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View Full Version : Problems with ping and loading since yesterday

03-07-2019, 02:40 PM

The serverdown yesterday was very strange. I always could login but ingame i cant move and my skills were not loaded....
Normal when there is an serverdown you cant login.

Since yesterday the ping is much higher here in germany from 1k when i login to 250-300 and when i login it needs a long time till my skills are loading and my hangoutquestsmessages comes.

I never have this problems before and its not a problem from my provider (biggest provider in germany with big backbones)

Was yesterday a ddos attack ? The website was strange too... they load but very very slow.. That all looks like more to a ddos then a regular serverdown

03-07-2019, 05:53 PM
Hi Arsat,

I don't think the game or the website actually had any major issues yesterday. I don't think the server was ever down and I have been able to access the website from the states continuously since a small blip earlier in the month, including yesterday.

Are you able to get in game and here on the forum now? Because even if you have a large provider in DE, there might still be path issues between there and the US. Protocols change.

If you do have actual crashes, here is the method to report them: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/showthread.php?1623-Turning-in-Crash-Reports&p=12115&viewfull=1#post12115

03-08-2019, 02:19 PM
wednesday the server was "down". Thats a fact. i was alone on server or the outher people were online too but cant move too. website was in this time with ssl problems and timeouts hard to contact.
But the high ping was 24 hours.
Now it runs again with around 120 ping.

03-08-2019, 09:00 PM
wednesday the server was "down". Thats a fact. i was alone on server or the outher people were online too but cant move too. website was in this time with ssl problems and timeouts hard to contact.
But the high ping was 24 hours.
Now it runs again with around 120 ping.

We weren't down, it sounds more like an issue specific to your connection and route to our servers. We are glad that the issue is now resolved.