01-29-2019, 08:56 AM
In archery skills, I have 4 that use beginner arrows or better and 2 skills that use beginner barbed arrows or better. But if I am only carrying beginner arrows, i can only use 4 of the skills and if I am only carrying beginner barbed arrows I can only use the 2 skills. So in order to use all 6 skills, i have to carry both kinds of arrows. I would think the barbed ones would be better than the regular but it seems they are equals. Is it supposed to be like this or was is a mistake.
I know there are even better arrows than those two kinds but you would think the beginner barbed ones would better than the beginner arrows.
I know there are even better arrows than those two kinds but you would think the beginner barbed ones would better than the beginner arrows.