View Full Version : A realistic way to add dragons.

06-17-2019, 08:53 PM
Considering this is a pve game with no pvp, what about building more onto that fact?
Once a month, one player can become a dragon, which lasts one year. So there would only ever be twelve dragons. Wouldnt matter if they are overpowered, since 99.9% of people won't be a dragon.

The means of how this event comes about is up to you. Would be VERY COOL to see a player dragon once in a blue moon.
I know that a casual like me would never become one, but just knowing there is a rare almost unattainable class out there adds something magical.. well at least to me.

I am also sure that it will keep people coming back at least once a month to try to be the lucky bastard who gets to be a dragon. Hopefully it's overpowered and awe inspiring, or it will miss the point of this entirely haha.

06-18-2019, 02:18 PM
I'd be more in favor of seeing dragons implemented as flying mounts (after horses obviously).

06-18-2019, 04:06 PM
Mounts would kinda diminish other classes with speed boosts tbh.

06-18-2019, 04:51 PM
Eh, I'm all for working towards things or otherwise finding rare items with unique effects, but having a hard limit on the number of players that can achieve something isn't something I'd personally support.

Project Gorgon has typically appealed to players who want to level everything, as well, so I doubt it'd go down well to have a form that you can only obtain via RNG (or otherwise by competing against other players in an otherwise co-operative game).

Coupled with the whole "lycanthropy" problem (wherein it was either over-powered and a premium choice, or not worth the trade-off on your character), I'd imagine dragons would have a whole slew of unsolvable problems and ultimately would frustrate more players than it'd please.

Don't get me wrong - I'd like ways to make PCs feel unique, but I don't think this is the way to do it.

06-19-2019, 06:10 AM
i hope no dragons here in any form
unique game like PG should be unique
any shitty fantasy have dragons (mostly OP and awesome looking)
New things are MUCH better that some ordinary dragons

So no NO Fu$%^45ing Dragons even

06-19-2019, 09:40 AM
Here's Citan's last response to a similar question about dragons (June 2015).

"If you can be a dragon, it'd be a temporary form. Dragons are so large that they would need their own towns, and would have the whole ""cows can't talk to NPCs"" problem at an entirely different scale. I know there was that one game that let you play as a dragon, did they let you be full size ones, though? I mean, dragons in the Project: Gorgon world are bigger than most of the houses in Serbule..."

06-19-2019, 12:32 PM
I suppose it doesn't have to be a dragon, could be anything secret and op, as long as it's temporary and only very very few people can get it.

06-20-2019, 08:33 AM
I suppose it doesn't have to be a dragon, could be anything secret and op, as long as it's temporary and only very very few people can get it.
It might be fun to a lottery ticket buying audience. But I think its generally a bad idea. This is a game, people will game the system, having multiple accounts to meet whatever the minimum requirements are. It's like a loot box /gambling for those who win it. And I imagine they will likely easily farm group content solo, or sell their account for real profit.

After any combat skills get toned down a good portion of people who did those builds struggled to transition from super-high DPS to good DPS. I imagine after playing on easy mode, the winner would quit shortly after. Or even during his/her dragon-month. This short-cut dragon lotto system you thought of is an interesting idea, but its a reward with no work.

Having a strong build with the right mods on the right skills is not easy and takes a lot of time. You'll go down the wrong path most of the time, but I think thats the point of the game. Figuring out the game, finding the right skills with an enjoyable play style is enjoyable. I believe in no shortcuts for anyone, even the lucky. Waiting for the 1st of the month to see if you're going to spend the next 4 weeks as something exclusive is probably not in the PG spirit.

06-20-2019, 01:07 PM
Mounts would kinda diminish other classes with speed boosts tbh.

These are coming, anyway. :rolleyes: I am interested to see the mount vs. foot vs flying races that will be set up during initial implementation though!

06-21-2019, 01:03 AM
I don't think I want to move toward a "super l33t powers that are intentionally limited to a tiny group" game design. I can see why it's exciting, but from my viewpoint as a game designer it feels... well, kind of psychologically manipulative. We get everybody playing in the hopes of getting this amazing thing, and then only give it to a tiny fraction of people. In that case we might as well just implement paid loot boxes... at least I'd get money out of it that way! :)

Kidding aside, there are some ways that can work (e.g. when there are scores or even hundreds of weird overpowered things, and each is super rare). But I don't think that's an approach we'd want to take for this particular game.

06-21-2019, 05:54 AM
i still thing that we don't need dragons in game (they still can be in Lore and in word background)
New and fresh vision is better that old fantasy canon.

Btw I still think that the game would be better without mounts (sadly it seems that its to late to give up this idea)

06-29-2019, 12:38 PM
It might be fun to a lottery ticket buying audience. But I think its generally a bad idea. This is a game, people will game the system, having multiple accounts to meet whatever the minimum requirements are. It's like a loot box /gambling for those who win it. And I imagine they will likely easily farm group content solo, or sell their account for real profit.

After any combat skills get toned down a good portion of people who did those builds struggled to transition from super-high DPS to good DPS. I imagine after playing on easy mode, the winner would quit shortly after. Or even during his/her dragon-month. This short-cut dragon lotto system you thought of is an interesting idea, but its a reward with no work.

Having a strong build with the right mods on the right skills is not easy and takes a lot of time. You'll go down the wrong path most of the time, but I think thats the point of the game. Figuring out the game, finding the right skills with an enjoyable play style is enjoyable. I believe in no shortcuts for anyone, even the lucky. Waiting for the 1st of the month to see if you're going to spend the next 4 weeks as something exclusive is probably not in the PG spirit.

There are ways around that, for example having a randomly spawned thing that can appear anywhere in the world that is only clickable once, that turns u into the rare class.

Could be tied to some regular mob somewhere in the world, which prevents aoe grinding the same place over and over. If it were tied to a non tradeable drop.

Maybe it could be tied to a creature, but for only 30 minutes a day at random intervels, it has the ability to grant you the rare class, which can only happen once for that creature. Would be absolutely pointless looking for it, and would only be stumbled upon by luck.