View Full Version : Shortcut in wolf cave

01-31-2019, 11:43 PM
I report this with hesitation, as I tend to love bugs of this nature, and i really feel like it adds to the charm of the game. However I understand from a development point the Devs will probably appreciate this being reported.

I found a way to go off the intended path of wolf cave, and then "accidently fall" onto the floor below, effectively skipping half the dungeon.

02-01-2019, 11:39 AM
We do appreciate all your bug reports! We especially appreciate them when you submit them through the normal methods so we can track them more easily. :)

You can submit bug reports in-game - just click the ! icon at the top of the right-hand sidebar. This is the best way to report game bugs because those reports contain additional info, like your exact location and some very basic details about your character and computer. If the bug involves an item, you can also attach specific info about that item by dragging it into a spot on the report form. If you need to send us a crash dump, screenshots of the problem, anything like that, you can e-mail those to support@projectgorgon.com.

We keep an eye out for reports on the forums - or I wouldn't be typing this :) - but there's a lot more space for a forum report to slip through the cracks. In-game reports and e-mails to support@projectgorgon.com both have much better tracking systems so that nothing gets accidentally lost.

02-01-2019, 11:53 AM
Thank you, srand! I'll remove the video later tonight, and report the location in game.

02-01-2019, 12:15 PM
Also, when you want a post a video to submit info of an exploit/cheat/bug, Be sure to set that post to "unlisted" so that it cannot be easily searched up and viewed. Then you can submit the link in your e-mail to support@projectgorgon.com . This helps to ensure that it stays discreet. I understand that it is posted with good intentions, but in some cases it can cause quite a problem in the time between reporting and fixing the issue. It leads to temptations and then that leads to good players getting punished...and we don't want that. :)