View Full Version : Interface Suggestions! A list before implementing housing.
02-24-2020, 06:27 PM
Please allow us to place craft skills such as tailoring, alchemy, carpentry, as a hotkey on an action bar.
Please add a fourth action bar for MISCELLANEOUS buttons such as the above aformentioned.
Please allow us to combine the two bottom action bars into one 12 button action bar. Please remove the strict UI dependant ability limiting mechanism. Its poor design. The UI should be ignorant of the player's skill choices.
Please allow us to bind healing abilities to the mouse as a mouse over macro to use on the party interface removing the need to target player and then use the action button to heal the player. This latter method is slow, clunky, and feels bad.
Please allow the target frame to display current buffs on targets and debuffs whether for dot management, dispelling poisins or dots, or just to see what buffs a player is carrying.
Please apply the above to the party interface.
Please allow us to link abilities into chat.
Please allow us the option to place health/armor/metabolism/heat texts inside their respective bars instead of floating out the outside.
Please allow players to LOCK their UI in place remove awkward clunky borders that seem to persist despite not having the interface frame active.
Please allow for collapsible subcategories within a given craft skill window. For example, Tailoring has many recipes and those recipes are dividing into certain catagories such as rough, quality, nice, etc... please make large groups for which each recipe can be catagorized and further collapsed to allow for easier navigation of the crafting interface.
Please make the skill interface reflect current acquired bonuses for any given level the player has reached. For example, I should be able to see how much health and vigor my x level fire skill provides currently ontop of the future bonuses provided at further levels.
Please fix the character screen panel. The image in the center often times show an invisible model with only hands and weapons. (On that note, please make it so our weapons and off hands stop disappearing when we are out of combat. I hate always having to make them reaper. Unless I sheath my weapons these should persist).
I'm sure there are many more interface and changes that need to occur before we implement grand things like housing....
Please allow us to change the font color of various chats because I have a hard time differentiating group chat, from global chat, from guild chat, all are slightly different shades of blue... I can't imagine the color blind player trying to make sense of that :<
02-25-2020, 11:03 AM
Bro we've been waiting for a Lock UI button for over 4 years.
You aint getting any of this.
Well, except
Please allow us to combine the two bottom action bars into one 12 button action bar. Please remove the strict UI dependant ability limiting mechanism. Its poor design. The UI should be ignorant of the player's skill choices. For the simple reason that it's already possible. Just right click on the action bar and switch it to vertical or horizontal (i forget exactly what it's called and I'm at work)
Not to mention the UI actually feels as though it has gotten worse after the big revamp that happened between the pre-alpha and the steam launch. More clunky, less visually pleasing. No real new features (that I can recall), but it's been a while so that might be an unfair claim.
02-25-2020, 11:44 AM
There were no new features in UI revamp?! Prior to the big UI update you couldn't reposition most of the UI elements at all, so a "lock UI" feature would have been... a bit premature, let's say. That update also added everything from item-highlights when gifting, to right-click item menus, the ability to get more info on items, chat tabs(!), the ability to scale the UI at all(!), and that's just a few off the top of my head. I'm sorry you think its uglier, but there were definitely new features -- features I worked really hard on, and am proud of.
And since that update I've continued to work on the UI, including the crafting panel, the group panel, dialogs, the sales screen ... my point being that I do in fact improve the UI, and I do want suggestions. So please don't tell people what I will or won't add. Let people offer suggestions.
02-25-2020, 12:50 PM
There were no new features in UI revamp?! Prior to the big UI update you couldn't reposition most of the UI elements at all, so a "lock UI" feature would have been... a bit premature, let's say. That update also added everything from item-highlights when gifting, to right-click item menus, the ability to get more info on items, the ability to scale the UI at all(!), and that's just a few off the top of my head. I'm sorry you think its uglier, but the idea that it didn't add any features is bizarre and insulting.
And since that update I've continued to work on the UI, including the crafting panel, the group panel, dialogs, the sales screen ... my point being that I do in fact improve the UI, and I do want suggestions. So please don't tell people what I will or won't add. Let people offer suggestions.
My apologies. I will refrain from making such statements in the future.
I just feel that being able to lock your UI is the barest minimum requirement for a game's UI, and not having that for several years has made me a bit bitter, I guess. Every single time I log in I have to fix something and it grates on me. But if you are actually taking suggestions...
Top 5:
1) Let us lock the UI please. I'm not talking about crafting windows and loot popups either. Just let us lock the core elements. Hotbars, target frames, the buff bar (including the box around it!), the pet window, and chat. I'd love for a "per window" lock but just giving us a generic button to lock the core elements would be enough to keep most people happy I'd think.
2) Fix the Pet stance button bug.
* If you aren't aware, the buttons on the Pet window that let you change them from follow/assist/ect. often bug out and do not do anything when you click on them. Once one (or god forbid, both) of your pets are broken like this, resummoning them will accomplish nothing. The right click menu continues to work, but is really tiresome and not really feasible in dungeons.
3) Remove the pet window and chat window from the "Close Last Panel" hotkey. That or give us a new hotkey that only closes "real" popup windows.
Please allow for collapsible subcategories within a given craft skill window. For example, Tailoring has many recipes and those recipes are dividing into certain catagories such as rough, quality, nice, etc... please make large groups for which each recipe can be catagorized and further collapsed to allow for easier navigation of the crafting interface. ^ This
5) Separate abilities from the skills window into their own UI. (I feel like it was like this in pre-alpha...). When I'm messing with hotbars it's a huge pain to scroll through all my skills to find what I need. It's also a pain that I have no way to sort the "general skills" section. There are a lot of general skills and I only actually use a quarter of them. As it stands right now I have to scroll to that section and then I have to scroll to the bottom of that section just to swap a single ability out. It's a pain to be sure.
But generally I agree with everything the OP listed as well. And while it's less important, being able to type "/h words here" for help chat, and "/t words here" for trade chat would be pretty nice...
02-25-2020, 01:01 PM
There were no new features in UI revamp?! Prior to the big UI update you couldn't reposition most of the UI elements at all, so a "lock UI" feature would have been... a bit premature, let's say. That update also added everything from item-highlights when gifting, to right-click item menus, the ability to get more info on items, chat tabs(!), the ability to scale the UI at all(!), and that's just a few off the top of my head. I'm sorry you think its uglier, but there were definitely new features -- features I worked really hard on, and am proud of.
And since that update I've continued to work on the UI, including the crafting panel, the group panel, dialogs, the sales screen ... my point being that I do in fact improve the UI, and I do want suggestions. So please don't tell people what I will or won't add. Let people offer suggestions.
Thank you Citan. I will continue to provide suggestions if I know they are being received and considered closely or even worked on for future additions. I know you've played other MMORPs, i'm sure you've played the likes of WoW, and are familiar with the flexibility of their interface and the information it brings to players to allow for more immersive, fluid, responsive gameplay, so I'm hoping some of my requests here are things you've already thought of yourself and plan to implement.
02-25-2020, 01:31 PM
My apologies. I will refrain from making such statements in the future.
I just feel that being able to lock your UI is the barest minimum requirement for a game's UI, and not having that for several years has made me a bit bitter, I guess. Every single time I log in I have to fix something and it grates on me. But if you are actually taking suggestions...
If you have to move something every time you log in, is it because you accidentally mis-clicked and moved the thing in the first place, or is it because they're mysteriously not in the same place as you left them? (Not a trick question!)
02-25-2020, 01:34 PM
If you have to move something every time you log in, is it because you accidentally mis-clicked and moved the thing in the first place, or is it because they're mysteriously not in the same place as you left them? (Not a trick question!)
Both. My chat does not save to the location I had it at prior to logging out, and I accidentally move my player/target/pet frames at least once per session.
03-01-2020, 07:46 PM
Both. My chat does not save to the location I had it at prior to logging out, and I accidentally move my player/target/pet frames at least once per session.
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I don't want to add the "Lock UI" feature until I've rooted out all the bugs like the chat window moving. Because the Lock UI option wouldn't fix those bugs... it would just mean you had to unlock the UI to be able to manually fix it.
Do you shut down the game by using the Steam overlay's quit option, by chance? (It's one of the causes of chat-window problems.)
03-02-2020, 11:50 AM
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I don't want to add the "Lock UI" feature until I've rooted out all the bugs like the chat window moving. Because the Lock UI option wouldn't fix those bugs... it would just mean you had to unlock the UI to be able to manually fix it.
Do you shut down the game by using the Steam overlay's quit option, by chance? (It's one of the causes of chat-window problems.)
I just exit game with the button on the escape menu.
Maybe it's related to the fact that I snap my chat into the bottom left corner? I do not drag it somewhere and release it, I let it "snap" into the corner.
03-09-2020, 12:28 PM
Update: Please allow us to link items/abilities/quests, into chat by using the left mouse button clcik while holding down shift while the chat box is open and active :) Thanks!
03-09-2020, 01:36 PM
Wow I do enjoy this list. Lots of exciting ideas. I would add:
a request that the UI and a lot of positions/settings be per character. My main and my bat alt would prefer to set up things very differently but instead the bat just deals with my mains set up b/c it seems to be saving to a universal local config file.
+1 on chat color options.
A sort order option for skills that puts favorites first/at top instead of relying on favorites tab - my mains favorite tab is SUPER long b/c I want to highlight alchemy recipes/meditation/callig relevant to my build but also access recall beginning, check moon phase, etc
An option to track non combat skills on xp bars.
An option to hide things (recipes in crafting, skills in xp tab) or at least push to bottom of list
03-26-2020, 05:47 PM
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I don't want to add the "Lock UI" feature until I've rooted out all the bugs like the chat window moving. Because the Lock UI option wouldn't fix those bugs... it would just mean you had to unlock the UI to be able to manually fix it.
Do you shut down the game by using the Steam overlay's quit option, by chance? (It's one of the causes of chat-window problems.)
Hi is the memory glitch a known bug? Etc:running the game game client for a long period of time 30+ hours would started drain out all the rams and cripple the entire OS , last time I checked it drained 190GB ram
I’m on the macOS Catalina latest version with 128 gb ram and 6 core i5 cpu with 1tb ssd
Also i would like to know what graphical renderer api is the macOS version running on?
any chance to patch it to run in Apple metal 2?
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