View Full Version : The bat MEGA-RAFFLES are back this weekend!

10-04-2018, 03:06 PM
The Halloween event is just around the corner! That means the only time to get the skillbooks for the four special Giant Bat skills is coming too! This weekend we will be giving away two bat mega-packages each day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so six lucky winners can get a head start on everyone else! First off, you will win three bat juice kits - 3 Bat Juices + 3 Unbat Juices. No waiting two hours to turn into a bat! Also, in each raffle we will include a full set of skillbooks for one of the loot drop bat skills plus Combat Echolocation, which are only available during the Halloween event...a different skill each day! Raffle times will be random and could happen at any time...so you gotta be on your toes! I will give a heads up just before the raffles begin on The Gorgon's Head discord! A cauldron party will be held after each raffle! Here's what will be up for grabs each day:

Friday 10/5 raffles:
3 Bat Juices + 3 Unbat Juices
The skillbooks for Bat Stability 1-3
The skillbook for Combat Echolocation
Celebratory Cake
Welcome Cake
Minor Panacea
"Lucky Ducky" title scroll

Saturday 10/6 raffles:
3 Bat Juices + 3 Unbat Juices
The skillbooks for Confusing Double 1-4
The skillbook for Combat Echolocation
Celebratory Cake
Welcome Cake
"Lucky Ducky" title scroll

Sunday 10/7 raffles:
3 Bat Juices + 3 Unbat Juices
The skillbooks for Smouldering Gaze 1-5
The skillbook for Combat Echolocation
Celebratory Cake
"Lucky Ducky" title scroll

Good luck to all and we will see you in game!

The Gorgon's Head discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/0o57AFlvElMVYR5r

Rick Sanchez
10-05-2018, 08:41 AM
Awesome thanks so much Rummencola. Is there a place to see what the Halloween event will entail for this year? I hope there will be some sort of Casino inclusion as well.

10-05-2018, 12:41 PM
Congrats to ieawens...our first MEGA-RAFFLE winner of the weekend! We still have one more to do today so stay tuned!

10-05-2018, 02:42 PM
We still have one more to do today so stay tuned!

Thank goodness. Most of us are still at work in the states! :D

10-05-2018, 07:45 PM
Congrats to Ranperre for winning the 2nd Friday MEGA-RAFFLE! We'll have two more tomorrow!

10-06-2018, 10:27 PM
Congrats to Delgaur and Apath, our two, big Saturday MEGA-RAFFLE winners! We still have 2 raffles left to go on Sunday!

10-07-2018, 08:24 PM
Congrats to our Sunday MEGA-RAFFLE winners - bealze and Lyssara!

That concludes our MEGA-RAFFLE weekend!