View Full Version : Dungeon Design & secret passage & should enlarge mob chase range

03-19-2020, 02:13 AM
first , the mob should chase you to death and attack anyone else around you after you are dead , just like in Everquest , the best and thrilling gaming experience ( modern MMO mob would chase u like 5 meters then turn invincible out of a sudden and running back to their spawn point and stand like a retard )

in Everquest
Many of the monsters will jump off of the train and attack people that they pass by, but even worse is what happens when the person that all the monsters are chasing either zones or dies, and that is that the entire train walks back down to its level again. Along the way, they will attack anyone within their frenzy radius (which is almost the whole dungeon, it is so small). The trains are also more deadly because, if you are fleeing them, you have to somehow try and open locked doors from your inventory screen while being slammed.

second,i love gorgon but the dungeon really are no match comparing with Everquest , that kind of experience just kinda scar in your brain , this game's dungeon design need an overhaul .. after 15 years you still think how can they achieve and have able to design something like that ?

I am sure most of the gorgon players would like to have a zone like The Estate of Unrest or befallen in this game

I understand that this is a small dev team and for time's sake I hope you can just copy and paste the zone design into project gorgon according to the floor plan if designing and build a great dungeon from the ground up like that is too hard for this team

the estate of unrest is crazy ..
A fake library on the wall on the first floor is the door to descend into the bowels of Unrest and camp the dreaded basement. Many stronger mobs await you in this gruesome area. Torture props and blood everywhere are the standard decoration for this camp.

. There is even fake lava in one hall to trick players into trying to go around it where they'll fall into a trap.


03-19-2020, 04:02 AM
I'm sure you mean well, but you really can't compare everything in one game to another (in this case Everquest).

Different game, different design decisions.

05-17-2020, 07:28 PM
80% people playing this game was because of that eq thing
huge open zones like
overthere/ dreadland /Frontier Mountains /charlok / cazic thule /Southern Karana
god... am I really have to relive it in project1999 eq something so uncertain and would close down eventually ??

or maybe just having epic raid encounter boss roaming around in a zone like everquest

Race: Cazic-Thule
Class: Shadow Knight
Level: 63+
Zone: Plane of Fear
Location: Wanders (NE)
Respawn Time: 7 Days (+/- 8 Hours Variance)
AC: ?
HP: >271k (?)
Damage per hit: ? - 600
Attacks per round: 2 (?)
Avatar Power (100 DD + knockback + single top slot dispel)
Avatar Snare (AE Snare)
Panic (Random target, single target fear)
Cazic Touch (30 sec refresh)
Zone-wide Assist Agro

05-17-2020, 07:31 PM
or maybe add some more tricky rare spawn quest npc like a harbinger of frost in dreadland in eq
- Respawn is roughly 18-20 minutes from the last time it was triggered.
- Will not spawn if Gorenaire normal version is up
- Will spawn 18-20 minutes after Gorenaire dies
- Spawns Gorenaire only if a Bard or a Paladin hails and says the trigger text
- Spawned Gorenaire has 32K health, as originally
- Spawned Gorenaire does not have Mitigation of the Mighty, as originally
- Only drops one, no trade item based on who hails (Book for Paladin, Scale for Bard)
- Presumably, Spawned Gorenaire does not gain stacks of Mark of the Old Ways depending on pet numbers


05-17-2020, 07:36 PM
I'm sure you mean well, but you really can't compare everything in one game to another (in this case Everquest).

Different game, different design decisions.


05-17-2020, 09:50 PM
Mob trains attacking innocents in a non-PvP game should be like lootboxes and banned from all MMOs, and anyone that thinks that mechanic is fun is either a griefer or need some serious therapy. There is enough problems in this game already with, stupid over the top spawn densities and mobs spawning or remaining at loading portals that kill you without the character loading to the screen. Kur yetis and outside Gazluk caves are prime examples.

Imagine being a new fairy that respawns in Fae realm getting killed because some arsehole thinks it funny to train mobs to other players.

05-20-2020, 12:07 PM
I agree that all the places mentioned are cool. Makes me want to go play eq a bit, was fun back in the day.

BUT....lets look at reality here. EQ was a large game with a large budget and a large amount of designers.

EQ also had monthly fees to support it. PG has a one time cost and the smallest staff you can get. (And doing amazing things).

Would what you are asking for be cool? sure (not the the mobtrains though ). Is it going to happen? Nope. Not because a adding a lot more cool dungeons wouldn't be fun, but because of the realities of people and resources to make them happen.

05-20-2020, 03:57 PM
That’s why I even listed the mobs full stat and suggested that the developer just do something “inspired “ by Everquest , to skip on the most time consuming part of design and development

I am willing to donate $1000 if he can just remake cazic Thule zone and put it in Project gorgon
Classic eq era cazic Thule is the bomb ! How can someone ever craft something so dangerously fun and addictive?

05-20-2020, 04:05 PM
You are twisting my words

Not saying that training other players is fun but the possibility that Anything could and will happen which made Everquest so addicting and you can feel it’s soul on every corner of that world

Nowadays mmo are so restrain and soulless , for example when you tried to lite something in elder scroll online for a distance , it would suddenly stand still > stiff > invincible + untargetable > run back to its spawn point like a retard .... god...these kind of “safe” gameplay environment is something you prefer ?

05-21-2020, 02:05 AM
I am willing to donate $1000 if he can just remake cazic Thule zone and put it in Project gorgon
Classic eq era cazic Thule is the bomb ! How can someone ever craft something so dangerously fun and addictive?

This is where I feel people confuse there subjective opinion to be a universal fact amount other player. I love EQ. I love the lore. I dispised that dungeon design for CT. Just like I dispised the PoF dungeon in EQOA (still my favorite MMO of all time and the best of the 3 EQ games in my opinion) and with the limited amount they can add due to team size restrictions, to add a zone that bad would simply make me quit or leave the game untill the next zone and level tier were added.