View Full Version : Allow more "Social" Restriction options from the demo's restrictions list?
07-04-2019, 05:55 AM
Under the "Social Tab", we Full Players currently can do some restrictions, but not these that are available to Demo Players:
CANNOT buy other players' used items from vendors
CANNOT milk other players
CANNOT buy consignment items or place their own consignments
CANNOT purchase from player stores or open their own stores
CANNOT place or complete player-work-orders
CANNOT use deployed gadgeteering items such as vending machines and rafflers
also CANNOT take from shared account/guild storage (this isn't a Demo feature but would be nice to have for more hardcore play)
Adding these features would be great for those of us who want to optionally challenge ourselves more.
It's also great for those who want to play a full solo/Ironman experience without checking the Market/worrying over market prices and such, and it encourages making and getting everything alone, instead of mass buying crafting supplies.
It's also optional and already coded into the game since Demo Players automatically get these restrictions, so I assume it shouldn't be too hard to add in for Full Players who want the added options of greater difficulty.
Thanks. I tried searching but didn't see this suggestion yet.
07-04-2019, 10:33 PM
07-05-2019, 12:11 AM
Oh! That's why you were asking that question.
The demo limitations weren't meant to affect regular players; they're not some sort of ironman thing, or have any kind of benefit at all.
Certainly there's no reason to NOT just do those things if you choose, but you don't need the game to do it for you, right? If it's a challenge, then be challenged. If you want these restrictions, then restrict yourself. DIY. It's a possibility right now. It's a really odd way to play, but I play oddly in my own way, so sure, do it.
The Demo restrictions were to prevent cheating or manipulation of the economy. There are several other reasons I won't list, but there are players out there who find their fun finding exploits. The demo system was designed to not have any chance of that. Demo players visit the game, but until they make a purchase, safety parameters are in place. I think it's a good design.
07-05-2019, 08:27 AM
LightNovelFan, you might find the following blog post interesting
Be sure to add your suggestion by using the in-game suggestion form. It will be read here, but it saves them having to cut and paste it into he suggestion system.
07-05-2019, 10:39 AM
LightNovelFan, you might find the following blog post interesting
Be sure to add your suggestion by using the in-game suggestion form. It will be read here, but it saves them having to cut and paste it into he suggestion system.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who remembers this! You can still look at your player stats by typing /behavior
I actually took part in the never die contest, and gave up quickly due to how big of a challenge it was to never die.
I now have a level 60 fully modded hardcore character that's never died (Or entered combat outside of Serb/Elt) With the original restrictions, I will say it's impossible to get far without ever having accidentally picked up many items on the ground if you right click to interact with everything like I do.
Back to to the topic of the thread, I really think these options would add value to the game. It brings challenge and fun to bored or extreme players. I understand not everyone has the same taste in play styles, however my hayday games were UO - where you die and anyone can loot your stuff if you dont get back to it first, or they can just kill you and steal it, and D2, where you can make a true hardcore character, run the risk of your items being gone forever if you die in rout to your body, and any player could PVP you at any time.
I understand PG is not these games, and honestly I don't want it to become those games. PG is almost advertised as a brutally hard game where things are permanent and your decisions have consequences. In reality, none of the curses are permanent, and only current HC players run the risk of losing anything, and even then, there's ways to circumvent that from happening. The only decision to permanently alter your character at this time are Druid and Wolf, and I'm sure plans for more. Those are great! I would love to see more choices like this. A boss that can destroy gear, or lower durrability (Think like the Wurm boss at the bottom of GK). A boss's curse that lasts a month if you die to them, instead of going away when you kill it. Make it late game content, so we should all know better by the time we encounter any of it. If this would ruin the enjoyment of certain players, make it optional, and give the die hard players a way to show it off, something as simple as a title.
I'd LOVE there to be a legitimate hardcore mode, like You die, your character is gone, no perks, just bragging rights.
Project Gorgon is a great game. Almost perfect, and many people feel this way about it. I can't wait to see where it goes. I'm excited for level 80 and new maps. As a hardcore gamer, Project Gorgon doesn't reward me enough by punishing me.
07-05-2019, 11:13 AM
I'd LOVE there to be a legitimate hardcore mode, like You die, your character is gone, no perks, just bragging rights.
Project Gorgon is a great game. Almost perfect, and many people feel this way about it. I can't wait to see where it goes. I'm excited for level 80 and new maps. As a hardcore gamer, Project Gorgon doesn't reward me enough by punishing me.
While I think something like a "Real" hardcore mode would interest me normally in some other games, I'm not too sure if I would enjoy it in PG. I've always thought the current hardcore mode is too unpunishing, but having a death penalty makes you realize that the devs have to do a lot to try and make sure there aren't "Unfair deaths". There are many times where I have died in ways I would call "Unfair", such as server lag, dying while on a loading screen, clipping through the world, other players killing you indirectly, etc. Having to crawl back to your tombstone after dying unfairly is annoying enough, but having your character be permanently deleted would be incredibly rage inducing.
Now yes, you can just say that it's just optional, but in my eyes having too many opportunities to die unfairly ruins the point of such a challenge in the first place. If it's meant to be fun and challenging, then "Random" unfair deaths take away the fun and control from the player. If it's meant for bragging rights, then the title loses its value if people know that hardcore mode players are just people who grind on mobs a third of their level because it's too risky to do anything else.
07-05-2019, 04:29 PM
As some of the others have said, there's already a lot of those options available to you through the /restrict commands (though I think they might've moved to a new home in the UI - they're still there, somewhere - probably for the best they're not quickly visible, though).
I've a level 45ish character that's been moping around - it's never died or interacted with other players in any meaningful way. (You can check this through /behaviorreport , again if I recall correctly - it's been awhile).
That said, I've tried to establish community challenges in the past and while a couple veterans are interested, for the most part they get ignored - it's understandable just due to the way project gorgon works; everyone wants to do everything on a single character so why invest time into a secondary one?
I tend to get bored when games are designed so something will inevitably be achieved if you keep throwing yourself at it; I prefer the hardcore modes of old roguelikes and such, "if" you'll achieve something is much more compelling than the "when".
Coupled with that sort of alienating feeling you get when you take a break and return to a veteran character with no motivation for it - not to mention all the new early-game content that can be trivialised by running through with your level 70.
Anyway, a bit of a tangent but I do have a point - I'd like to see more flexibility and options for permanent restrictions at character creation, with some sort of minor reward (titles or cosmetics, it doesn't really matter) for sticking to it and achieving goals under specific conditions.
That said, just because it's something I'd like to see I don't envision it being particularly compelling for the majority of players and don't anticipate these sorts of things will ever be more than self-imposed to no real end.
07-06-2019, 09:23 AM
Certainly there's no reason to NOT just do those things if you choose, but you don't need the game to do it for you, right? If it's a challenge, then be challenged. If you want these restrictions, then restrict yourself. DIY. It's a possibility right now. It's a really odd way to play, but I play oddly in my own way, so sure, do it.
I would like the option to activate the features to prevent accidentally doing these sorts of things. It's also already a coded-in feature that Demo players get for free.
While I think something like a "Real" hardcore mode would interest me normally in some other games, I'm not too sure if I would enjoy it in PG.
That's why I suggested it as a toggle with the other Social Restrictions so only players like me and ProfessorCat/others can opt in, while others like you wouldn't need to do it.
07-06-2019, 10:25 AM
That's why I suggested it as a toggle with the other Social Restrictions so only players like me and ProfessorCat/others can opt in, while others like you wouldn't need to do it.
I get it, but I'm just giving my two cents on the matter on why it probably won't be a very good game mode. The thing is that I LIKE hardcore modes in other games, but I realize that hardcore in PG would not be a good idea with how it is currently.
There are lots of things that could be implemented that wouldn't bother other players if they're just optional, but there's not much point in putting in work to develop something like a true HC mode for a game that doesn't work well with it. In fact, if anything I believe it would probably cause a lot of issues with players in the future. The current HC mode allows players to revert back to softcore if they die and realize it isn't fun for them, which I know a lot of players have done. However, with a perma death hardcore mode, there will be players who will sign up for it expecting a HC mode like in other games and then inevitably lose their characters to something out of their control (And not in a fun way!). This can cause the developers a lot of headaches if those players start to complain to them and demand their characters be restored.
If you want an ironman mode character, I think the best thing to do is to just do it manually, as the game does track the number of times you died. Yes, I understand that doing it yourself isn't as fun as having the game do it for you, but implementing a true hardcore mode is just going to cause a lot of trouble. To speak for myself, if there was a true HC mode I would have definitely signed up for it when I started playing PG because that's what I normally do in games with a HC feature. Now I realize that would have been an absolutely terrible idea because the game isn't designed around it at all.
07-06-2019, 10:38 AM
However, with a perma death hardcore mode, there will be players who will sign up for it expecting a HC mode like in other games and then inevitably lose their characters to something out of their control (And not in a fun way!). This can cause the developers a lot of headaches
This thread is not about a perma death hardcore mode. It is about optional Social Restrictions that are already fully developed as features that Demo players already get.
07-06-2019, 02:37 PM
This thread is not about a perma death hardcore mode. It is about optional Social Restrictions that are already fully developed as features that Demo players already get.
Sorry for going off topic from your thread then, but that's what we were talking about. I just wanted to say my two cents on hardcore when professor cat brought it up.
Adding the demo restrictions as options are more useful since they can prevent you from ruining your self-imposed challenge by accident. I'd be up for adding them if they aren't too much trouble to implement.
07-10-2019, 05:24 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only person who remembers this! You can still look at your player stats by typing /behavior
I've been trying to follow this, but it's really hard, and I think it's still buggy. I'm on my fourth character for this now, but my counts of things like "pick up item drops from other players" and "buy from other players shops" still goes up, despite having my social restrictions up on everything.
Ex if you grab 2 gadgeteering raffle ticket, it'll count as "Bought/Used a Player's Shop" and increase the count by 2 (learned this after a few days on a new main when I grabbed the raffle happening in serbule and had to restart again) and there's still no gadgeteering restriction available.
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