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View Full Version : Project: Gorgon Data usage?

01-31-2017, 02:49 PM
Anyone have accurate count of data usage per hour?(developer maybe?) I've look around and can't seem to find anything. If it is absurdly high, I may have to give it up before I give it much of a chance.

I now live off the beaten path where satellite internet thrives. Hopefully latency isn't an issue, but my data cap could be.


01-31-2017, 03:02 PM
My total usage seems to be about 2 gigs per day (for all internet activity) since i started playing PG on Jan.3. I've been playing around 8-12 hours each day.

My usage actually went down after i started playing, so it seems to be less usage than streaming Netflix or playing ARAMs on LoL. :p

Not sure if this is useful information to you or not -- it doesn't really answer your question -- but yeah, i guess it's better than nothing?

01-31-2017, 03:07 PM
It does actually! We (my wife & I) run more than 2 Gig a day, so that is pretty helpful. I'd probably venture a guess it is hopefully close to 200 MB an hour then! Which would be great.


01-31-2017, 04:25 PM
It does actually! We (my wife & I) run more than 2 Gig a day, so that is pretty helpful. I'd probably venture a guess it is hopefully close to 200 MB an hour then! Which would be great.


No problem. Oh i probably should have mentioned that i'm running at 1920x1080 at lowest graphics settings. I'm not sure if/how much that affects data transfer, but if you are running at higher quality, i'm guessing it might use more bandwidth -- that's just conjecture, i'm far from an expert.

Good luck, i hope everything works out and you're able to play :)

02-01-2017, 06:37 AM
I live in a rural area and my only internet access is through a mobile hotspot from my cellular provider, so I'm have the problem of running out of bandwidth quickly every month if I don't keep an eye on what I do. I run glasswire to track how much bandwidth I use. Playing about 6 hours a day, I don't see more than a few hundred megs taken by PG a day. Of course on patch days, I park myself in a public access spot, so I don't eat up my limited monthly allotment with multiple gigs of client updates. I do keep my settings throttled down and sound off in case any part of that is streamed and not a client-side asset. I will play with my video and sound settings and see if my totals change for the day and get back to you here on my findings.

02-02-2017, 09:35 AM
Last night after four hours of play with only three quick wiki queries included, I'd used just shy of 100 megs.

02-02-2017, 03:35 PM
I haven't gauged bandwidth usage in a long time, so there's no official answer to this right now.

The bandwidth won't depend on your screen resolution or other graphics settings. (It used to matter if you had "Experimental Optimizations" checkbox on, but currently no configuration options affect bandwidth.) But bandwidth WILL change based on the number of players and moving monsters in your general area. Standing in Serbule with dozens of people and pets running all around is a pretty high-bandwidth scenario. If I had to guess where the worst-case bandwidth area is, it'd be standing just outside of Rahu, where there's like 200 monsters walking around in one small patch of desert.

In terms of BEST-case scenario, the place with the least bandwidth would probably be that little sewer you can Enter The Light to -- unless other players are in there dancing, of course. Dungeons like the Serbule Crypt are also pretty low-bandwidth, because none of the monsters in there wander around.

The tl;dr of all that is: movement and combat are what consume the bulk of the bandwidth.

But even in the worst-case scenario, bandwidth usage should still be good compared to, say, an FPS or a moba. I tried to be pretty bandwidth-conscious when building the networking, and MMOs in general can get away with optimizations that many other kinds of games can't.

02-03-2017, 12:45 PM
Thanks for the info, Citan. Good to hear I can crank the graphics back up again.