View Full Version : Discussion: What would you like to see in the new Gorgon Shop?

03-05-2019, 03:50 PM
I know a lot of you guys have been practicing and threatening to use your 'fling money at the monitor' techniques here lately, but what exactly is it going to take to make you execute? This is what we want to know right here! What item, package or service would you like to see in the coming Gorgon Shop that will cause you to just make it rain?

When answering that question, please keep a couple of things in mind:

1. We will only be starting out with a few basic (already planned) kickstarter-like packages, but it will expand over time.

2. We are trying our best to avoid any "pay-to-win" type scenarios on in-game items/services.

3. This is just to provide a centralized place to gather and accumulate this information to make it easier to review your requests and input when that time comes.

So, what is it going to be? And...…..GO!

03-05-2019, 04:23 PM
Well I already bought a package way back when (but not saying I will not buy another if I see something I want :P) ... and I know you said trying to avoid the pay to win, but what I would like to see is maybe some kind of monthly VIP package that makes your food last longer... maybe gives a little more power, maybe a little more inventory. I know that's most likely classified as pay to win.

But I honestly can not wait to see what ideas people come up with and what will be released.

03-05-2019, 04:42 PM
I have thoughts on this subject. I can't agree more with avoiding p2w, but I truly believe that this game has more than enough depth to allow for purchased in-game packages without affecting balance, especially assuming the game stays pve.

First and foremost, and I know this won't be for a while for obvious reasons but, Physical Merch. I want to let my PG flag fly high and proud when I'm out and about in the stupid real world.

OK, now with that out of the way, here are my more immediate suggestions:

Name changes, please for the love of all that is holy, i will pay moneys to change my account name and/or forum name. I'll pay $10 right now lol.

Additions to player housing. We don't have it yet, unfortunately, but it will open up so much opportunity for this very thing without necessarily pushing p2w. For instance, a larger house, or a personal garden, or an on property fishing pond. The possibilities are endless, not to mention pure decorative options such as wallpaper, specialized furniture that can't be crafted like a chaise (I'm assuming we can't craft a chaise. I haven't leveled enough to know.), a skylight, etc...

Exclusive food recipes could be sold and not push p2w as long as the buffs added, the time lasting, and required ingredients are comparable to the base game. Like pork shoulder, cheese wheel, 2 flours, and an egg make a pepperoni pizza lol.

We know mounts are coming, so exclusive animals with the same stats offered could work.

Access to a special chat tab might entice some people. It's not really my thing but I see sponsor forums all over the internet.

And for my last suggestion, I'm going to say guilds. I know you can buy them in game with councils and that's awesome, but I also know that I would have gladly just payed $5 instantly rather than grind for a couple days. Of course, I think the in game option of paying should remain forever.

Anywho, these are just some thoughts that have been rattling around in my noggin. Feel free to take them or throw them in the proverbial trash lol.

03-05-2019, 04:57 PM
Some different weapons/ gear not available in game strictly cosmetic, like maybe have the option to get a mace instead of a hammer or different colors for your weapon kind of be able to dye it, like have a red sword or green. Have a few type of new gear styles that can work the same way, all of these things attuned to person.

03-05-2019, 05:37 PM
As a player that purchased 13 packages, I feel like I’m covered there.

My husband games and often says, “hey, you care if I drop $100 into <insert game name>”. He knows I don’t care, just like he doesn’t care that I spent money on PG. So, my only experience with this type of thing is what he tells or shows me. His purchases are what he calls cosmetic and they seem and look super cool.

I made sure to purchase house and mount packages based on my characters. My toons, their names and rank of importance to me has been the same since 2002.

I love the ideas put out by Sassy, Jester and INXS thus far.

Interesting recipes, decorating my house and land, cosmetic items or “adjustments”.

For example, I notice certain people that wear a hat that looks like it was from a Christmas event. That’s not my thing butttt I would love different visuals for my cow. Looking at cow rear-end is so bland. And I really like cow hats. I have a bunny and could see some cute things on her.

Being a Firemage at heart, what my staff looks like is important to me. I’ve crafted tons of staves for my “girls” (mains). And being able to visually enhance them would be great.

Most players I know like being able to look unique in some manner, thus why so many spend the time playing with dye making. I get a huge kick out of guys, some I know in rl asking how I like their newly dyed armor combo.

I don’t expect houses soon, but I already have a visual of a nice cozy cottage, snuggled amongst some large shade trees. Oh, and a choice of fence types and walkway types. Ie is the walkway from my gated yard to my front door dirt, brick or cobblestone?

Pfft, implement some of the suggestions made thus far and cashflow should never be an issue! (That's the accountant in me speaking)

03-05-2019, 05:54 PM
Just a couple of ideas I thought of that could be fun for everyone:

Custom songs
Hearing the same droning music in Serbule gets a bit old. How about letting players create custom music and letting them play it so everyone else can hear their masterpieces? This custom music could be used for both ordinary performance and also by Bards in combat. Now you can have a set of nice, pleasing tunes to listen to for performance or some hardcore combat music when destroying mobs with Bard. Plus, if it's player made there's no copyright issues!

Toys for fun
Items that make silly effects could be lots of fun to play with and to mess around with other players. For example, maybe you could have a magic paint brush that lets you temporarily turn other players different colors, or maybe you could have a fire works launcher machine that sprays fireworks everywhere on use, or maybe something that turns someone into a pig (Don't worry, it's just an illusion). These items should have infinite uses but have a cool down (Don't want the server to lag to death from fireworks). These items would be fun for big events and a fun way to mess with other players, sort of like harmless pranks.

03-05-2019, 06:28 PM
Buyable loadout slots. It's on the right side of "pay for convenience" vs "pay to win".

I believe that directly increasing any combat stats is too close to "pay to win". That said, if you cap the buyable inventory slots to something like 5, I'd be willing to say it's more "pay for convenience".

03-05-2019, 07:35 PM
Not to be contrary to the norm, but I'm not particularly keen on "cosmetic only" item sales. Personal consumables, sure, but a lot of the reason I play MMOs in general is to customise my character, and I'd very much rather do that through game-play.

I wouldn't mind if bind-to-character items that give minor perks (I.e. +10% xp gain for X duration, or a Personal Panacea) - even though it has a gameplay effect, it's more desirable for me personally if these items exist in lieu of cosmetics being gated behind payments.

03-05-2019, 07:59 PM

Black dye

Name change Vouchers

New skins for armor/weapons

Custom Titles

Custom named weapon tags for example I would like to rename my sword to executioner sword

Baby manticore mounts

Back accessories like cosmetic angel and devil wings


03-05-2019, 08:02 PM
Booty call with Rita 1/day

03-05-2019, 08:06 PM
Definitely second Toys for Fun and extra load outs. Extra character slots too, though this might also be BTW b/c of the extra storage/milk?

In the spirit of toys for fun - other colors of fireworks - smaller versions of the admin visual beacon - deployables of different items that act like the teddy bear.

I hope there will be some sort of transmog skill in the future so I'm all for cosmetics for items assuming players can do this with in game items w/out paying.

In the spirit of extra songs - I would like extra dances.

Assuming the game get more base emotes I've seen custom emotes in game stores before which I like.

Dyes. All of them. Especially black. People might not buy the in game dyes, but would definitely buy exclusives. But also people will be pissed if black is in there and not in game (but I'd still buy it)

Fun illusion packs that don't affect the game, but would be great for screencaps/events (i.e. different species).

Spell visuals.

Inventory folders

03-05-2019, 08:08 PM
I'd personally love more things like the Bear and Monkey Dolls the Casino offers. As well as maybe XP packs that grant a bonus to Crafting or Combat XP for a day or so. I'd also love some alternate skins for animal forms; Like a black widow skin for Spider. Also a Dye Pack featuring rare dyes would be nice.

03-05-2019, 09:11 PM
Sorry if it's not really the point of the thread, but I want to argue why extra inventory space and bonus EXP are definitely pay to win to people suggesting them. Even if it's not terribly large bonuses it's still an advantage that can easily compound on itself very easily.

For example, inventory space is essentially extra money, because it lets you carry more items out of dungeons, when farming, etc. This saves you time running back and forth. Just to give you an idea, if you think of every time you've had to drop an item because you ran out of inventory space, that would have been extra money if you had the extra inventory space to hold it. Another way of looking at it is that players will pay good money for pockets on gear, for example 20k for 20 pocket pants. A passive inventory boost would be even better than that, because you don't have to spend an equipment slot on it, and therefore it doesn't hinder you in combat.

Plus, it'd leave a really bad taste in new player's mouths. Inventory space is a problem for new players, and immediately seeing an option to make that problem go away via money would give the impression the game is p2w. I know in some games inventory space is more of a convenience than anything, but there are also lots of games where inventory space is an extremely useful bonus and it gives a major advantage. Project Gorgon is one of those games.

As for EXP boosts, Project gorgon is definitely big on the EXP grind and I could argue why it'd ruin the spirit of the game, but there's an obvious advantage with crafting EXP bonuses. If a player is getting double crafting exp for example, that means they require half the materials in order to level up their skill. This translates into saving a lot of money/time, and why getting crafting exp bonuses are so important for crafting skills like brewing in order to cut down the horribly huge amount of expensive barley you need. For a skill like brewing, a 10% crafting exp bonus can easily translate to tens of thousands of gold saved.

I know these sorts of bonuses are very popular in MMORPGs, but I don't believe these sorts of things should be suggested in this thread.

03-05-2019, 10:13 PM
Just want to chime in again after reading what someone said about cosmetics behind a paywall rather than available using councils. That would be less than righteous. What if both options were offered? I think that would work as long as neither price was ridiculous.

03-05-2019, 10:37 PM
I saw this mentioned in the game

Eso had a bag NPC that would help you get things and fill the bag. Minor and major farming mats randomized depending on level.

Bear, Monkey, Ferret forms

Transmutation mod effects (more glowies)

Name change/Gender change

Extra inventory - why because this is the norm and not pay to win, you still will max out the vendors so this is far from pay to win.

Another non-game race - Why because it helps the game and would be great, Orge/goblin would be nice

Titles- not earned in game

Dyes- not in the game

Gardens, purchase a garden in certain zones to grow up to 10 of a crop at a time

I will think of more later

03-05-2019, 10:57 PM
I think what most people have talked about is in line with what I would like, but I would also like to add, pleae, no random booster-pack like things. In Guild Wars 2, you'd buy a new mount skin that was random from a set, and you couldn't just buy the one you wanted. That's just abusing the paying customers. If you do offers skins on items or animal forms, just let us buy the one we want.

03-06-2019, 02:46 AM
Access to my character database entry: items currently equipped, storage unlocked and its content, favor with NPCs, flags and quests completed etc. Anything I can check by myself logging in, but available offline.
Same for guilds, although the multiplayer aspect can be an issue.
Extra character slots.
Extra account-wide transfer chest slots.
Offline transportation, similar to hangouts: after N minutes offline, your character is moved to one of several possible destinations at the next log in.
Your choice of display for items: they can have several choices rather than only one today, and you can execute an action in game that makes you choose one of them rather than the default. For example:

Give shoddy cloth the graphic of decent.
Give hammers/sword/.. obtainable in a dungeon the graphic of any other that can be obtained there.

Your own personal kobold attendant that collects the trash you dropped on the ground behind you and disposes of it.
Your very own tombstone epitaph (Can the engine support it? Come on, it's 14-years old now, surely it can write).

03-06-2019, 03:06 AM
Avoiding P2W options are a given, but I believe there are still a few other things to avoid. "Fun" shouldn't be behind a paywall. New gadgets or nifty little features should be for everyone. Furthermore, ideas for things to be made for purchase should also be available to regular players, but in a more limited way. Ideas that could work around those limitations are convenience items and cosmetics.

PG's main appeal is not its art or cosmetics, so attempting to do cosmetics could be a stretch, but here's a few ideas if the extra legwork could ever be done:

Add "outfit" slots for pieces of equipment. This way players can have their typical gear on, but choose to have skins over them. This can be things bought with money, and as a way to extend the treat to regular players once in a while, potentially seasonal events that could give things to people who participate.
Everyone loves customization, but what would be really cool is combat skills customization. Skins or different looks for your beast form, necromancy summons, spell effects, and things that could generally add a personal flare other than just a cool looking outfit.
Flashier dyes for VIP members that have effects. Maybe more color options, some subtle sparkle, fire, or other cool effects.
This could potentially be a challenge regarding stability and optimization, but a cosmetic pet system could be interesting like other MMOs have. Make ways to get those pets in-game, with exclusive ones for the cash shop.
As someone mentioned earlier, further customization options for the eventual housing system.
Different looks for the gravestone you leave behind on death

Next is convenience, which could be trickier to balance. In general when I see convenience items or some kind of VIP subscription, I want to think, "That'd be nice to have," and not "That's unfair!" Something that dances the line of non-paying players being able to live without, but players willing to pay will still value.

Being able to view your storage globally from one location would be a huge convenience. So huge, it could feel like a jab at non-paying players. A way to remedy this is to perhaps rebalance the current storage mentality of the game. An idea for this could be to expand the default space in player vaults, and to make sure there is a way to access those vaults in different locations. This way you relieve some of the inventory management stress for all players, allowing you to give VIP players a little bit more relief.
I saw this mentioned in some kind of Dev post before, but some way to choose what NPC you want to hang out with, without having to actually go to the NPC.
Making NPCs have a naturally better affinity for you. Maybe something like 10% favor bonus for gifting.
Exp boosts are something that kind of strike a nerve with me. I'm not too sure how to feel about it, but I do agree that if a VIP option exists, this would be the biggest selling point. Maybe a way to balance this is an exp boost ceiling. Currently there are various ways players can obtain buffs that boost experience. Should VIP players also be able to stack their VIP exp boost on top of all those others? Maybe place a hard limit on the % of exp boost someone can have, and make the VIP boost that limit. I don't have much experience in the game yet, so I'm not sure what lengths someone can currently go to for stacking exp boosts through current methods (like dancing, sleeping, appreciating art, flowers, etc.,) but a hypothetical example could be this: A non-paying player can stack their exp up to 15% through various methods, but a VIP player innately has that 15% boost at all times, and can't go even higher through already existing in-game methods. Maybe even make the VIP ceiling a bit higher, like 20%.
Traveling is another pain. Basic mounts should be available for all, which will alleviate some of the stress of long travel times. A way to further add convenience for paying players is perhaps access to a VIP only portal room, similar to the enter the light feature, but maybe something fit for VIP, not a sewer. Another way that is probably more balanced is to remove or reduce the 8 hour cooldown of enter the light portals for VIP players.

Other miscellaneous ideas:

Name changes
Character recustomisation (not race)
VIP exclusive hairstyles (add barbers to the game, with more hairstyles down the line for everyone, but exclusive dyes/styles for VIP.
Better yet, barber skill anyone?
Periodic package deliveries, such as food or potions
Access to an in-game VIP chat and possibly VIP forums
VIP exclusive emote options
VIP titles. Custom titles
Player nameplate colors

I'm sure more brainstorming can be done, but thinking along these lines and limitations I believe is in the best interest for PG and its longevity.
The most important point to nail though is there can't be convenience added as VIP options for things that don't feel quite balanced or finely tuned to begin with. Only do so for things you are completely confident in as devs. A lot of player input would likely be needed for this.

03-06-2019, 06:08 AM
I also think many of us would pay a small vip fee monthy as well

03-06-2019, 08:13 AM
I think up to 20 bag slots is okay. But just for subscriptions.

A friendly Ursala style pet could be nice.
Something to shave 6 hours off of one hang out once a week.
I would like to be able to mail items to a specific storage, so that I dont need to run back to 3 zones after farming. But this should probably be an everyone thing.
Dyes for mounts could work. Or mount clothes. Hell, or maybe silly outfits for pets. Everyone knows pet rats need hats.
Special particle effect side buffs on weapons/armor.
Illusions that do not effect favor.
Bestowable titles are great. Something one player can give to another player is nice. a title of "friend of a friend of PG" would be funny.
Maybe a grow/shrink ability.

But the question is, if purchasable are in game through other means, does this make it Pay to Win?
EQ2's model would be... "special delux expansion buyers get X, but at the end of the quest line, everyone gets X anyway but in a different hue". Not really a fan of their system. It feels like loyalty exploitation to me.

Path of Exile has the best model, the main thing they offer is storage and not inventory space and fashion. I don't know if that works here. The shared account storage I believe is already coded for 100 inventory slots and being able to pay to make it go from 4 to maybe 15 slots is something I would not do, but its probably less impactful than +20 extra slots per character.

quick edit, GW2 has storage and inventory slots players can buy, and I really don't hear anyone claiming it is pay to win. I'm not quite sure why some people think any +inventory in PG would turn it towards the darkside.

03-06-2019, 09:03 AM
2. We are trying our best to avoid any "pay-to-win" type scenarios on in-game items/services.

Perhaps Jackencola can elaborate. My guess is that if something can be obtained in game with minimal effort (though not necessarily from day one), or it can be obtained by buying another account (ex: character slots), then it's not "pay-to-win".

03-06-2019, 12:10 PM
I buy PG mostly because its NOT P2W
there is no Extra inventory slot for money
no extra character slot for money
there is no 'supper upeer hiper' hi textured and detailed and flashing Mounts (i like that this game DON'T HAVE Mounts and i hope that i will not see any for a long time)

I like that if i buy game i will get exactly the same thing that other buyers of game

SO if u target is fully not P2W game then u should avoid as many thing as u can.
There are teens of MMO that have it (cash for inventory, character slot, longer buff, extra exp, account inventory slots, mounts, etc)
PG i unique because it unique and don't have any those pseudo not p2w microtransation
PoE (Path of Exile) may be good reference, just remember that because it f2p is need more money (many players that don't sped even one $) they mostly earn money from 'inventory slot category'

And yes i know game need money and one time buy in not enough but if u do to much in microtransacion then all those gamer that don't like those microshitransation dont buy PG and those that like it or they do not care have tons of similar game to paly

What i suggest:

In-game stuff; if u really really need money so badly to developed game:
skinks for animal forms (there are many species of pigs and cow)
few cosmetics stuff for all unlockable race (fairy, troll)
some cosmatic change in skill look line eg. dark (black) Ice Nova / Tundra Spikes and bloody zombie/skeleton for necromancy (normal skeleton and zombie bud red colored)

Real life stuff like T-shirt, backpacks, wallets, hats :P
maybe some figurines / miniatures (1-2 for each playable race)
something similar to those Discword miniatures but PG ones


03-06-2019, 01:14 PM
I wanna tank top i can wear in real life with the logo.
Thank you

03-06-2019, 01:35 PM
Well I personally would love mounts, inventory, faster run speed, and housing (enjoy decorating)…. Maybe some skin appearances for pets and animal forms? Spotted pig or all black cow? Pots online for changing out of things or helping lessen some of those nasty boss fight curses that go wrong? Teleportation would be nice too.

03-06-2019, 02:15 PM
I'd like to see quality of life improvements

More gear/combat loadouts (nightz idea)
Additional character slot(s)
Opportunity to remove druid or lycan?
And anything visual. Skins, animal dyes, hairdos, mustaches, etc.

If there's not already plans for visual augmentation, then a scroll that unlocks the skill? It could work just like augments. Choose the helm you want to change the shape of. Sacrifice the helm you want it to look like, pay 35 phlog and 35 baubles, and show off your new level 70 yeti mask.

Anything that makes us shiny and sparkle. A hat that gives us the torch status, boots that give an aura like Phoenix strike/bramble skin. Glowy pieces we could then augment visually.

More ways to customize how we look. There's a lot of great cohesive sets you spent a lot of time building, and everyone runs around with hodge-podge builds that look like barf. Let us show off YOUR game!

03-06-2019, 05:30 PM
Something that occured to me today is player lead events. What if a guild could buy a kraken that they could deploy at a time and place of their choosing for a fun event?

Another idea involves death. I love the epitaph idea, and have one to add. Instead of respawning or entering the light, what if you could stay behind as a ghost for a bit. You could just fly around through walls scaring people knocking stuff off tables lol. Just a thought.

You could also utilize the social media element of this forum. The accounts are already tied together, right? So maybe VIP members get their own forum, can start their own blogs, see the in-game chat, etc..

03-08-2019, 03:15 AM
Extra character slots.
Extra account-wide transfer chest slots.
Offline transportation, similar to hangouts: after N minutes offline, your character is moved to one of several possible destinations at the next log in.
Your own personal kobold attendant that collects the trash you dropped on the ground behind you and disposes of it.

These are basically pay to win options.

1. More character slots means more vendor cash per week and more industry work orders per month. Industry is not hard once you can craft well; I got 2 characters to industry 46/47 in under two weeks of mild effort. One of them had no combat skills over level 8 - just to put things into perspective. This could only ever be fair if you LOST money on vendors and got it back when you got your 6-8 character slots all factioned out with all the different merchants (and were still capped at 4x work orders per item per month). With the right skills and know how you can get ~ 1 million per month via industry with 4 characters.

2. Extra account wide transfer chests are more storage. More storage is a huge advantage.

3. Transportation may seem minor but you know what it does? It becomes a force multiplier when considering industry. This becomes more money per minute played.

4. Collection robots are a huge advantage and although you are talking about trash in this case it becomes a slippery slope to what you see in a game like black desert where you dont even loot corpses as your pet birds or w/e do it for you.

Access to my character database entry: items currently equipped, storage unlocked and its content, favor with NPCs, flags and quests completed etc. Anything I can check by myself logging in, but available offline.
Same for guilds, although the multiplayer aspect can be an issue.
Your choice of display for items: they can have several choices rather than only one today, and you can execute an action in game that makes you choose one of them rather than the default. For example:
Give shoddy cloth the graphic of decent.
Give hammers/sword/.. obtainable in a dungeon the graphic of any other that can be obtained there.

Your very own tombstone epitaph (Can the engine support it? Come on, it's 14-years old now, surely it can write).

These are some pretty good examples of pay to have convenience/cosmetics that offer no real in game advantage.

03-08-2019, 03:47 AM
Deleted by OP.

03-08-2019, 10:22 AM
These are basically pay to win options.

In the opening post, it was asked to share ideas on what you would like to see in the shop. Not what you DONT want to see. What's worse, is you're quoting someone else's ideas, and saying "I think this idea is bad because I don't want to see it in the shop." That's not what this thread is about, and it's also not what this community is about.

It frustrates me to see so much negativity in the forums, and unfortunately, the vast majority of players who are satisfied with the direction of this game tend to be the silent ones.

I hope that we all can let the Devs make the final decisions on what ideas they filter; for this topic, and all topics/updates to come. So far they've been trusted with creating an in game experience that you and I keep coming back to. Let's try and be more positive with our feedback, and less destructive. We're all on the same team here!

03-08-2019, 11:40 AM
In the opening post, it was asked to share ideas on what you would like to see in the shop. Not what you DONT want to see. What's worse, is you're quoting someone else's ideas, and saying "I think this idea is bad because I don't want to see it in the shop." That's not what this thread is about, and it's also not what this community is about.

It frustrates me to see so much negativity in the forums, and unfortunately, the vast majority of players who are satisfied with the direction of this game tend to be the silent ones.

I hope that we all can let the Devs make the final decisions on what ideas they filter; for this topic, and all topics/updates to come. So far they've been trusted with creating an in game experience that you and I keep coming back to. Let's try and be more positive with our feedback, and less destructive. We're all on the same team here!

Although the purpose of the thread is to talk about what people want to see, I'm sure the devs appreciate all possible feedback, whether positive or negative. The devs are worried about making stuff p2w, so talk about what might be is useful.

Plus, seeing other people's perspective on the issue can help with balance. For example, Niph's original suggestion was a "Trash disposal assistant", which could mean a few things. Maybe it's a pet that just deletes items you drop, or maybe it's something that buries corpses, or maybe it vendors items you drop and gives you money. Golliathe's concern is that it will become something like Black Desert Online's pets, which are extremely useful auto-looters. I don't believe Niph was suggesting that, but this feedback does tell the devs that if they ever add "Assistants" that they should avoid making them as useful as Black Desert Online's. This comment at the very least helps the devs see possible differences between a nice convenience feature and a clear in-game advantage, even if Niph wasn't talking about the latter.

Positive feedback is nice, but negative feedback is necessary too. Although this thread is about adding things to the store, the devs are trying to be careful not to add anything that would upset players too. I know the devs of Project Gorgon aren't greedy, but there are many game developers who completely ignore complaints in regards to adding micro-transactions to their games in order to appeal to the players who are A-OK with paying for p2w bonuses because those are the people who will pay the most. It's a very sensitive topic so it's understandable that some people (Like me!) would want to say something about it, because micro-transactions have ruined games in the past.

As long as everyone is nice, feedback is constructive and there are no personal attacks, then we're good.

Also on a somewhat related note, I think Niph's idea of more transfer slot space is good, although Golliathe is correct that it would be more storage space as well. I don't think a few transfer slots are a big deal, but Niph's suggestion was probably more about making it easier to transfer items between characters, not getting more storage slots. Maybe since there's a mail service being implemented, subscription users could send larger packages with many items in them? It could be used to transfer items between alts much faster that way if you can send 10+ items at once.

Additionally, while more character slots would be useful, it's a bit unavoidable due to the fact that you can buy the game again and then make new characters on another account. Unless if the devs start asking for your social security number or ban accounts from using the same IP then this is always a valid option. Adding more character slots is fine to make it easier for everyone to get access to more characters, rather than only people who want to bother making multiple accounts and switching between them. Plus, having more characters doesn't necessarily mean you get more money in game as you still need to put in extra work to profit more. You might be able to use an easier method (Ex. Using the same work order multiple times) but you're still crafting more items, leveling up the industry of multiple characters, etc.

03-08-2019, 12:08 PM
Since my ideas are discussed, let me elaborate:

Extra character slots. You can obtain the same result buying another account. I don't know of any benefit given to characters on the same account, so until the game has some, and alts get a bonus from mains somehow, it seems very reasonable to me.
Extra account-wide transfer chest slots. It didn't occur to me that the additional slots would be such a deal, but in that case you can require to have all other storage slots in the same zone unlocked. This will get you from 100 to 101, yay!
Offline transportation, similar to hangouts: after N minutes offline, your character is moved to one of several possible destinations at the next log in. If N is 24 hours, you save a few minutes of play time every day. But, wait, you could have just played it.
Your own personal kobold attendant that collects the trash you dropped on the ground behind you and disposes of it. Actually, it didn't occur to me this could be anything else than a way to destroy on the spot. Really.

03-08-2019, 12:25 PM
Baseball caps embroidered withe the P.G. logo

03-08-2019, 12:28 PM
Your own personal kobold attendant that collects the trash you dropped on the ground behind you and disposes of it. Actually, it didn't occur to me this could be anything else than a way to destroy on the spot. Really.

It sounds kind of cute.

Maybe there could be cosmetic pets which are just critters that follow you around, and you can feed them items which levels up your bond between you and your pet, which makes your pet do more actions such as animations or speech. Just be careful not to accidentally feed them something you actually want.

03-08-2019, 01:58 PM
Love the idea of the attendant. If having it do all the choices like skinning then autopsy then bury would tip the scales too much, then perhaps only one of the options could be selected. That way you would still have to interact personally to get it all done but you could still make a run on one skill/priority at a time. Also, for the VIP suggestions, I think having the ability to invite to guild or add friend even if they aren't nearby would be both super convenient and wouldn't be too advantageous. This is fun. Can't wait to see what actually comes from this. And I want to echo what someone said earlier. We are on the same team. We have to be. It's PVE lol.

03-08-2019, 03:38 PM
it was asked to share ideas on what you would like to see in the shop. Not what you DONT want to see. What's worse, is you're quoting someone else's ideas, and saying "I think this idea is bad because I don't want to see it in the shop." That's not what this thread is about, and it's also not what this community is about.

It frustrates me to see so much negativity in the forums, and unfortunately, the vast majority of players who are satisfied with the direction of this game tend to be the silent ones.

In my opinion paid shop items should be minor conveniences and cosmetics only. I have no issue with someone forking over 20$ a month for 20 extra inventory slots (how about 5 per character). I have no issue with a small xp bonus on combat skills either. There really have to be questions answered though.... I mean what if you could just buy a set of black dye for 25$?

I take grave issue with any bonus that helps you make more money/hour. Unfortunately what he thought was a minor convenience is actually something of a massive money multiplier. I think I pretty readily explained why some of what he wanted was probably a bad idea or the dangers around certain aspects of his ideas.

I really hope you don't think my previous post was negative. I am of the opinion that when someone asks what do you want to see it also opens the door for what you don't want to see.

As for the mule issue : while you can currently have a mule this will eventually be outlawed (because a one time 40$ fee is cheaper than an indefinite rolling 5-10$ monthly fee).

I don't have an issue with the bury pet. But since no one had mentioned black desert and your idea skirted a very nasty pay to win mechanic I wanted to discuss it.

03-08-2019, 05:46 PM
Not sure if this is good or not (it would be for a perk of VIP), but one thing I can think of that I would like to see would be.

NPC drop you a message/note when they are ready for a hang out. It should be in character for the NPC, Elves should be sending you notes along the lines of "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"

03-08-2019, 06:31 PM
Some good conversation here!

I would totally rock a PG t-shirt, hoodie or hat.

I don't really foresee the Shop as being too heavy on micro-transactions. They want to keep it fairly simple - A few package deals to choose from, maybe a few single-line items like order a custom title or the custom gravestone thing, maybe some simple services like guild rename and such. T-shirts and items of that nature are possible but we'll have to look into costs and logistics for it first.

The VIP tokens for the VIP subscription option will also be sold there as well. To set expectations for that, The VIP option is very likely not going to come into play until right before release.

I gotta admit I'm surprised I have not seen more chatter about custom titles on this thread so far. So I guess I'll poke your brains about it. How do you feel about that? Non-bestowable vs. bestowable?

And finally to clarify on one point:

As for the mule issue : while you can currently have a mule this will eventually be outlawed (because a one time 40$ fee is cheaper than an indefinite rolling 5-10$ monthly fee).

Extra accounts will not be "outlawed", you just won't be able to log them all in at the same time. You can own as many accounts as you wish, but you will only be able to have one logged in at a time. Also to be clear, that will not happen until there is some form of item mail in place.

03-08-2019, 07:08 PM
I gotta admit I'm surprised I have not seen more chatter about custom titles on this thread so far. So I guess I'll poke your brains about it. How do you feel about that? Non-bestowable vs. bestowable?

Custom titles are totally cool, no complaints there! I thought these were planned to be brought back since they're in the game already. I think making them bestowable makes them more fun. I know some people use that to their advantage to get items or money but if someone wants to fork over 100 cheese to get a silly title then who are we to stop them?

The VIP tokens for the VIP subscription option will also be sold there as well. To set expectations for that, The VIP option is very likely not going to come into play until right before release.

While this is brought up, I wanted to ask because this is kind of important. Currently the VIP token in game can be traded, which is fine and dandy since it's only available through in-game events and such. When you can purchase VIP, are these tokens planned to be tradable so players can purchase them with real money and then trade them to players for in game currency? This is kind of an awkward gray area on whether this is unfair or not, but I would like to know if it's planned or not.

Also just another random idea, but I would love to see the ability to customize our equipment some more like the name/icon/etc. I know you can inscribe items and such, but I always found it kinda silly that you're stuck with a name like "Pig milker's breastplate of your mother's blue balls" or something. It's not really a huge selling point or anything, so maybe it can just be a bonus attached to a VIP subscription?

03-09-2019, 08:25 PM
Totally cool with custom titles and grave stones myself and yes definitely bestowable. :)

03-10-2019, 11:05 PM
And finally to clarify on one point:

Extra accounts will not be "outlawed", you just won't be able to log them all in at the same time. You can own as many accounts as you wish, but you will only be able to have one logged in at a time. Also to be clear, that will not happen until there is some form of item mail in place.

Golliathe people paying a monthly sub for their mule accounts is common.

Re the Mail system and mules I've never seen this discussed by the devs.

I don't expect a mail system anytime soon, but why would a player go to a "mailbox" and sort through various items to send to various mules. Then the mules have to go to the mailbox and pick them up? Complete waste of time, imho, when it's simply easier to log the mule on and drop those items onto the mule.

03-11-2019, 11:29 AM
Re the Mail system and mules I've never seen this discussed by the devs.

I don't expect a mail system anytime soon, but why would a player go to a "mailbox" and sort through various items to send to various mules. Then the mules have to go to the mailbox and pick them up? Complete waste of time, imho, when it's simply easier to log the mule on and drop those items onto the mule.
Oh, thanks for talking about that - I'd missed the earlier mention of the mule mail plans.

FWIW, I vastly prefer a mail system. To me, it's less hassle to fire off a bunch of parcels and not have to worry about logging mules in and out to keep things appropriately sorted (I have a food ingredients mule, a gem and ore mule, an NPC presents mule, etc. ) One of my current mule frustations is that I log out one mule, wait on the logout, then discover I forgot to trade one item that belongs on that mule, so I have to log them back in again - it all takes time.

That being said, I don't like the idea of being completely disallowed from mule trading. I hope there will be more clarification on that once the mail system is available.

Ok, back to the thread topic:

I'd be more likely to spend extra money on real life items. I'm not really that fond of spending real money on in-game toys. It's some combination of wanting to use in-game mechanics for anything in-game, and being somewhat stingy about spending. I'll still sub ( and would sub if there were no VIP perks) but I tend not to buy stuff in MMO shops.

Setting up real life merchandise may be entirely more hassle than it's worth but if it happens I'd be happy to pick up a couple t-shirts or sweatshirts. Hmm ... likely completely unrealistic suggestion: If there was a way for us to submit a screenshot and then get a t-shirt with that screenshot and a PG logo printed on it, I would drool over that.

For in-game stuff, I like the titles and tombstones discussed so far. I like bestowable titles - if someone comes up with a nifty title, I'd love to see lots of folks running around with it.

The hangout notification sounds like it could be fun. I don't think I'd want to get a mail for every open repeatable hangout but maybe the hangout mails could come with an option to mute further communication from the NPC if I definitely don't want to hang out with them anymore? Or some kind of extra screen that shows currently available hangouts? I have to admit I recently started tracking the repeatable hangouts in a spreadsheet, so having something in game would be a convenience feature for me.

I'm fine with name changes - I know there's some opposition to the concept but I don't mind (but don't particularly plan on changing any of my names). The gender change suggested earlier would also be fine with me, but I'd definitely not pay for that (who would want to play a guy? ;) ).

Other than that, I prefer that everyone in game plays with the same rules. I find it really hard to draw the line between "fun perk" and "I want that, why can't I earn it in game?".

Buyable loadout slots could be an interesting idea - I'd somewhat prefer they are earned through gameplay but the already available number of loadout slots is probably plenty for most people, so adding more on top of that would be ok.

I don't mind cosmetics like outfits, mount skins and pets being available, but I don't think I'd buy them myself. I like to show off stuff that I've earned through my game play, so buying things with real life cash doesn't really work for me there. I might make an exception for a particularly cute mount or non-combat pet but probably not.

I have to admit for cosmetic stuff that I'd actually want, I don't like the idea of possibly having what I really want be available only through RL cash. I'm thinking stuff like different hair styles and housing items here. I'm so biased.

I would likely pay for more character slots. I like alts, and I'd like to get all my characters on the same account.We currently have the option of getting 4 extra characters for $40 by getting a second account - it would be nice if it could be added to the same account instead.

I definitely don't like the idea of being able to buy extra inventory slots. I don't think I like buyable in-town storage slots either. Everyone wants more slots, so I don't really want to gate that behind a paywall. I have fewer problems with a bigger shared storage chest being associated with a VIP subscription - maybe because that's only a few slots per account, not character, and because it would go away if the sub expires. ( Incidentally, it's not a VIP feature I'm that excited about because I'd really prefer mail to begin with.)

Crafting xp bonuses also sound like a bad idea to me.

03-11-2019, 06:43 PM
Option to turn off Druid premonition and Druid event partecipation.

03-14-2019, 12:52 AM
Option to turn off Druid premonition and Druid event partecipation.

I have that for free.... you can always make a new character.

03-14-2019, 06:18 AM
I honestly like the way druid and lycan are implemented and don't want the temptation to circumvent their drawbacks. I get that others would like that and honestly, I have no problem with others doing it. My problem is with my own self control lol.

On another note, what about paying a small amount for a permadeath character slot. Super hardcore.

03-14-2019, 11:57 PM
I believe that having drawback option in a shop is wrong, the characters skill sets say permanent for a reason. I do not wish to see a way around that.

03-15-2019, 06:14 AM
Another VIP suggestion. The wordhunt game and occasional trivia contests are super fun. Could these be expanded for VIP members, such as alternative games to wordhunt like cryptoquotes or something. And trivia could be expanded to like scavenger hunts where we submit screenshots.

03-16-2019, 11:06 AM
Houses + extra for storage/gardens/cellars/trees. (my own lemon tree!).

The ability to personalise bard battle songs, I'd love 'raining blood' for dischord!

Real life tshirts.

Invisible headgear!

The ability to craft a cart and drag more resources for full crafter chars.

03-20-2019, 09:32 AM
Oh look! The Gorgon Shop is open right now! That doesn't mean you have to stop suggesting what else you would like to see in there though!

03-20-2019, 09:53 AM
Name changing vouchers also want pockets galore please the pockets please god please

03-20-2019, 10:19 AM
Oh look! The Gorgon Shop is open right now!

And it offers "a pair of breeding tigers of high genetic quality." I have no idea what's involved in that but it sounds awesome. :D

03-20-2019, 10:35 AM
"Plus extra saddlebags for extra storage capacity."

Does this mean that our mount will have storage, and these saddlebags will be a unique form of extra storage on our mount?

And it offers "a pair of breeding tigers of high genetic quality." I have no idea what's involved in that but it sounds awesome. :D

It means that all of the animal handling animals we've raised so far are worthless. Or that we get to ride tigers.

03-20-2019, 10:52 AM
My current plan is to try crossing tigers with horses to get the best of both worlds.

When looking at the packages in the Gorgon Shop, I often found myself wondering whether a shop item is available through the shop only or can also be earned in game. See also Jester's question in the other thread about housing. It might be nice if the Shop made that explicit, just so players can make an informed decision? Maybe just flag all shop-only items with an asterisk or something like that?

03-20-2019, 11:13 AM
If it's not too late for suggestions, something that I would like to see would be cosmetic items being available both in the store and unlockable through game. Whether it hurts sales or not is a big grey area, but it would appease players who are heavily against spending money for cosmetic items.

Just as an example, in Ragnarok Online, there are a lot of private servers that offer two ways to collect hats (Which were an extremely important status symbol!). The first option was to just buy it in the cash shop, and the second option was to typically do some sort of quest to get one. Usually the quest to get the hat was really long and drawn out, requiring tons of effort. However, because the hats were (typically) cosmetic, this actually made everyone happy.

If you were someone who just wanted the hat right now in order to look good, you could just buy it on the store.
If you were someone who wanted the hat but didn't want to pay, you would feel good about yourself upon getting it after all the effort you put into the quest.

For me, some of my favorite parts of these kinds of games was putting in the work and effort to unlock these items myself, because when I looked at my character I could see all the work I put into making myself look that good. Sure, 90% of the other people I see with similar items probably just bought it, but I EARNED it.

Of course I can totally understand why you might not want to do this, because it could result in lost sales and as far as I know there's no real studies to see its effects on profit. Maybe some people who would have bought it will do the quest instead since there's a free alternative, or maybe people who wouldn't pay get turned off from the effort required to unlock it and just end up buying it. Maybe the people who unlock the hat via the quest are walking advertisements that motivate other people to buy the item. I think it would make the game more enjoyable for myself and other people who don't like cosmetics being only available via money.

03-21-2019, 04:58 AM
Most games seem to put a lot of things that you would think could be crafted with in-game skills into the shop. I hope PG does not go that direction, or at least does it sparingly.
Custom effects for abilities is one thing that would be cool in the shop. Path of exile does that. Its a good non advantage item.
I am also not particularly happy about some of the items from the indiegogo campaign appearing in the new shop packages.
+The ability to spontaneously create special snack cakes (20 per week).
+Staff of Leadership: this unique item helps you command the respect of those around you.
IMO this was one of the perks of backing early, and new unique items should have been created for this round.
I hope future packages are also completely different content as if someone has already bought an earlier package, there is not enough new things to entice them to buy more.

03-22-2019, 03:57 AM
Also just another random idea, but I would love to see the ability to customize our equipment some more like the name/icon/etc. I know you can inscribe items and such, but I always found it kinda silly that you're stuck with a name like "Pig milker's breastplate of your mother's blue balls" or something. It's not really a huge selling point or anything, so maybe it can just be a bonus attached to a VIP subscription?

I really like this idea Yaffy. As crafters we have a lot of time and mats invested in what we produce. As I've stated before I'm very particular about the visuals of the staff that each of my mains use.

Plus I think that it would be a nice bone to offer to we crafters at heart.

04-02-2019, 09:28 AM
Honest if ideas keep getting shot down ingame whenever discussion ingame is made on this, might as well make mandatory monthly fee to keep playing when people say pockets and cool cosmetics are pay2win and debate further that cosmetics are not the route to go, what route is there to go

PS: Yes this comment is said out of spite but godam people keep nitpicking you cant run a game on solely on charity
PSv2: This ever becomes the case I'm perma quitting

Also fun fact of the f***** day irl is Pay2Win