View Full Version : Moth Madness

08-30-2019, 02:10 AM
I cant work out how to progress at any reasonable rate on any 'get moth wings' quest in Fae Realm.

Trying to find more than 3 or so in any feels like 1 hour period, is like trying to play darts with spaghetti.

So crimson seem usually near the SW corner, Icebreeze more SE, and shimmerwing more the norther half of the zone.

Most always seem to be in the tree lined areas as opposed to hill/weedy/brush areas.

Has anyone found a good way to identify gathering these?

back to trying to play darts, might try macaroni...

08-30-2019, 03:03 AM
They have slightly different colors, and as you noticed they are found in different areas. You just need keep trying, this quest might be intended to take some effort to complete (think of one of the Makara quests, that gives almost no reward and takes forever).

08-30-2019, 03:15 PM
If you don't need fresh wings, you might try

The Deluxe Loot Master machines in the Red Wing Casino high rollers room. I have gotten a few that way already.

08-30-2019, 06:35 PM
Thanks for feedback guys, was slow going, but got them, Part of Fae Realm quests im finding is attaining X of an item isnt enough, you actually have to do the harvest/kill action too, which while makes things slower, is better overall