View Full Version : Event loot keys

11-10-2018, 12:58 PM
Firstly overall halloween event was amazing and I hope we get more like it.

A lot of the quests were fun to do but one thing I didn't really like is the event loot keys as rewards, didn't really feel special. I swapped to knife/animal handling when halloween started and thought it would be a great way to gear myself, I bought a bunch of keys and did quests myself and after using them all I got 0 dirks, hardly any mainhand knives and kept getting crap like staves/shields/orbs. I think event loot keys being replaced with event tokens which you barter would be a lot better - Similar to how you barter with Zeratak I'd love to be able to spend a few tokens to chose a specific thing. You could also add generic items for people that don't need gear(I just dropped/vendored all mine then started giving keys to newbs) ie 1 token gets you a few pumpkins at halloween and always offer some stuff like memory enhancers/maybe a title.

11-10-2018, 10:21 PM
I agree! Something that would let us pick out more specific rewards would be nicer, since a lot of the junk we get ends up being useless. Getting one specific item that we want would be a lot more rewarding than a pile of junk. It'd be even cooler if the items were event based, like for example instead of getting a random knife you'd get a pumpkin carving knife or a spooky bloody knife for the Halloween event (They don't need to be better than normal knives or anything, just be thematic!)

Something to keep in mind though with knife off hands is that dirk generation is bugged. It's been bugged since off hand knives came out, which is why you probably got shafted on dirks. Dirks can't go over level 50 for one thing, so you can't get dirks from the level 60 or 70 boxes as far as I know. Also the number of level 50 dirks is really low (If I recall correctly there's only one or two I think) so the chance of getting one from the level 50 box is tiny. From my experience most of the dirks I got from the boxes were from the level 40 and 30 boxes since there's a lot more dirks around those levels.

Additionally dirks don't generate with skills properly due to "Conflicting skills" apparently, so even if you do get one usually they'll end up generic or single skilled, which really sucks.