View Full Version : Quality of life suggestion for /isearch

09-26-2018, 12:12 AM
Make it when you search for an item it puts a red ! or something over the item. Too many similar looking items, items that share icon and too many items in general(If you're not familiar with gems but have been surveying finding the moss agate can be a pain) - Here is a crappy example https://imgur.com/a/nsE51aV

Allow gear switching and perhaps even skill switching in combat but it nullifies all exp you would gain from that encounter. I made a reply to this thread detailing why this can be annoying

Allow us to 'lock' items - Right click and select lock item and it can no longer be sold, traded, dropped or used in a recipe. This will prevent the ever annoying accidental sales and things like transmuting modded gear; items that are in a loadout will default to being locked.

Inspection - Generic inspect feature many MMO's have to let you look at the gear someone else is wearing without having to ask them to link every piece in chat.

09-26-2018, 12:32 AM
Make it when you search for an item it puts a red ! or something over the item. Currently levelling my industry and it is really annoying because I buy 1 of each work order and store them, then when it comes time to pull that work order out because I have the mats I have to mouse over every single one. Also have difficulty finding stuff even in my inventory sometimes either because there's 15 things with the same or similar icons or simply because everything is a mess and there's 80 different small icons and 60 of them are brown

Totally agree 100% especially with the new dam item icons this new item icon system has made my life hell for doing workorders everything looks the same or doesn't look like what it's supposed to be as the item

09-26-2018, 12:41 AM
my main issue is it seems like 80% of items in the game are some shade of brown and they're not super distinct. Finding perfect cotton in a pile of gear, cotton, thread, wool, carded cotton etc is a pain.

10-01-2018, 01:54 PM
Make it when you search for an item it puts a red ! or something over the item.

I'd really like that as well. I can usually find an item by sorting but it would be much nicer to just have it be identified by the /isearch I just did. For work orders and recipe scrolls, the default sort can also feel a bit odd since I believe it's sorting it by the item value of the scroll while I'm thinking about it in terms of skill/ability and level...

Rick Sanchez
10-01-2018, 02:49 PM
I'd really like it if when you did search it made a border change to the slot that the item is in. That way no matter what happens to icons down the road that border image change could be separated and would not ever interfere or overlap with item icons.

Also if there was an indicator in the visual view that was reflecting if another storage npc or box was containing some of the same item you searched for just like in /isearch results that show all locations it is in for those new amazing storage views you put in I would be very happy.

10-02-2018, 08:45 PM
So will our prays be answered find out next time on dragonball z

Jk troll post

10-27-2018, 06:07 AM
Going to just use the one thread for QoL suggestions I come up with rather than making 10 threads

-Currently you cannot change gear or skills in combat. I think the reasoning behind this is to prevent gear switching such as using high armor gears and swapping to your better damage stuff after losing your armor, or just swapping gear for benefit in general.

If you've ever been locked in combat before you'll know how frustrating this is - For example I frequently swap to BC to extra toes myself and something that happens a lot is I'll equip flask to hast concotion, swap back to hammer and then I get stuck in combat with flask equipped but hammer as my skill - I can't cast any abilities and have to flee.

This can be partially avoided by properly using loadouts but then that means keeping them updated(annoying if you frequently switch gear, level up skills etc etc) - What especially frustated me is my party seemingly got perma locked in combat in Winter Nexus yesterday, on zoning in I extra skinned everyone but had not equipped my hammer yet(using hammer/BC in WN) and the party was locked in combat, getting killed by trolls and even after they all reset we were seemingly locked in combat(by a fae portal that we could not get to I think) - This led to me having to zone out, equip my hammer, zone in and reskin everyone. This took me like 4 minutes because of lag in zoning.

A real "first world problem" but that's why it's QoL and not "im quitting if this doesnt get fixed REEE" before anyone goes mentioning that it "isn't a big deal"

My proposed solution: Allow gear switching and perhaps even skill switching but it nullifies all exp you would gain from that encounter.

10-27-2018, 10:23 AM
My proposed solution: Allow gear switching and perhaps even skill switching but it nullifies all exp you would gain from that encounter.

You would at the very least have to force a cooldown on all of your skills if you were allowed to skill/gear swap, probably 30 seconds bare minimum. Otherwise you could nuke a target with your strongest attack, swap to another loadout, nuke the enemy again, swap to another one, etc. There's a lot of potential brokenness with swapping skills in combat, especially because changing loadouts isn't attached to any sort of timer or global cooldown.

10-27-2018, 10:27 AM
When your skills are maxed "nullifies all xp" HA !
How about if you switch skills you get no loot for x amount of time, sort of want to make it easier then no reward for you.
Maybe could try investing on a good pair of yellow lv 50 shoes with +2 sprint, can always slap a lv 70 mod on them and you could be moving at a better pace.

10-27-2018, 02:58 PM
You would at the very least have to force a cooldown on all of your skills if you were allowed to skill/gear swap, probably 30 seconds bare minimum. Otherwise you could nuke a target with your strongest attack, swap to another loadout, nuke the enemy again, swap to another one, etc. There's a lot of potential brokenness with swapping skills in combat, especially because changing loadouts isn't attached to any sort of timer or global cooldown.

I hadn't considered nuking things down by switching but yes that would be a solution.

I know it seems minor but I was extremely close to just quitting and breaking the winter nexus party the other day(I was carrying a bunch of level 30-50's and we got stuck at the first few mobs for like 5 mins) and it's been kind of annoying a lot of the time.
INXS an out of party person could still abuse it on bosses; either nuking down the boss for another party or griefing them by disabling its loot. Not that I imagine that would be a big deal and occur often but Yaffy's suggestion to cooldown everything seems to solve any potential issues

10-28-2018, 11:04 AM
Some games had a system by which you could force an out-of-combat by sitting down. If nothing actually hit you, you would fall out of combat after n number of seconds, nevermind what was going on around you.

Since zoning out isn't always an option... I'd rather have some system of forcing combat out that getting a timeout every time I want to switch loadout/clothes.

11-22-2018, 08:55 AM
Path of Exile has an excellent inventory searching system. Please take a look at it for ideas. There is a search bar on every inventory window, and when a search is active, items that do not match the search are grayed-out

11-27-2018, 10:50 PM
Seems we're getting some QoL updates tomorrow so bumping this, might be too late to get anything added to this patch but here's a few more suggestions I had. I understand that some of my suggestions may be taken as making the game 'too easy/handholding' but I'd just like to mention I spend a lot of time interacting with new players(helping newbies is what I enjoy doing and I often recruit new players to my guild and help them out) and if I'm suggesting something it's because I have heard countless people complaining about the way it is, some to the point of quitting entirely because it makes the game clunky and harsh for no good reason.

-Have what favor gets you be shown more cleary, for example talking to tadion does not show a storage tab until you've unlocked the storage. If it shows a storage tab and when clicking on it sais "Requires higher favor level" then you will know you want favor with that NPC. This is mostly to help newbies, I have seen countless people running around completely unaware that getting favor with certain NPC's will benefit them - They completely ignore the NPC because they offer no quests or storage

-In a similar fashion perhaps list all available abilities under your skills but gray them out, again I have seen countless newbies completely unaware that there are other abilities for their skills, as an example I did not know you got more abilities for Archery by buying them - I got to level 30 and determined archery sucks because I was completely unaware that Elahil offered skills like heavy shot or Velkort taught fire arrow. Many newbies simply use the skills you gain from levelling up because they're not directed to ability trainers(archery is especially bad, with 4 different NPC's teaching skills) which leads to "this game sucks, you only get 5 crappy abilities to use and you never get improvements for them"

The only ingame indicator for the existence of these abilities is arbitarily talking to the trainer and clicking the training tab(Something I never did for velkort because he teaches fire magic which I'm not interested in so I never found fire arrow) or finding gear with mods for it, which from talking to newbies they either don't register that those mods meant they should go out and get skills or they assumed the skills would come at a much higher level.

11-29-2018, 11:44 AM
-Have what favor gets you be shown more cleary, for example talking to tadion does not show a storage tab until you've unlocked the storage. If it shows a storage tab and when clicking on it sais "Requires higher favor level" then you will know you want favor with that NPC. This is mostly to help newbies, I have seen countless people running around completely unaware that getting favor with certain NPC's will benefit them - They completely ignore the NPC because they offer no quests or storage

I'm on the fence on this one. I want newbies to be happy but I also enjoy the surprise of discovering that an NPC has storage. It wouldn't be game-breaking for me if potential storage was shown for all NPCs, but I have a slight preference for leaving it hidden. Maybe a compromise could be to only show potential storage in Serbule, or start off storage NPCs there with one or two slots, just so new players will notice the storage? Or, assuming people read the "Stuff to Do" list, there could be an entry there for "Make Friends with Marna" that introduces them to the concept that some NPCs will have storage options at higher favor levels.

FWIW, I'd been playing for well over a year before my blacksmithing reached the level that I decided to get friendlier with Tadion and got the surprise of my life. After throwing my celebration party, I then promptly shared my amazing discovery with my friend, spoiling his potential discovery (which I don't think he minded). I think that, for myself, I still prefer the discovery process...

-In a similar fashion perhaps list all available abilities under your skills but gray them out, again I have seen countless newbies completely unaware that there are other abilities for their skills, as an example I did not know you got more abilities for Archery by buying them - I got to level 30 and determined archery sucks because I was completely unaware that Elahil offered skills like heavy shot or Velkort taught fire arrow. Many newbies simply use the skills you gain from levelling up because they're not directed to ability trainers(archery is especially bad, with 4 different NPC's teaching skills) which leads to "this game sucks, you only get 5 crappy abilities to use and you never get improvements for them"

The only ingame indicator for the existence of these abilities is arbitarily talking to the trainer and clicking the training tab(Something I never did for velkort because he teaches fire magic which I'm not interested in so I never found fire arrow) or finding gear with mods for it, which from talking to newbies they either don't register that those mods meant they should go out and get skills or they assumed the skills would come at a much higher level.

I definitely get what you are saying. I would prefer that the game did not show me grayed out abilities - it makes me feel like I have to rush out and unlock them now in order to remove the gray, and I don't like being prodded that way.

But yes, it's easy to miss abilities. I still hate sword because my newbie experience with it left me feeling like I sucked. I knew there were other abilities out there because they were showing up on my mods, but I didn't know how to get them or at what levels I would be able to learn them, so I was stuck with unusable mods, all slashing damage, no epic attack and an increasing feeling of frustration.

Maybe a solution could be to look at specific skills and revise their trainers or set up some kind of breadcrumb quest or talk for them? I don't really feel it's a problem with all skills. For example, if you look at Animal Handling, it's taught by Gisli, he has the stable, and all the training options, so I don't feel that skill needs any help. Or Psychology - it has a couple abilities you can miss out on if you are just looking at what you get when you level, but it doesn't feel like the missing abilities are a key to using the skill effectively, so I think it's fine to leave them to be randomly discovered.

In general, I think if a skill is taught by a trainer, that trainer could have some hints on where to go for more advancement in that skill. For example, Echur could mention the Myconians to the player when teaching mentalism. If it's a skill that's picked up on the newbie island, I think it should be more accessible than some of them are. Archery does feel weird to me because it's spread out over so many trainers. I don't think it's a big deal if one or two abilities are hidden, but with all of archery's trainers, it can be easy to miss several. [ Doesn't Elahil teach Heavy Shot? Are you saying they trained fletching and didn't see Heavy Shot?]

Sword remains my pet hate, of course. Knowing that you can learn Thrusting Blade at level 18 and where to train it does you no good whatsoever because you wouldn't likely be able to talk to the trainer until you are 30+ anyway, if you are just exploring the game on your own. I know there are some sword scrolls out there that duplicate the trainer but finding them can still be rough.

Anyway, just my lengthy take on it. On second thought, you could also just add unlocked but not yet learned abilities on the Reports tab for the skill or something like that - it would be accessible but still somewhat hidden, so it wouldn't bug me. I'm not sure if just listing the missing abilities would be enough, or if a hint for the trainer would be needed too. And then the trainer info may be TMI and/or not usable if the newbie does not know how to get to that NPC...