View Full Version : Suggestion: store-able load outs
03-25-2019, 10:26 AM
I have been thinking about this for a while and I wish I could swap out load outs with some sort of storage system, maybe a closet themed item. I never need more than 9 active load outs, but sometimes I take a break from a skill combo for a while but keep the gear with the intent of returning to it. I would like to swap that load out out of my active set for safe keeping so if/when I pick it back up I know what skill combo I was using and, if I still have it, what gear.
I like to make load outs for gardening, travel, surveying in kur, and I'm going through and leveling most combat skills. It would be nice to be able to drop them somewhere if my play style changes for a period.
As a greedy, ask I would also love if this system could store the gear if you wanted it too and additionally to retrieve the gear from storage. The other issue I run into is figuring out which of the flagged pieces from a load out are associated with what load out.
03-25-2019, 03:49 PM
Both are good ideas, for those of us that change skills a lot this would be helpful.
I never keep wolf set up as a load out and am always messing around near fullmoon and having to dump gear and loadouts just to set up for a few days.
03-25-2019, 08:58 PM
Personally think it would be awesome to be able to carry a set of gear for each loadout and not have it take up inventory space. I would like to be able to carry multiple sets so I can be whatever role I need or the group needs ( oh we already have a healer? Cool Ill strap on my damage set, or tank set, or healer set), but I simply cannot carry that many items. I mean I did the work of leveling the skills and collecting the equipment.
The unforseen consequence though is that could technically be exploited for extra inventory space while looting things just by making another loadout with that equipment.
What would be different from your hypothetical closet and using 1 storage npc to store each separate set now? Just that it's all in one place( and one click for a swap)? I'm all for more storage but the devs seem to not really want us to have it.
Lately I have been considering making my own guild just for the storage and keeping everything I need in the casino and rahu, between all the storage available there + 2 guild chests + 2 more in rahu. I don't think that would be very healthy for the game though if everyone started doing that, we are supposed to be social. So In the end I'm for your idea, just not sure how to implement it or if they would. ( and I may end up doing that solo-guild thing to be honest).
03-26-2019, 07:13 AM
ErDrick makes great points, Storage is premium atm and having loadout not cost against inventory space would be great. I dislike having tool take up so much space. i think maybe if they make the belt not count as storage sace woudl be a good start.
03-26-2019, 10:19 AM
It is not the way the game is designed, but I often play in redwall pocketed gear without skill mods at all.
I can have a fun time grinding materials from lower lvl mobs whilst leveling lower lvl skillsets, bare in my mind my lower lvl skillsets are still well above lvl50.
This does save me some storage space and load out choices, and kind of makes it more fun and challenging .
03-26-2019, 02:24 PM
I have been thinking about this for a while and I wish I could swap out load outs with some sort of storage system, maybe a closet themed item. I never need more than 9 active load outs, but sometimes I take a break from a skill combo for a while but keep the gear with the intent of returning to it. I would like to swap that load out out of my active set for safe keeping so if/when I pick it back up I know what skill combo I was using and, if I still have it, what gear.
I like to make load outs for gardening, travel, surveying in kur, and I'm going through and leveling most combat skills. It would be nice to be able to drop them somewhere if my play style changes for a period.
As a greedy, ask I would also love if this system could store the gear if you wanted it too and additionally to retrieve the gear from storage. The other issue I run into is figuring out which of the flagged pieces from a load out are associated with what load out.
Yes, all of that for me. I don't feel it's a huge problem but I've definitely run into situations where I had to delete a loadout set that I knew wanted to use again later. Or switched to a still-saved loadout and spent lots of time trying to figure out which gear pieces in my bank actually belonged to it (and what gear from my previous loadout I could now move from my inventory into storage).
For the "what item belongs to what loadout" question, I was thinking we could just display a number along with the lock icon but that could get messy if one item belonged to nine different loadouts.
Personally think it would be awesome to be able to carry a set of gear for each loadout and not have it take up inventory space.
I suspect that would lead to people using one loadout only, and then adding random loot they pick up to the other loadouts for bonus inventory space until they can sell.
03-27-2019, 08:56 AM
Personally think it would be awesome to be able to carry a set of gear for each loadout and not have it take up inventory space. I would like to be able to carry multiple sets so I can be whatever role I need or the group needs ( oh we already have a healer? Cool Ill strap on my damage set, or tank set, or healer set), but I simply cannot carry that many items. I mean I did the work of leveling the skills and collecting the equipment.
The unforseen consequence though is that could technically be exploited for extra inventory space while looting things just by making another loadout with that equipment.
What would be different from your hypothetical closet and using 1 storage npc to store each separate set now? Just that it's all in one place( and one click for a swap)? I'm all for more storage but the devs seem to not really want us to have it.
I was imaging this "closet" system would be tied to town so though it would be extra storage it wouldn't be an effective way of increasing loot drops - that is you can quick stash a load out but you still have to remember to grab it before you head out. My use case is easily swapping out some travel based gear (pockets and speed) for something like GK. Though I admit asking for anything storage related is greedy.
A compromise between the extra inventory would be if it hooked up to council storage - so you have to have the added space, but it provides an easier interface. But thinking about it more I think I simpler and more plausible request for quick grab of loadouts would be getting it folded into practical summoning as a summon loadout skill.
03-27-2019, 10:40 AM
But thinking about it more I think I simpler and more plausible request for quick grab of loadouts would be getting it folded into practical summoning as a summon loadout skill.
Oooh, now that is a totally brilliant idea. ( And it would be the end of all worries of ever being caught pantless in public. ;) )
03-27-2019, 10:45 AM
Don't want to get too into the inventory issue.
With regards to carrying items of gear freely this could be simplified to if it's attuned to you it has no Inventory requirement. Most mess with there items so much of are gear should be attuned. This will stop using load outs as storage as others have suggested.
More important is it would be helpful from inventory view to know which load outs an item is used in, especially if it's in more than one.
I never keep gear in council storage , for me that's used for the most common material stacks I'm building.
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