View Full Version : Project Gorgon, my thoughts after 142 hours played.

01-14-2019, 04:09 PM
So, I've played now for 142 hours.

Let me start by saying, I LOVE this game. Don't let anything that follows dissuade you of that. If I am critical, it is because this game is in beta and I am operating under the assumption that feedback is welcomed. If it's not, then let it be enough that I love the game.

As to background, I have played MMOs for years. I started with EQ1 and played DAoC, WoW, Anarchy Online, and a parade of other, forgettable MMOs.

The thing I like the least about Project Gorgon is travel. Now, I'm not opposed to time spent on travel, as I believe it's an essential element to making the world feel like a world. However, I greatly dislike that all my travel has to be directly overseen by me pressing the buttons to move. Something akin to the Horse Routes of DAoC would be a big step up in this regard. You still need to walk to the far destination before you can get their by riding, and the locations you are given easy access to are limited.

BTW, I suspect "horses are coming" will be a reply to this, but that still requires that I direct all travel and I would prefer something with a limited amount of "hands free" travel.

Also, a short boat ride out of the docks would not hurt in making the world seem like an active, living world.

I would also like to know how these zones all knit together into a world. A loading screen that shows the entire world and the placement of zone A to zone B when I transition from zone to zone would be nice.

Player Economy
While I would prefer an auction house, I've read the dev blog on the subject and don't mind the feel they're going for, even though it's perhaps not my favorite. With that in mind, the deployment is a total disaster. There's 50 player merchants standing around, 2 or 3 little golems to tell me what they have, and even then I need to know exactly what I want.

As a werewolf I thought to myself, "Hey, let me go see what sort of gear upgrades I can buy for my toon." Good luck. First, I have no idea what any armor is called. Second, if I did know what I wanted, I then need to know every piece, visit several different merchants to see if they have it and what it costs, and that only gets me at stuff that happens to be in the local zone. I don't even bother as the barrier to shopping for something like armor is too great.

Then there's the issue of skills. Skill A is dependent on stuff created by Skill B, that's cool, except there is a real drought of available things when I go look. I have chosen to see this as an opportunity, and for me, or someone who beats me to it, it is, but it's also a significant impediment when you consider the game assumes you have access to resources created by other players, but then creates significant barriers to finding and acquiring those resources.

Zone Transitions
While I had hoped the very notions of zones was a thing of the past, I don't mind the occasional loading screen as I transition from one place to another. However, I hope that the little blue circles are not the end state. The zone transitions are an immediate break in immersion, and it is difficult to even see how one zone connects with another. When I hit the glowy bubble to Eltibule I seem to zone in with mountains at my back. How did I end up there when traveling overland? And while I'm at it, having to click on it vs. just run into a zone and have it automatically initiate the transfer is somewhat annoying.

The chat system is miserable. Perhaps the worst I've ever dealt with in a MMO. Tells are ignored not because people want to ignore you, but because they're lost in all the tabs. I don't seem to be able to change chat colors. There doesn't appear to be an easy way to navigate between custom channels in one tab without clicking (as opposed to / commands or some other shorthand).

Massive Living Space, No Furniture
This is probably a side-effect of being in Beta, but the huge structures that have like one person standing in the middle of an empty room are somewhat... jarring. The orc and mantis out by Eltibule being prime examples. Those buildings are HUGE, but inside them are just 3 people standing amidst an empty room.

Town Guards
I think the cities and castles could make do with a guard or two that might take some offense to a hostile critter following a person through the gate.

Life in the Wild
I believe the zones, though expansive, could use some more life. Small hubs of activity where there exist some NPCs to chit-chat with, not unlike the Tapestry Inn. More things like the Tapestry Inn scattered around the massive zones wouldn't go astray. If I think back to DAoC, I recall I was tripping over all sorts of small towns chock full of people (NPCs) to interact with. Same in WoW, their zones usually had several small "quest" hubs and the presence of these things makes the world feel like an active, breathing entity as opposed to a big zone for me to go kill stuff.

Work Orders... 30 days?
Not being able to repeat a work order for 30 days seems... excessive. So excessive, in fact, that makes me wonder what percentage of the player base never actually plays the game long enough to repeat a work order. And, as best I can tell, it's the only way to raise Industry. Maybe it's an intentional upper limit on that skill, I'm not sure, but something inline with vendor refresh would be better IMO.


I think that's about all for now. Love the game, GREAT work Project Gorgon team. This is undoubtedly the best game I've played for years.


01-15-2019, 09:30 AM
Work Orders... 30 days?
Not being able to repeat a work order for 30 days seems... excessive. So excessive, in fact, that makes me wonder what percentage of the player base never actually plays the game long enough to repeat a work order. And, as best I can tell, it's the only way to raise Industry. Maybe it's an intentional upper limit on that skill, I'm not sure, but something inline with vendor refresh would be better IMO.

The limit is to protect the economy imo. If players could turn in the highest level (best paying) work orders on a weekly basis, then there would be no need to farm cash in other ways or to do any different work orders. It also puts a limit on the payout for grinding skills constantly... I think it would be much easier to max crafting skills if the payout were less restricted.

01-15-2019, 11:28 AM
However, I greatly dislike that all my travel has to be directly overseen by me pressing the buttons to move.

I'm not sure if you know, but there is an auto-walk button that you can use. It doesn't reduce travel time or anything but it means you can mess around with your inventory, check your skills, chat, etc while running somewhere. You can even alt-tab if you're not concerned with what you might bump into.
By default the button for it is num-lock, but I bound it to clicking with the mouse wheel since it's so handy.

Work orders refreshing in 30 days is there to get you to do other work orders on the board. Yes it sounds like a while, but making it shorter would actually be very abusable. Being able to hand in the same few items over and over again would make it far too easy to gain industry exp and tons of money from some of the more lucrative orders by just making items in bulk. By making the refresh time so long the game makes you do different work orders, and there's so many different ones there's no way you'll do them all in a month without a ridiculous amount of effort.

01-15-2019, 12:27 PM
I'm not sure if you know, but there is an auto-walk button that you can use. It doesn't reduce travel time or anything but it means you can mess around with your inventory, check your skills, chat, etc while running somewhere. You can even alt-tab if you're not concerned with what you might bump into.

Oh I have that key bound already. :)

01-15-2019, 12:36 PM
The limit is to protect the economy imo. If players could turn in the highest level (best paying) work orders on a weekly basis, then there would be no need to farm cash in other ways or to do any different work orders. It also puts a limit on the payout for grinding skills constantly... I think it would be much easier to max crafting skills if the payout were less restricted.

Work orders refreshing in 30 days is there to get you to do other work orders on the board. Yes it sounds like a while, but making it shorter would actually be very abusable. Being able to hand in the same few items over and over again would make it far too easy to gain industry exp and tons of money from some of the more lucrative orders by just making items in bulk. By making the refresh time so long the game makes you do different work orders, and there's so many different ones there's no way you'll do them all in a month without a ridiculous amount of effort.

Well, it's a minor thing, just seems a bit excessive to me, but would never be the thing that made me not play. Actually nothing on my list would make me not play. :)

01-14-2020, 12:10 AM
I'd like to add some thoughts about things which are reasons of a loss of immersion in the game.

#1 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1) Pet (like a rat) walking on the lake bed instead of swimming after a character.

#2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) Beasts. Wolfs and deers live togheter with peace. Vegans?

#3 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=3) Why tigers are at Hills? They rather suits to jungle or desert.

This things brings back to reality and then magic won't happen. They're the first thing you see

01-14-2020, 05:08 AM
You forgot inventory space and storage space. I would like some kind of improved storage facility.

01-14-2020, 06:47 AM
The thing I like the least about Project Gorgon is travel. Now, I'm not opposed to time spent on travel, as I believe it's an essential element to making the world feel like a world. However, I greatly dislike that all my travel has to be directly overseen by me pressing the buttons to move. Something akin to the Horse Routes of DAoC would be a big step up in this regard. You still need to walk to the far destination before you can get their by riding, and the locations you are given easy access to are limited.

BTW, I suspect "horses are coming" will be a reply to this, but that still requires that I direct all travel and I would prefer something with a limited amount of "hands free" travel.

Also, a short boat ride out of the docks would not hurt in making the world seem like an active, living world.

I would also like to know how these zones all knit together into a world. A loading screen that shows the entire world and the placement of zone A to zone B when I transition from zone to zone would be nice.

You could try to be a druid or a bat, then you can autofly your way to about anywhere without being bothered.

01-14-2020, 08:03 AM
I'd like to add some thoughts about things which are reasons of a loss of immersion in the game.

#1 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1) Pet (like a rat) walking on the lake bed instead of swimming after a character.

#2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) Beasts. Wolfs and deers live togheter with peace. Vegans?

#3 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=3) Why tigers are at Hills? They rather suits to jungle or desert.

This things brings back to reality and then magic won't happen. They're the first thing you see

Kind of agree with #1 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1) and #2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) , we just got new swimming and maybe pets will also change, new pathing code is probably needed all around anyway.

Mostly wanted to address #3 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=3) spoilers:
It is explained that the dinos and tigers in the Serbule area the result of portal magic running amok in the Serbule Sewers project, they are basically invasive species.

01-15-2020, 02:52 AM
An Auction House is not good for the game in the long run. Everquest demonstrated this when after years of players gathering in the Commonlands Tunnel to tout their wares, haggle and barter, they introduced the AH. Gone overnight was the social interactions that went on there. No more banter, no more friendships struck up, no more reputations as a trustworthy trader being made. It was great in the early days though, I admit, but then the economy changed and it didn't really recover. People started super-intensive farming of resources and lowbies were squeezed out of decent farming spots (such as the one on the beach for Othmir Fur) because a high-level player or group of players essentially locked people out of making their first reasonable money in the game.

The system in P:G seems fine to me, really, especially when accompanied by the Job Board system. It does help keep the economy stable, as does Merchants cash supply not rising when people vendor things. This is despite me being a lowbie who has a few things that would be nice to sell in order to boost my chronic cash shortage, such as Level 0 Goblin Calling Cards, an antidote for the Pig,some Cheese and some Fire Dust. There's no way can I afford a shop yet. Still, I can live with that. :) I know there's a vendor or two that buy things at full price, should they have sufficient cash, so I'll just wait until they reset.