View Full Version : Money problems in this game

01-12-2020, 12:42 PM
Hi everyone,

I've been playing this game a lot for the last few days, and I am loving it.

However, I'm just having a hard time with money in the game.

Normally, in a game, you grind your ass off, and sell your big loot to the vendor for money.

This game, has a problem, where money is limited on a vendor for *a week*. That means you can only get access to a couple of thousand for selling items.

This effectively time-gates your achievements and progress which majorly sucks.

If I play a lot, I want to be able to progress faster, however time-gating cash on a vendor slows you right down.

I am level 40 in fire magic now, and have done the golems, and sold to all the vendors, and I am struggling to keep up my progress. The cash is limited and I am still at fire spells level 25.

This game would be a lot more enjoyable if you gave vendors infinite cash.

Anyone else annoyed with this 'feature' of the game?

01-12-2020, 02:05 PM

If you're really frustrated at this point, it might be good to check the wiki and make sure you've found all the NPCs. Many don't get discovered right off, like Flia or Roshun the Traitor in Serbule. Flia has a huge cash pool and buys a lot of stuff when you favor her up. Also, there are vendors in Serbule Hills, Eltibule, Sunvale and the casino.... In other words, all might not be all yet. For example, you can get from the casino to Rahu and there are even more vendors there. At that point, travel time between vendors becomes the issue. Heh.

Additionally as you favor up npcs, their pool of money grows. Eventually you'll work through this and selling to vendors will be quick cash.

Yes, it is a bit of a bottleneck and frustrating from the outset, but it's not a long-term problem in the game over all.

~( ' .')~

01-12-2020, 02:57 PM
Also, don't underestimate the value of doing work orders for other players and NPCs. Some of them can be quite valuable and easy to accomplish. I've noticed a lot of folks putting work orders up for snail shells for decent cash, which are relatively safe to farm.

Additionally, you could always ask in the trade channel if anyone is selling any reagents. You might find a max-level fire mage willing to hook you up cheap, as they know what you're going through. As a function of net worth, the reagents to get up to level 50 fire magic for someone in the 80's is basically insignificant - you might find someone willing to just gift them to you, but don't expect it.

The strength of this game is the friendly community.

01-13-2020, 04:03 AM
Yes, it is frustrating (probably by design), but the game really opens up with a bit of planning /knowledge of game mechanics, maximising NPC favour and reaching level 50 in 2 combat skills - by level 50 you can farm in several lucrative zones.

Money will always be an issue but earning wise, you have plenty of options e.g.
Skinning - tanning -sell to NPCs 225k councils /week
Casino dailies 70k councils /week
Selling gear drops (mainly from dungeon clearing) 30 to 60k /run. Note: several NPCs have money pools in excess of 100k each at full favour
Crafting for work orders 100s of ks /month
Selling to players e.g. gems from surveying 100k+ /week

Time spent in game is the real limit to what you can earn.

Referencing Fire magic reagents: Ask in game and quite often established players will gift you the starter ones.

01-13-2020, 05:03 AM
If vendors had infinite cash, you could just sell everything to Marna (or the vendor that gives the most for your item, in case Marna is limited), and there would be no point having other vendors.

There are many mechanics in the game that encourage exploration. Going elsewhere. This is one of them.

01-13-2020, 05:48 AM
Do work orders, especialy those for NPC. They are easiest way to get quick cash. Other great option is sellign gems to other players. Its great because you don't need to max it out to get to 'good' gems - you cna get the same gems in every zone, there is just difference in recipe cost and what drops as bonus gems. So just spend few hours runnign around, collecting gems. Keep what you want or need, sell rest to players for like 250-280 (Amethysts and Aquamarines sell for even more since they are used in Teleportation).

Those two are gret methods for new players because they are not gated by NPC vendors limited money pool. Of course you should always work on rasing favor with said vendors.

01-14-2020, 04:56 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the tips!

I have read everything you have written, and taken the advice on board. I realise I have to travel further to sell my junk to more NPCs or sell to players. I've devised a strategy to make more money.

1. Get one combat skill to 50 (I already have this done)
2. Get druidism (have this done)
3. Get druidism to 50 to get flight form (have it at 40 at the moment and working on it)
4. Get surveying in Serv Hills to 'blue crystals'. (have this done)
5. Survey some amethyst and sell them and use druid flight form to speed it up.
6. Sell amethyst until I get 20k to buy a stall.
7. Proceed to gather more gems and other tid bits and sell on my stall.
8. Get rich to afford a fire magic / battle chemistry character.

01-14-2020, 06:34 AM
What are your usual play times and your character name, Zov? I have some fire reagents I can drop on you. I've enjoyed fire magic, but it's not for me.

01-14-2020, 12:14 PM
What are your usual play times and your character name, Zov? I have some fire reagents I can drop on you. I've enjoyed fire magic, but it's not for me.

Hi, I am Xov in game. I am normally on in the evening times GMT. At the moment, I have fire mage to level 50, but left him on the long finger, until I can get more cash / reagents. I think I am up to level 35 but I am skint trying to make fire mage work, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

08-18-2021, 12:03 PM
There are lots of areas that can be used for making money. It really helps when you get another bind point. But even with just one you can bind in an out of the way area, and then head to serb with a more expensive TP or by dying.

Take Kur for example:
-Bind at the out post.
-Raise favor with people in the two buildings, and find Lammasu in the werewolf area.
-Get storage at the Ri-shin shrine near elt zone.
-You now have several people providing storage, and it's all accessible from the table in the second building, plus a regular bank. Very convenient.
You can now hunt in several areas:
-right at the out post for bears, wolves, and sheep. You get quite a bit in hides and wool, plus some valuable drops like hops, mandrake, muntok peppercorns.
and lots of rings and necklaces. Sell hides to Lammasu, gear to Ukorga, edibles to Laura. Store the seeds and other odd items.
-Panthers across the water for quality skins.
-Two orc camps dropping lots of gear.
-werewolves and wolves outside for hides and gear.
-Wolfcave for bigger wolves and lots of gear.

Forage where ever you are for wood, lichen, mushrooms, silver, wolfsbane, winterhue. Cold areas have a ton of foragables.

Just staying in kur you can make a couple hundred thousand a week selling to kur vendors. But there are several other people to sell hides to.

A lot of other areas in the world will have similar areas. It's just getting to know each, what you can farm, where you can sell and store.

08-18-2021, 04:12 PM
Filling player work orders or selling gear from dungeon runs are two great ways to make money.

If you want some "passive" income take up mushroom farming or gardening. You can sell the mushrooms to npcs or sell the more in-demand mushrooms on your player shop. If you end up with a ton of extra empty bottles from gardening (they tend to build up), you can fill them with milk and sell them to other players also.

There are a lot of ways to make money in game. As you play more you will begin to see more ways to make money. Not because you are higher level, but because you have a better understanding of what other players want. It also never hurts to ask questions in the trade channel. If you have a stack of a material, just ask the channel whats a good price to sell it for. You might not even need to set up your player shop if you find people willing to buy your stuff directly from you.

08-20-2021, 01:30 PM
Yep. Mushrooms and gardening are both good ways to get some money. I grow mushrooms every day and there are several places to sell them for a couple hundred thousand a week.

08-20-2021, 03:38 PM
Vendors have more money if you get higher favor with them.