View Full Version : Paladin Build?
03-29-2020, 01:10 PM
Is it possible?
03-29-2020, 02:10 PM
This is a popular question from people looking into the game! The short answer is no.
Many people will say you can choose to play as a Paladin, but the reality is they don't exist in the lore, and this game has a classless system. There is not a Paladin skill, and I have not heard any talk of there being one in the works.
The closest you will get is choosing thematic skills and "roleplaying" as one. Though there is not a solid community for role playing at this time. Some skills you could use in combination to achieve this are sword, priest, or hammer.
If you are interested in Maxing Build potential, try looking for Synergy with the skills you choose! I am currently building a Staff/Fire build, which is a good example, as Staff skills have mods that will Up the damage of your Fire spells.
All this to say, I'd like to see more RP style players in game, and there's nothing to stop you from doing anything that sounds fun! Try lots of builds, and see what works best for you!
03-29-2020, 02:33 PM
As ProfessorCat said, there is not a specific "Paladin" class . There is no question that you can make a very solid Paladin build though. That in no way suggest you cannot mimic paladins in other MMOs, as the question was about a "Paladin Build" and not whether or not paladins exist as a specifically named combat class. Rangers do not exist by name, but many people make "ranger builds" with Archery/Animal Handling.
03-29-2020, 03:02 PM
Its not really possible.
I've tried.
I've mixed shield and priest. The problem with the priest build is that the heals are half instant cast and half that require cast time which are disrupted if you are attacked or move making it impossible to get them off during combat, especially if you are the one taking damage like a paladin should. The other instant cast abilities will heal but they are on a longer cooldown and do not heal a terrible amount making them unreliable.
Shield and Mentalism, the problem here is the mentalism heals are a weak heal over time (though quite powerful with 3 mentalists all stacking their HoTs). There is an instant heal in mentalism but its a "lesser heal" and like the priest instant heals, is not very strong and the cooldown is longer.
The shield build has one cheese defensive cooldown which allows you to ignore all elemental damage for ten seconds but otherwise plays like any other damage class with its abilities dealing different types of damage or stunning.
I think the issue really is the healing and tanking mechanics are not quite fleshed out. It all has to do with the pacing of combat. This game doesn't allow players to really dodge or mitigate a percentile of incoming damage. Most mitigation is flat amount based on your total armor pool that weakens as your armor in combat decreases. This may also contribute to the "lesser heals" feeling quite anemic in their ability to heal because damage always feels so big.
An example is if you have 800 armor, you can mitigate a total of 32 damage points (25 armor points for 1 mitigation of damage). Monsters can hit for quite a large amount so 32 is a drop in the bucket. So most combat comes down to kill them fast or stun lock them so you don't die. Also, it seems most attacks penetrate armor to a degree so you end up losing armor with health so as you can imagine after two or three hits your essentially going to die because your armor has been stripped and your health has already been eatin into by the first two or three attacks. What little mitigation you did have for the first hit at 800 armor is quickly gone reducing your already poor ability to mitigate damage even further.
Another factor is some skills don't feel responsive at all. I'm not sure if its because an animation needs to finish before the ability triggers or what but you can find yourself clicking abilities and not have them go off for a second which can be devastating to your ability to survive. And I'm fairly confident its not a latency issue as I've played many mmo's and do play others alongside PG without this issue of decreased responsiveness.
I think one solution to the combat issue and survivability might be to simply not have mitigation based on current armor but rather based on player's total armor, regardless of how much current armor they have. That would make mitigation more consistant. Either way, 32 mitigation for 800 armor is pathetic considering mobs can hit for a large amount and considering 800 armor is quite a lot of armor that most players will not be able to achieve.
I don't know, there's a lot of issues right now in my opinion with combat and I think it stems from core design principles such as how players mitigate damage, how players cannot "block, parry, dodge" incoming damage, how treasure effects dont allow percent based mitigation, etc.... So players feel paper thin and combat feels janky, especially as armor is stripped away within the first few seconds of combat. There are treasure effects that will trigger after 25 seconds which is absolutely insane to think players can gear around an effect that will occur 25 seconds later given how random and unpredictable combat can be. Most treasure effect for mitigations are flat amounts also and anemic at that, they leave much to be desired. Some classes such as Knife can proc a skill that increase their evasion briefly, with treasure effects to improve it, and I believe evasion lets you dodge all incoming physical damage like ranged and melee attacks, but shield has no such skill nor does priest or mentalist.
So this is probably more than what you wanted but i've though about combat in this game and particularly the paladin since I attempted to make one. A paladin is a holy tank with the ability to stand its ground but also support their party. Shield may increase your survivability given its ability to cheese elemental damage and that you equip a shield for more armor which then adds to that tiny amount of mitigation you get from total armor but the shield itself does not have the ability to block or help mitigate more damage. Its essentially a stat stick like every item in the game.
Well sorry off on a rant.. tldr; no real way to be a paladin because this game is still trying to figure out how combat works in general. Paladins tend to work well with groups but group combat suffers at the moment because combat in general is not fleshed out.
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