View Full Version : Suggestion for Linking to Chat

11-25-2018, 08:27 PM
Please consider making it possible to link abilities into chat. Sometimes you want to show someone something or explain to them something relating to a ability.

Being able to link them the ability in question directly into chat where they can click on it and get the same information you would by hovering over it on your end would be super helpful.

Thank you!

11-25-2018, 11:57 PM
Please consider making it possible to link abilities into chat. Sometimes you want to show someone something or explain to them something relating to a ability.

Being able to link them the ability in question directly into chat where they can click on it and get the same information you would by hovering over it on your end would be super helpful.

Thank you!

Totally agree while we are at it add it put the total damage on while were at it

11-26-2018, 10:48 AM
Not sure if there is a particular reason it doesn't currently show up, but I would love if stacks of items showed their actual number when linked in chat. This would help a lot for trade/sale situations that are worked out primarily in chat channels.