct advantage in jewelry crafting, which maybe isn't a bad thing.
A change that might be a good middle ground is Holy amulets that can be crafted by all but, require a blessing by priest to be fully functional with Enabling Priest Ability. The blessing would use up most if not all of the Enchantment points. I would make these amulets be titled as "Lesser". If possible Amulets made by Priest with high enough level would come out as normal versions we have now, without the "Lesser" Prefix and all their enchantment points intact. I would then make two kinds of work orders, one for Lesser and one for regular with only a slightly higher payout. Priest would get some blessing business for all non-priest Jewelers, and non-priest Jewelers get XP for completing the recipe and some access to being able to do the Lesser work orders.
05-10-2020, 06:47 AM
I think it's a bit weird that you need Priest levels to make the priest jewelry, but just the dark ritual powder to make the Necro jewelry. Maybe priest could make some kind of holy water that was used in the actual jewelry process to make it more parallel?
05-28-2020, 02:10 AM
for myself i have level necromancy and priest to do jewelry :p , but i have time
05-29-2020, 07:06 AM
I'm leveling necro, to get the powders, but not priest. I'd rather not make a permanent decision if i don't have to.
05-29-2020, 08:29 AM
The priest/necro requirement is really steep. I would prefer a solution where only a priest inscribes a gem via lore instead of the recipe requiring equal level of jewelry crafting and priest/necro. Does completing the recipe raise priest skill? I have not actually tested it but I imagine the answer is no.
No matter what anyone says, I'll see the level requirement is flat out unnecessary. To state the obvious-- crafting is not always meant for the crafter to use the items him/herself, but to put the item into the economy and this just doesnt make it easy. As someone with 80 jewelry crafting and 70 priest, facing the half million council road block to make an item is beyond frustrating.
Side note, if you do change this, can we please standardize amazing, awesome, great prefixes to jewelry crafting items? They're all off 10 levels.
I'm just asking if it possible to put the Priest skill requirement just like the Necro requirement you need Priest skill to make X item to be used in Jewelry Crafting, i think in general Crafting skills should be available to all. Otherwise maybe a warning message like " Permanent skill required for this Craft skill" before someone is able to unlock.
05-29-2020, 03:02 PM
If you intend to look into jewelry crafting, also look into the max-enchanted requirements of level 60 vs 70 stuff. Level 70 stuff requires a single glowy yellow, while level 60 stuff requires vervadium. Very odd to have lower level stuff require more.
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