07-13-2019, 01:44 PM
I can not even believe how much content is already in Gorgon. I played AC at it's inception in 1998, then moved to AC2 until it was shut down :( But i did play Turbine's AC2 revival in 2012 for about a year and a half until they shut it down again :( FYI there is no level cap @ 100 in AC2 :) Anyway, Gorgon is ac1 ac2 all rolled together and then some. What a gem, so much to do. After just recently experiencing's Athem's debauchery this is such breath of fresh air. Where do I send my money -_- !? My only hope will be for a graphics update on the toon models, a bit of polishing on the combat and movement.....just graphical quality overall. I know they can do better <grin>. I have to really tip my hat to the developers at this point, intricate and complicated.......a perfect mix for an MMO. I'm a bit spoiled being guided on rails.....I am really enjoying myself that is for sure.