View Full Version : Having a second account

01-22-2020, 04:22 PM
Hey everyone,

I want to have a second account for both muling and setting up a stall. I was wondering if this is allowed?

I would like to know how to setup a second account. Do I need a second steam account? Can I run two instances of the game at once?

Are there rules / technical issues involved in having a second account / multiboxing etc?


01-22-2020, 08:57 PM
Yes, each mule would need its own license of the game. And unfortunately it's a little bit slower to cross-account mule under Steam. You can't switch Steam accounts while the game is running, so you'd have to shut down the game, then switch accounts in Steam, then re-launch the game.

So personally I would hold off on buying extra copies of the game for mules. We're busy thinking about ways that the VIP package can make muling easier (for instance, by giving your account more character slots and a bigger shared-account-storage box). I think the VIP plan will be the easiest way to be a pack-rat in the future.

Not sure if this answers your question well enough, item-muling is the only expection to the multi-boxing prohibition.

02-10-2020, 01:45 AM
There are alot of people already multi-boxing and mulling in the game, so it looks like it's allowed.
Seeing as how it was said with the fairy race being added the character limit was going to be a thing along with the store and vip, im guessing they want people to buy more accounts, hopefully the vip system doesn't turn out like albion-online with getting less resources without it, that game only has the psycho ganker pvpers left in it now.

There is a program out there that lets people open multiple steams/steam accounts on the 1 computer, allowing multiple copies of the game to be run at once to do all the mulling you want.
I can't remember the name of the program but it had something to do with cheese.

02-10-2020, 09:23 AM

Your assumptions about multiboxing are incorrect. It is expressly NOT allowed. Doing any form of multiboxing will result in administrative action. And discussing ways to hack the game in any way is also not allowed. Caution there.

Using an alt for storage ONLY is allowed for now; as other game elements are added, devs have indicated that won't always be the case.

If anyone suspects multiboxing in game, it should be immediately reported at the ! button.

02-10-2020, 10:16 AM
I think multi boxing means having 2 accounts and having a character from each online at the same time. Is this correct?

There are plenty of people with more than 1 account and using more than 4 characters to play. I don't see them Interacting with themselves though. As far as I'm aware there has never been an issue with this.
Those that I know that do are a massive asset to the community.

How on earth would it be possible to tell if someone was playing with there partner sat next to them on another account anyhow.

It's obviously not for me to chose, but I fail to see how someone spreading themselves over many characters is a great advantage. As long as they are playing fairly and not trying to cause grief or gain some sort of advantage.

With regard to 1st post, if you use your 3 alts wisely, get them favor, add pocket gear , use one to create a guild if needed, you will have a lot of storage.

02-10-2020, 11:35 AM

Your assumptions about multiboxing are incorrect. It is expressly NOT allowed. Doing any form of multiboxing will result in administrative action. And discussing ways to hack the game in any way is also not allowed. Caution there.

Using an alt for storage ONLY is allowed for now; as other game elements are added, devs have indicated that won't always be the case.

If anyone suspects multiboxing in game, it should be immediately reported at the ! button.

To be clear, I think we have different definitions of the term "multiboxing". My definition, along with /I think/ Brian's includes anybody having two accounts logged in concurrently, which is fine. However you're only allowed to perform account-enhancing activities on one at a time. So you can have a second account logged in afking in Serb, but you can't run him through the daily with your main.

I believe this system is expected to be reevaluated when mail delivery is implemented?

This game would be hard to dual box in the field though. No follow option would be rough.

02-10-2020, 04:37 PM
@AgentBbrian (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/member.php?u=5497) just to be clear up front ( Zov this should answer your questions as well):

I. SECTION ONE: Limited Use License

Subject to the TERMS OF SERVICE and continuing compliance with the ELDER GAME TERMS, ELDER GAME hereby grants to you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable, non-assignable, and fully revocable license to (a) install the GAME CLIENT on one or more computers owned by you or under your legitimate control, and (b) use the GAME CLIENT in conjunction with the online service and ELDER GAME provided websites and content for your non-commercial entertainment purposes only. You must accept the TERMS OF SERVICE to use the GAME CLIENT, access ELDER GAME provided content, and to play the GAME. The license is revocable at our sole discretion.
You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

· Access the GAME using more than one accountssimultaneously, e.g., multi-boxing.

Now with that being said, since we do not have a proper mail system implemented yet, we grant the courtesy of allowing players to log in two accounts for the purposes of item transfer ONLY. Anyone that abuses this courtesy beyond its intent can be subject to a permanent ban of all accounts. Once a proper mail system is implemented, this courtesy will be revoked and the standing rule will be fully enforced. If you suspect anyone of abusing this courtesy, we recommend that you submit an in-game abuse report immediately by using the ! icon on your right bar.

What does this mean if you own more than one account or want to buy extra accounts? It means nothing. You can own as many accounts as you want, you are just restricted to one active account at a time.

If you have multiple players in a household, you have nothing to worry about. It's usually pretty clear from our side when it's two people controlling two characters compared to one person trying to control two characters. We are also developing a special test that we can use to determine if a person is multi-boxing or not.

I hope this clears up your misconception.

02-10-2020, 09:52 PM
Interesting, i guess you going to be banning a bunch of people then.

There was a large conversation about 2 weeks ago where people talked openly about farming with 2 accounts online and have been for years..
So what your TOS says and what is happening seem to be 2 different things.

02-11-2020, 03:50 AM
AgentBbrian please report cheaters via the in-game report tool, because obviously a forum post saying "there are cheaters" isn't something we can act on. :) But yes, we ban for multiboxing, and we've had to ban more people for it recently, so I can understand that misinformation is spreading. Please help fix that problem by spreading correct information!

Our terms say that you can't multibox for any reason. In the past, for people who unwisely chose to buy multiple accounts, I've given a VERY RESTRICTED permission to log multiple characters online in order to trade items. But only to trade items, quickly and efficiently.

Some players have started twisting that generosity into exploits. I'm not even talking about using multiple accounts in combat, which is obviously cheating. I mean AFK-cheating. Such as:

"I'm just muling... while my mule plays music in the garden". No, that's cheating.

"I'm just leaving my mule AFK here next to this poetry podium while other people recite poetry." No, that's cheating.

"I'm just muling while my mule gives out battle chemistry buffs." No, that's cheating.

As those examples suggest, just being AFK on multiple accounts is often cheating. That's because it's easy to help others earn XP while AFK, and doing that with multiple characters at once is unequivocally cheating.

It's also cheating to leave multiple characters online in order to wait out timers or debuffs (e.g. cow milking mules).

In fact, given the number of cases we've had to deal with recently, I will go further and say: if both of your characters aren't actively trading items with each other, one of them should be logging off. That's just a rule of thumb to help you avoid being banned.

I feel that I was being very generous even letting players item-mule between accounts. But I'm not willing to go any further than that.

And if you see people cheating, please report them in-game so we can investigate.