View Full Version : Need Recipes for Astounding Wooden Deer/Cow shoes

10-27-2019, 02:03 AM
Yes, I am aware that the level 80 recipes for spider, cow and wolf armor are not in game yet, but they aren't required to enable those skills. The only way that deer and cows can be druids, be it deer or cow/druid or warden/druids, is to have wooden shoes.

On top of that, there is no way to have warden/druid shoes for deer/cow of any level, as the recipes only allow for one gem, the other being deer or cow.

[edit] Make that even deer/warden (and I presume) cow/warden are impossible as even when using a sardonyx for the gem in the wooden deer shoe recipe, all I get are single class deer shoes.

12-06-2019, 08:17 PM
I believe the devs are still undecided if there's going to be a druid/warden combo yet and they rather not waste time patching then taking it out sometime later. Though in the past shoes did required two gems but it's up in the air atm.

Us deer/cow's need astounding/max-chanted shoes badly I can agree on that!