View Full Version : How the red, blue etc. for other members of a group work
When you join a group there is a new group setting that has lines for each member, and this is varied according to how much damage they take. I understand that I can somehow heal the other members of the group, but so far have been unable to do so. I have two questions:
How do I heal health, mana, etc.?
Is there a setting that makes me unable to do so?
It would be helpful if there is a site that has this information. Thanks.
12-28-2019, 06:24 PM
There is a wiki.
Many abilities helpfully hit all friendlies, I think I'm correct in saying it will even hit non grp members.
A single target heal, can be aimed many ways, you could click on the nearby player and once they are selected use the ability.
You could click on the player listed in the group listing.
Pretty sure the F1 to F5 keys are defaulted to grp members. You can also bind other keys to do that.
Or you could perhaps use another key binding to cycle though the players perhaps.
Pretty sure you can use first aid kits via the first aid skill on the side bar to heal others as well as your self.
Potions can be added to the side bar and even the main bar if you wish to lose the spot for an ability. Don't think you can use potions on others though.
Dig deep is a great side bar ability to give you more power which is what your calling mana I'd assume.
Power works more like a stamina, energy kind of thing than mana as a source of magic power would.
You need to EAT, if you have an empty belly, In between combats or just roaming around your health, power and armor will not replenish very quickly.There are snacks and meals and they stack. as in 1 of each not 3 dinners.
There is also a combat refresh , most skills have a weak ability that if used every 20 seconds or so gives you a health/power boost of sorts. Don't overlook this it's very helpful.This is effected by gear also, 3 similar items give a bonus as well, 3 metal,leather or cloth etc.
Using your hardest hitting moves will drain your power quicker than slowing down a little, practice doing just enough, taking the last of something health with a great whack is wasteful unless you have no cooldown/power issues.
Whilst running power will drain quicker especially in combat, in tough dungeons where you are struggling for power try walking.
There is much to learn in this game, global is friendly, the wiki is good especially considering the playbase size.
Stuff often changes or is improved etc, so if sum of what I've wrote ain't dead right sorry.
OK I am finally getting where this game is going. It is intended to give just enough information so that the bewildered newbie has an idea of which way to go, but is not handed it all on a platter. Thanks for explaining it to someone who is smart but somewhat debilitated. It is probably the most advancing activity I engage in.
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