View Full Version : More char slots?

07-13-2019, 12:53 PM
Currently only seems to be 4. Is there a way to get more???

07-13-2019, 02:00 PM
Let me know if you find out :) Back in the day we had so many we did not know what to do with them all :)

07-13-2019, 10:04 PM
The optional VIP subscription when described in the KickStarter, had as one of its main feature: 4 additional character slots. So that will probably be the way to get extra slots. The final details of the VIP are still being worked on, so exactly what the features will be is still to be determined/revealed.

07-14-2019, 11:50 PM
Okay but I really want some more char slots and it sucks I can't get them not even with a fee. Currently using all 4 and already have a concept for another

07-15-2019, 02:05 AM
Okay but I really want some more char slots and it sucks I can't get them not even with a fee. Currently using all 4 and already have a concept for another

AFAIK it is permissable to purchase multiple copies of the game if you want to run more characters currently. Sims quoted Citan in a thread re: multiple accounts as follows:

Citan talked about this in the "Dev Blog: How Will the Upcoming Steam Integration Work?" post.

Originally Posted by Citan
"Yes, each mule would need its own license of the game. And unfortunately it's a little bit slower to cross-account mule under Steam. You can't switch Steam accounts while the game is running, so you'd have to shut down the game, then switch accounts in Steam, then re-launch the game.

So personally I would hold off on buying extra copies of the game for mules. We're busy thinking about ways that the VIP package can make muling easier (for instance, by giving your account more character slots and a bigger shared-account-storage box). I think the VIP plan will be the easiest way to be a pack-rat in the future."

Some players (especially couples) currently run different copies of the game on separate machines to maximize storage.

07-15-2019, 03:04 AM
AFAIK it is permissable to purchase multiple copies of the game if you want to run more characters currently. Sims quoted Citan in a thread re: multiple accounts as follows:

Some players (especially couples) currently run different copies of the game on separate machines to maximize storage.

I mean that's a frustrating alternative tbph :/