View Full Version : Why psychology is broken and great for new players

12-31-2019, 05:09 PM
With all the new people asking about what skill is good for new players, I thought I would break down why psychology is perfect. Also the good news is that it never gets nerfed so it's probably got a great shelf life moving forward.

1) You don't need to hold a weapon to use it. This means you have another free hand to use an item like an off-hand shield that can eventually give you 100+ armor to your build. Or if you want you can have the option to use a crossbow, or instrument, or whatever for your extra convenience.

2) It's not hard to learn. You can learn it right on starter island. No need to waste precious resources like you do on developing fire magic or ice magic - which even have other prerequisites.

3) It's easy to grow. Unlike sword where many of your high level skills have to be found through fortunate luck of looting a random scroll, every single ability with psych except the basic attack Mock, can be purchased from a trainer at your convenience. No needing to bet on being lucky.

4) It's cheap to sustain. Unlike knife throwing or archery which requires expensive arrows and six or so additional skills like foraging, alchemy, carpentry etc. just to use - not to mention the inventory those take up, all of your abilities are completely free and require no other skills to use. Unless of course you want to do phrenology for extra critical damage on your attacks, but that's not required.

5) It's easy to gain bonus level. Skills like Battle Chemistry only give a measly 5 synergy levels (which are bonus levels acquired through leveling other skills) or Lycanthropy getting 2, but good old Psychology gets 18! YES... EIGHTEEN! That means you can be as high as level 98 right now.

6) It's very versatile. Skills like Staff and Hammer require you have human hands to use them, but psychology can be used in both human and animal forms. So if you ever switch to being a bat or a cow, you get all the benefits transferred over.

7) It has a very high damage output. In itself, it's damage is below average, but it has modifications on the armor that can boost your other skills to being extremely deadly. Some of the highest DPS people in game only need Sword and Psychology to solo kill the elites in the Fae Realm.

8) It's effective throughout the large majority of the map. Some people, like those who use piercing/slashing/crushing for their damage get severely penalized because many mobs and dungeons will have all the creatures resistant to those kinds of damages - like the Wolf Cave and Fort Gazluk, the damage is cut in half. Psychology on the other hand has very few creatures where you can't be fully effect. Especially in late game content like Gazluk, you get an entire zone where only 1 or 2 mobs will have any resistance to your skill. Same thing applies for Kur, and for Fae.

9) It's great for mobility. There are modifications that can give you +8 non-combat speed for 60 seconds when using a psychology ability, also with a 60 second cool down. That's the longest, biggest speed buff in the game! And you can keep refreshing it! Why would you not want to level psychology if not even for when you want to fast travel?

10) It does have one set back, and that is that it's hard to spell. Yes, psychology is a little harder to spell than Bard so that is a set back. Other than this, please continue to enjoy this broken skill!

12-31-2019, 06:41 PM
I don’t think it’s is really broken, save a couple of treasure effects that are only Potentially overruled in certain circumstances, which may be edge cases anyway....

Regarding run speed.
I see a lot of chat about how “nerfs will come” to these abilities
But I actually think natural attrition will get it sorted

I don’t think anyone should assume any current speed buff will stack with mount speed
Also, who knows what mount speed will be? It may start at 12-16 and get faster with each mounts quality, meaning, who cares about out of combat run speed once mounts are about

We already have distinct buffs for flight speed enhancement, and flight is not buffed by traditional run speed buffs. So, the mechanism is already there, come what may, there’s every possibility the draw of run speed classes will be considerably lessened when mounts arrive.

Btw, I liked your write up. All good points

02-07-2020, 11:05 AM
I don’t think it’s is really broken, save a couple of treasure effects that are only Potentially overruled in certain circumstances, which may be edge cases anyway....

Regarding run speed.
I see a lot of chat about how “nerfs will come” to these abilities
But I actually think natural attrition will get it sorted

I don’t think anyone should assume any current speed buff will stack with mount speed
Also, who knows what mount speed will be? It may start at 12-16 and get faster with each mounts quality, meaning, who cares about out of combat run speed once mounts are about

We already have distinct buffs for flight speed enhancement, and flight is not buffed by traditional run speed buffs. So, the mechanism is already there, come what may, there’s every possibility the draw of run speed classes will be considerably lessened when mounts arrive.

Btw, I liked your write up. All good points

bro the dev has been selling mounts since like 2016. They aint commin anytime soon.

02-07-2020, 11:38 AM
I might dust off Psychology but as soon as I learnt Mentalism (another hands-free skill) I never used Psychology again. I'll see if it goes well with Mentalism at some point, just for fun. :)