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02-17-2017, 01:07 PM
I will forget some of course but I wanted to post a list of materials that new players should know worth more than the face value so they can make some cash off these.

-femurs (market value about 2-3 k per stack)

-strange dirt (about 4 k per stack)

-gems if you started surveying. On the actual gem it's some text that shows its associated skill (like Fire Magic, Staff etc), those have a higher market value but in general try not to sell to the NPC, players buy gems (they are used in crafting gear) with 200+ per gem. They can be linked on Trade chat and you get at least double what the NPC pays for them. And don't sell the amethysts you get from Anagoge, it will be a while till you are able to get more...or be prepared to walk everywhere:)

-fire research materials (fire dust, sulfur, saltpeter for serbule area)- their market value is higher than what the NPCs can offer because these are used to learn fire magic spells. So be cautious with how much you sell these.

-scrolls and books. Poetry books are very valuable so do not sell them at NPCs. You can make at least 10 k off a poetry book even if your skill level doesn't allow you to identify it. Link on Trade chat or ask someone to identify it for you. Some skill scrolls and crafting scrolls can also be quite valuable-example Urbacon book, Psychology:Mock 3, The Hows and Whys of Acid etc. The ones you can't find in a vendor used tab are probably rare and you shouldn't sell them without checking their worth.

-flowers and vegetables. Although I don't mind stocking off used tabs it is better if you either cook the veggies (level cooking skill+use for favor+sell) or see if anyone wants to buy them at a slightly higher price than the NPC. Even low level ones like cabbage or potatoes could be sold to players, check the work orders sometimes. The same goes for meat and fish.

-skins. Use them rather for favor or hold onto them if you intend to take up a craft (tanning and leatherworking are probably the most newbie friendly crafts)

-stomachs-their current market value is around 1.5 k and I found a few dropped on the ground. Some in used tabs.

I'm sure I forgot things but in general if you are not sure about the value of some seemingly strange items it's better to use the Help or Trade chat to ask before vendoring to NPCs.

Hope this helps someone, happy hunting.

Edit http://forum.projectgorgon.com/showthread.php?78-Fast-Track-Newbie-Guide-to-Making-Councils

This might be helpful too

02-17-2017, 03:48 PM
I don't want to give spoilers but also caution with drops like brain bugs lobes or heartshrooms, they can be bartered at NPCs for various goodies.

02-21-2017, 06:08 PM
Thanks a lot, this is good info for a new player. I realized I might want to find out what is junk or not after vendoring lots of things and then seeing them on the wanted board (player contract, or whatever it's called).