View Full Version : Just finished the "Newbie Experience"

11-05-2018, 05:00 AM
So I have had the game for a few days now and am hitting the 30 hour mark. I in no way rushed this and did quite a bit of favors along the way. I have picked up other sets of skills such as Bard and Mentalism which I am using as my primary and secondary. I have also tried to work on my fishing, cooking, butchering, foraging, etc. I think the only complaint I can even think of is some times quests are a bit too vague as to what you are looking for. I've kinda picked up on the fact that usually when its SUPER vague and just says "Find someone" they have been in the general hub area. I first ran into this with the Mantis Spies. I figured since it said Surbule it meant out in the forests because prior quests that meant inside the city had said "Serbule Keep" prior. So I spent over an hour running around the zone looking everywhere for a house that didn't exist, asked in global chat and someone said it was in the keep. Not saying I want the game to hold your hand because that is lame but having very vague quests such as the very last one of the "newbie experience" could be a turn off to a lot of people. It didn't even give me a name or general direction, the quest just told me to look in a zone that I had never been in for a person that may know.

However that is my only complaint when it comes to the quests and honestly I feel like it's a small complaint to me. The only big complaint I have and I don't quite understand is why this game is so taxing on hardware. Running a I5-4690k, 16gb 2400mhz ram, Nvidia GTX 1070 TI and this game works it harder than any other game I have which shouldn't be the case. I haven't had higher than 85 FPS and have had as low as 20FPS if I turn shadows on. Would be interesting to know the issues as to optimization, as I am going to college for Computer Information Systems and mess with Unity myself a bit, currently working on a VR project of my own.

Overall though I want to say I am vastly enjoying this game so far. It's giving me a bit of the feeling that World of Warcraft gave me 14 years ago. I am in a world that I don't know, the game doesn't hold your hand through everything and this game even takes that a big step further I feel. It makes you have to really invest into the world to get through the game and I feel like that is good design for real MMORPG lovers. Community seems great so far, whenever I have asked a question I get a response that is useful. I look forward to continuing my adventures as a Bard and seeing what else the game has to offer as I go further.

11-05-2018, 06:56 AM
Glad to hear you're enjoy it

For the quest you got stuck on the dialogue is 'Several fool mantises snuck into the town of Serbule' Though the quest tracker simply sais they're in Serbule the way I read it is that Azalak/your character does not know where they are; the only info you have is that Azalak said they went into the town of Serbule and you are to go kill them. I quite like how your quest tracker doesn't pull the info from nowhere and give it to you

If every other quest that has the objective in the keep has Serbule Keep on the quest tracker maybe that should be changed for consistencies sake. Also keep in mind quests in Gorgon are not like in other games, instead of picking up a quest and going to do it the intention seems to be to pick up a quest if you know how to do it(or picking up all quests and doing them as you gain the info on how to do so)

Glad to hear you're enjoying it, optimization is a huge issue but it is being worked on - Just this last patch they tweaked some things seemingly to see if it helps

11-05-2018, 08:51 AM
For the quest you got stuck on the dialogue is 'Several fool mantises snuck into the town of Serbule'

I must have miss read it or didn't notice that part. I remember it saying about them possible attacking the town or something. I remember reading it and it sounding like they were outside the town but were dangerous to the town. That is my bad.

Yeah like I said by the time I got to the final "newbie" quest I had kinda picked up on the idea that it lead to the central hub. So I mean ideally you could argue that they designed it in a way that you had to really explore to figure it out but if you paid attention enough you catch onto it.

11-06-2018, 11:02 AM
Yeah, I missed that clue, too. Mostly because the mantises weren't in the house when I looked in it originally ^-^;