View Full Version : Got 50 hours of play time on and have a few questions

01-01-2019, 08:47 AM
Ok, for starters, I like the game. I played back when Trammel came out in Ultima Online, and have played a variety of MMO's over the years.

Ok, action bars. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I can't fit all my abilities (primary and secondary) I fight with a sword and have animal taming so I have a rat. Too many needed abiliities, and I got a new sword fighting ability and unless I remove 1 of the other 6 it won't fit on the bar. Any Advice please?

Travel... travel sucks. It is one of the biggest time sync's in a game. So the game offers teleportation, Awesome... I got 5 amethyst's off the starter island... and in no time they were gone. Was told take up surveying...great there is another massive time sync to build the skill up to get them. or pay crazy over inflated prices to buy them in game. With all the crafting for food... I can't afford 800+ coins for something that has a 1 in 5 chance of poofing. So it's waste a ton of time running around the hills working surveying (a mount would help a real lot) or farm like crazy to get enough items to sell too keep myself in amethyst's. Maybe they should be an NPC sold item for around 200 coins... or introduce a hearth stone like most games have.

Storage...where do people keep everything? With the gathering, and empty water bottles..items that I want to sell but the NPC I got to sell on consignment takes 2 items at a time..went broke to get him to like me enough to let me sell on him. Do people make 3 dummy characters to hold stuff? Maybe introduce a bag or box of holding that would fit in the bank but hold different crafting materials to save space...or was this intentional to limit what we can have?

01-01-2019, 12:27 PM
About action bars
With animal handling you will be able to put your animal calls or summon and That'll Do on the side bar. Have you unlocked any Load Outs yet? You can set up your load outs with a set of skills for each situation, going up against something resistant to slashing quickly change skills with things like Precision Pierce before combat. You will still have to use the skills that are active when the battle starts but a load out can let you change gear and skills quickly out of combat. You will have to get used to choosing just 6 skills, this will also be helpful in the long run because you can work your gear mods to focus on the 6 skills. Mods on gear for 10 skills would be less effective.

Mounts are a planned feature. There are probably aspects and ways of teleporting you haven't discovered yet, and ways of buffing your speed help with travel. Look for gear that increases your sprint speed.

also http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Haste (http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Haste/)

Everyone that hordes stuff will feel the pinch of lack of storage at the start. But there is tons of storage available. Check the wiki for where to find it.

Hope this helps.

01-01-2019, 01:48 PM
Thank you shielbreaker...I guess i skilled up a bit and loadouts are working.

But trying to sell gear make coin, craft with no room to hold everything...it is just very frustrating...and the endless running... shopping is so confusing...I miss wow's auctionhouse where you can put some specifics for what to look for in items and armour... need food, so the cooking skill gets expensive as a newb character... then get told to take up surveying to get amethyst's... wasted a few hours running around, still none...it's getting old...I looked at the wiki page but there needs to be a better guide to explain what the people who have been here since alpha know to the new folks. Otherwise the game is fun...they need a dungeon that new ppl could explore without a cursing boss...some of us play solo and it's too risky.

Sorry if I am complaining too much but I see potential but....

01-01-2019, 02:37 PM
There are 7 guides on the main wiki page, New players guide • Making Money • Merchants • Bartering • Gifting • Lucky Belts • Sprint speed

And there are 31 guides on steam

A fresh pair of eyes is useful for giving feedback to the Devs.

01-01-2019, 02:57 PM
Ok, so:

1)You have three action bars. Two at bottom of your screen are ment for your primaryy and secondary combat skills. You can select up to 6 abilites from both your skils -so 6 sword and 6 from other skill you select. ther eis no way to increase number of this slots, so you have to pick whatever skills you think suit you most (or what skills you have mods for). Sidebar is for special skills, liek first aid,a rmor patchign etc. You cna increase number of slots aviable with word of power, or Gur Hota potion.

2)Yes, travelign sucks. I would suggest investign in Alchemy, that will let you make speed boostign potions. Another option is to level skills that ahve speed-boostign abilites. I think Shield is easiest one to get for new player. Psychology have few mods taht will allow soem of it's skills to boost your speed too. Another skilsl with good speed boosts are Fire Magic (need mods too), and Battel chemistry (very expensive to level, and need lv 50 alchemy to learn).

Word of advice here -Project Gorgon is whjat I would call 'slow' game. You are not supposed to rush to mac level here. Take your time, level multiple skills. If you get bored of one thing, start doing somethign else. I knwo it's not smething for everyone, but I personaly find it very rewarding when you finally achive your goal. And thsi feelign when you get to run at with 30+ sprint boost -awesome. As logn as you dont bump into walls.

Yes, Surveing is best way to get gems for teleportation, and yes, they are very overpriced. But if you do surveing, you will get other gems too, that you cna sell to other players.

3)Ah, storage. It's probbaly biggest problem in thsi game. You have severla NPCs taht offer storage, soem will keep any item, soem only specyfic ones. Only way to increase storage amoutn is to increase favor with correct NPC.

01-01-2019, 09:02 PM
Ok, for starters, I like the game. I played back when Trammel came out in Ultima Online, and have played a variety of MMO's over the years.

Ok, action bars. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I can't fit all my abilities (primary and secondary) I fight with a sword and have animal taming so I have a rat. Too many needed abiliities, and I got a new sword fighting ability and unless I remove 1 of the other 6 it won't fit on the bar. Any Advice please?

Travel... travel sucks. It is one of the biggest time sync's in a game. So the game offers teleportation, Awesome... I got 5 amethyst's off the starter island... and in no time they were gone. Was told take up surveying...great there is another massive time sync to build the skill up to get them. or pay crazy over inflated prices to buy them in game. With all the crafting for food... I can't afford 800+ coins for something that has a 1 in 5 chance of poofing. So it's waste a ton of time running around the hills working surveying (a mount would help a real lot) or farm like crazy to get enough items to sell too keep myself in amethyst's. Maybe they should be an NPC sold item for around 200 coins... or introduce a hearth stone like most games have.

Storage...where do people keep everything? With the gathering, and empty water bottles..items that I want to sell but the NPC I got to sell on consignment takes 2 items at a time..went broke to get him to like me enough to let me sell on him. Do people make 3 dummy characters to hold stuff? Maybe introduce a bag or box of holding that would fit in the bank but hold different crafting materials to save space...or was this intentional to limit what we can have?

Get gud but on serous note you have 3 options that are easiest to do

1. Buy in bulk or not at all
2.Get battle chemistry and shield maxed and speed buff with generic mods shamanic infusion and shield speed buffs to be able to survey at your own leisure
3.Get pocket armor Mule shit for hours in between toons when you need storage and try to remember what toon has what which in turn will take more brain power and is annoying

Me personally I can make enough cash currently to cover gk run cost food and teleportation cost and maybe a little gear tweaking cash to buy phlog and prisms but I usually buy 50 amethysts at a time or not at all they will last a while if you buy in bulk but that will probably bankrupt you for a while but its worth it in the end if your lazy like me lol

01-01-2019, 09:46 PM
I did see the wiki guides, but didn't see the helpful information about how to consignment sell...still havent figured out the vendors in the keep. Looking at the steam guides.. lots to digest. I do get the idea of going slow, but just seems way too many tradeskills to raise to get by as a new player. trying to geet combat skills high enough to survive...and cooking food, working fishing/carpentry just a ton of skills...

01-02-2019, 12:21 AM
The "Auto walk" button is one of your best friends and more beginners should know about it. Walking around does add to the game, but no one likes having sore fingers from holding a key down for too long running between zones.
Try to explore a bit and check things out when looking for things, but if you do just wanna go from point A to point B then face the direction you want to go and auto walk. Then you can take it easy until your character gets there and manage your items, stretch your legs or even alt-tab and do something else while your character travels for you. Even with lots of movement speed boosts at high level I do this all the time and even bound auto walk to my mouse wheel with how much I use it. Just make sure you don't run into trouble when you're not paying attention to your character!

01-02-2019, 11:32 AM
Just wanted to add one small thing: Just because cooking is a helpful skill to level, don't go crazy learning every cooking recipe out there. Until you have spare cash, stick to only learning the recipes you know you are going to use immediately, either because you want to craft something for yourself or because you have a current work order for them. This also applies to skills other than cooking, but cooking was the big one for me - sooo many recipes that I was able to learn but couldn't practically afford.

01-02-2019, 03:15 PM
Spider, #2 (https://forum.projectgorgon.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=2) I mostly didn't understand what those words were mods and shamanic buffs in battle chemistry I mean I know it's skill another skill to learn, I did start taking alchemy but I made one speed potion to level 5 one just need more spider eggs and giant spider legs so I guess I got to go do another run for that dungeon.and for the recipes for cooking for also any especially low level crafting I don't buy them all I can only buy one or two that uses the resources that able to easily gather. Like for example killing cows killing pigs and wild boar to get me killing deer for venison killing the lambs for mutton so I'm looking for recipes that are using that potatoes since you got to buy the seeds and work gardening I'm trying to avoid that right now down the road that's a different story. I did discover that I can start farming finally got high enough level that are not dying constantly. So bringing in a few k and coin today I bought myself a couple of amethyst. I am still working surveying in between but I really need to get more of spider eggs in the giant spider legs so I can make some more potions because yeah running across that map is just tedious and slow. I guess having enough cash coming in you don't care about the prices so much.

Now when it comes to gear most of my skills are in the mid-to-upper 20s and levelcan we give me some words that I should be looking for when I'm looking at the armor on the vendors for what in a box for haste or whatever they call it in this game to make my character move faster. Do bards get speed? Is that one of a separate class like necromancers and druids? I'm guessing from what I've read that lycanthropes get a speed bonus in wolf form? I was in the keep and I clicked on one of the NPC's that said for hire, and I forgot cuz I'm at work what exactly it was but I didn't have a significant skill yet in order to rent one. Typically the vendors in the keep how much does it cost to have one? Her sooner or later I'm going to be getting enough drops that someone might be interested in that purple ring that I found that I have no use for. I do have two in PCS that are allowing me to sell two items each. Now I have a question when I get a spot opened up to put another item for sale if I have a stack say bottles of milk if I have 10 bottles and I want a hundred coins each how do you put it on there to make sure that somebody doesn't come in and buy all 10 of them for a hundred coins? Thank you for your help in this

01-03-2019, 07:14 AM
Some Gear with built in speed boost
Ring of Jaunty Traipsing
Amulet of the Rugged Traveler

Flower Dainties
Ravana Soldier Boots
Windstep Shoes
Desert Vagabond Boots
Rakshasian Elite Boots

check out http://www.gorgonexplorer.com/build-planner. You can check skills to see what treasures effects affect speed. Not sure at the moment what names would indicate a speed boost treasure effect for any given skill, there are probably tons of names.

To learn more about shopkeeping talk to Selphie (http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Selphie)

On you selling question, if you are talking consignment, I'm pretty sure there are no advanced option with it. You put an item in and set a price that is it. Personally I haven't consigned anything in a really long time, so only going by how I remember it.

01-03-2019, 12:02 PM
Do bards get speed? Is that one of a separate class like necromancers and druids? I'm guessing from what I've read that lycanthropes get a speed bonus in wolf form?

Triple yes, although I'd call bard a skill rather than a class. Shieldbreaker already linked to this previously but it's worth bookmarking if you like speed: http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Haste . If you look at the colored table on the page, it basically tells you which combat skills have some kind of speed bonus. So, if you look at the bard row there, that entry means that the bard skill's only haste ability is Moment of Resolve, which lasts for 8 seconds and can only be re-cast every 60 seconds. Even worse, out of the box, the ability doesn't haste at all ( unmodded 0). In order for it to actually have a haste effect, you need to find an item with a modifier ( "mod") that changes how Moment of Resolve normally works to also have a haste effect. If you find and equip an item with that mod, your Moment of Resolve would then give a +3 speed boost (or possibly less; some mods give a lesser speed buff at lower item levels). You should have seen mods on your gear before now - gear without mods has a white name but green gear will have one mod , a blue item 2, etc. The mod will be something like "Sword Base Damage +8%" or "Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 4 armor" to give two non-haste Sword skill examples.

Going back to haste, if you are looking for combat skills that increase your speed, you mostly likely want to look for something with a high haste uptime percentage on that Haste Wiki page. You may also be better off looking at skills that will have a haste effect without using mods since the mods may be hard to find. Keep in mind though that in most cases, you'd still need to have an ability equipped for the haste effect to work so that will eat up a slot on your hot bar. Also, some skills don't work together at all (e.g. fire magic/cow) or don't work together well. I love the battle chemistry/shield combo for run speed since both of the skills give me a nice high speed boost, but I absolutely refuse to fight anything while I have those skills equipped together.

I think the basic short answer is that you are going to be slow for a while, until you level up and unlock more skills and find more items. The main thing I can think of for you right now is that you could look for an Amulet of the Rugged Traveler for +3 inventory slots and +1 run speed. I can usually find those on a used tab, but other haste items tend be more iffy and/or require an endurance level that you are unlikely to have yet.

If you want haste asap, you could look at animal forms - some amount of haste for cow, deer or even rabbit is pretty easy to get. Animal forms have their own set of complications though - a lot of NPCs in Serbule and Eltibule won't talk to you, and you won't be able to chop wood. So, unless you really want to be an animal, I wouldn't go down that route.

( One nice thing about animals is that they can get a teleport to Sun Vale that works on a half hour timer. You will need a bunch of carrots to unlock that teleport, though.)

I was in the keep and I clicked on one of the NPC's that said for hire, and I forgot cuz I'm at work what exactly it was but I didn't have a significant skill yet in order to rent one. Typically the vendors in the keep how much does it cost to have one? Her sooner or later I'm going to be getting enough drops that someone might be interested in that purple ring that I found that I have no use for. I do have two in PCS that are allowing me to sell two items each. Now I have a question when I get a spot opened up to put another item for sale if I have a stack say bottles of milk if I have 10 bottles and I want a hundred coins each how do you put it on there to make sure that somebody doesn't come in and buy all 10 of them for a hundred coins? Thank you for your help in this
I don't normally do consignments, so can't answer that. I'd assume you'd put in a stack of milk, put a price for the whole stack and then people can only buy the stack, not individual bottles.

I'd sell milk for at least 200 councils per bottle though (or 1K per 5-bottle stack) - they seem to sell quite well for that price at my vendor stall. Don't forget that you can also just advertise what you have in the Trade chat - milk tends to sell quickly and well.

To make money, I'd start by leveling industry first - that will allow you train the skill needed for managing a vendor stall at a lower cost.

If you missed it, there's a work order board by the Serbule docks with a rotating set of orders. You can usually find something that pays at least a little bit. There are boards in other zones as well, but none in Serbule Hills.

(The player work order board by the Serbule keep entrance/vendor area is also profitable of course but, unlike the NPC work order board by the docks, doesn't give industry xp.)

01-04-2019, 10:45 AM
I was able to buy a Amulet of the Rugged Traveler, and I found a pair of pants with haste +1 and I do see an increase in movement speed with +2. At least it is a start. Too bad bard's dont get speed buff's like DAOC lol