View Full Version : Flying is not that fun

01-15-2020, 02:38 PM
Hey everyone,

I spent days leveling my druid in hopes I could get flight form, so I could do surveying faster.

Unfortunately, when I got flight form, it kinda sucked. It requires power to keep moving through the air, and you can only fly a short distance. I wish I did a bit of research before putting time into the druid.

What does everyone use to do surveying faster?

Flight form has been a major disappointment and isn't fun. You can only spend a minute flying, and then power runs out and you drop. Are there ways to power regen in flight?

What about surveying faster? Do I need gear to do that? Is flying something people do to survey?


01-15-2020, 03:23 PM
Although my main character isn't a Druid, one of my Alts is (and I frequently use Word of Power: Flight). You're correct that Power is the limiting factor, however easily fixed. If you time it correctly, you can use the Endurance ability Dig Deep to restore power every 120 seconds, while having previously eaten a meal of sufficient power restoration. Candied Lemon for example, which requires only 35 Gourmand to consume, Grants +146 Power Regen per update. Eat one of them, or a much better item, and you can stay in the air with the help of Dig Deep for at least 5-6 minutes before having to land somewhere.

01-15-2020, 04:55 PM
I can pretty much fly non stop, decent food and dig deep help. When I fly I normally use Ment/Shield this gives the power wave (can be modded to give more) and also the shield ability Vig Def to restore power. Also Take the Lead increases flight speed. Also there is the Elemental Ward.

The main trouble comes if you get into combat then your power can drop very fast.
Saving and using certain abilities can still get you running away and then airborne again hopefully.

Flying is a must for Kur surveying much of the map is underwater.

I like many I assume use bird form to fly in and poach the death touch mobs on the Rahu plains to get books every now and then, even with flights nerf to damage.

01-15-2020, 06:01 PM
Kur surveys are quite doable with winter clothing and/or swimming bonuses (from gear, potions, words of power etc), although of course flying makes it easier (also for getting over or onto mountains)

01-15-2020, 06:50 PM
To address your surveying question, Zov: in low-risk zones, prepping several dozen surveys at a time, plotting them with the survey tool, and picking an efficient path pretty much guarantees you always get a speed bonus. Surveying for speed bonuses ironically does not require you to be very fast - it requires you to be very organized. I'll usually do 30 at a time in windowed mode with the survey tool, side-by-side with the game window, organize the surveys in my inventory based on the numbers on the tool, then just start walkin' and clickin'. Plenty of folks do more than 30 at a time.

Speed bonuses don't happen because you got to the spot quickly after first reading the survey of that point - they happen if you get to the spot quickly after finishing your last survey. If you plot 50 surveys all over the map, then pick a good path between all the points, there might only be 200 feet between each of your points, which is very easy to cover within the time allotted for bonuses.

I can't speak to Kur, though. In all the surveying I've done, I've never bothered with surveys in high-risk zones.

01-16-2020, 04:12 AM
As others have said, organization is really the key in surveying. I usually only use flight in surveys to avoid unexpected mobs. Flying though can be fun in some situations. It's a great way to get a different perspective of the zones that the maps just can't give. And some forms have pretty nifty attributes: better sight at night, faster swim speed, increased cold tolerance. Also, it's probably the easiest way to clear the map fog and level cartography. I sometimes spend my first 20 minutes or so online just flying around to get my head (G)organized. ;)

01-16-2020, 05:50 AM
There are several ways in PG to obtain unlimited flying time, but they do require the 'right' skill combo and mods.

My preferred skills with raven are Priest /Mentalism with cheese meal and snack:
Massive amounts of power regeneration
Unlimited flying time
Increased flying speed
Makes Kur and Gazluk cold debuff irrelevant
2 large damage 'nuke' spells
Healing spells

01-16-2020, 07:18 AM
I use bat and mentalism and can stay in the air by using: mana wave, dig deep and confusing double. Of course high level food will also help.

01-16-2020, 07:51 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the tips. At the moment, my gourmet isn't very high, so I don't have high mana regeneration yet for sustained flight, but I will work on it.

Thanks for the tool suggestion. I am using PG Survey Helper Tool, and it is great. You just put in all your coordinates, and you can plot out a path as you go, and knock down each one as you do it, and then it reorders it, and tells you where in your backpack the particular one you are going for is. I think the tool is pretty nifty.

01-16-2020, 02:02 PM
Don't think it was mentioned, but nature appreciation (appreciating a flower) gives a straight +power buff that lasts for an hour. Depending on the flower it can go from a bluebell +10 to a Tulip +114. With only the druid skill I can stay in flight almost permanently with Brambleskin (L1 modded), Energize(modded), and Dig Deep with decent food and flower appreciation.

When I do have to land I'm using the "select next enemy" hotkey to make sure my landing area is free from mobs that might attack allowing me to regain my power back and get in the air. You should also use Druid's ability "trackless Steps" which will decrease your aggro range from nearby mobs which otherwise would attack. This ability does cost some power, but if you're surveying in bird form it might keep you out of sight from those pesky mobs long enough to gather your treasure then be back in flight.