View Full Version : Need info

10-14-2018, 12:46 PM
Right now I'm playing necro/animal handler and it seems really nice. does anyone play it at higher level and if so how is it performing? Also is there any way to keep my undead when I log out or do I have to go summon them every time. Right now I am using tiger and 2 fire wizards (gonna get bear soon as I get 2 perch).

10-15-2018, 08:08 AM
does anyone play it at higher level and if so how is it performing?
Not really... The biggest issue is that pets draw insane aggro in crowded dungeons.

Rick Sanchez
10-15-2018, 08:22 AM
Agreed with Daguin the dungeon use of pets is hard as some aggro they draw can be from adjacent rooms with mobs running around a corner to join the fray.