View Full Version : Dangerous Weapons were removed because off balancing the game but...

04-17-2019, 08:29 AM
Welcome to "Dangerous Weapons 2.0 !" That's right folks, gotta love how they "screwed up" the first time but they go and give ridiculous damage now to Brambleskin, Molten Veins and Fire Shield, the new dangerous weapons!

04-17-2019, 08:50 AM
Since someone started this thread I'll bite with my 2 cents.

I 100% get why shield got a nice buff with fire shield. Have you looked at the damage with shield? It's pitifully low and shield sucks at tanking anything higher than lvl 60 content (compared to unarmed or staff).

Why on earth did Fire magic get molten veins that can be modded for more damage than shield's fire shield? Fire is a high dps class and really didn't need that as part of its powerset. Firewall is kinda already that mechanic - in a mostly worthless not really functional form.

Molten veins probably should do about 1/3 as much damage as it does right now fully modded for balance. Why? Because fire already has plenty of damage.

I suspect the old fire spell - which was super cool btw - may have been changed because it shot out projectiles in all directions instead of being a point blank AoE. Did these perhaps circumvent the old aoe nerf rules?

I also have some questions for these abilities. Why do they stack? /blink blink.

The new hotness is obviously fire/shield.

04-17-2019, 12:40 PM
Welcome to "Dangerous Weapons 2.0 !" That's right folks, gotta love how they "screwed up" the first time but they go and give ridiculous damage now to Brambleskin, Molten Veins and Fire Shield, the new dangerous weapons!

If you don't like the buff to thorns abilities because you think they're overtuned that's one thing, but don't compare it to dangerous weapons.

They are two totally different things and trying to compare the two doesn't help get your point across. The damage you can get with thorns is nowhere near the damage dangerous weapons offered and you don't need to spend ludicrous amounts of gold on random chance in order to use thorns abilities.

04-17-2019, 06:56 PM
Very true Yaffy you can get the insane damage from bramble for free! Me swinging my axe for +300 damage was not good vs enemy hitting me injuring himself for +350 damage is ok!

04-17-2019, 09:18 PM
I've talked about this before and I know you understand the difference, INXS. Is brambleskin overpowered? Okay, fine, it's cool -- I'll nerf it in-place in the future. No big deal. No need to knee-jerk nerf it overnight, we can wait a few months and get a better picture of how to change it.

Now, if getting access to Brambleskin required a player to sacrifice hundreds of weapons in order to unlock it, consuming many many hours of grinding, and I knew it was going to need to be super-nerfed, I would feel a lot more pressure to nerf it immediately.

You can tell the difference between "an ability everybody gets for leveling up a skill gets nerfed" versus "a thing you have to work really hard for gets nerfed", right? I know you can. You're not an idiot, you're a troll.


Look, INXS this is your last warning. I don't need this much pointless flaming and negativity on the forum. I need to be able to read the forum without becoming depressed, and you're ruining this forum for me. I'm not a big company with a moderation team, I'm just a guy who goes to work every day and works his ass off to make the game better. Every stupid day that's what I'm doing, and it's very hard to keep a positive attitude with this... shit from you. It has to stop now. If I read another obviously trolling post I'm going to have to ban you from the forums.

You can express any opinion you want but you can't express it with this bombastic rhetoric, as if every stupid overpowered thing is life and death and proof that I'm the devil. Actually, you know what, I really don't need to hear from you anymore. I understand that you hate the game and think I'm incredibly unfair and I'm a huge asshole. Read you LOUD AND CLEAR. You don't have to keep saying it. And in fact I insist that you stop.