View Full Version : 73/70 Archery/Mentalism but still feel like a total newb

09-12-2018, 07:56 PM
I've been maxed at archery for a long time, maybe close to a year. Mentalism isn't maxed but it's close and I would need to level it's synergy skills a lot to get it up a few points.

I have run through Gazluk Keep a few times and have armor from that dungeon. I still feel like I get totally murdered in there compared to my other guild-mates. They have higher health and power than me and seem to take damage better. My armor is straight off the NPCs with no augments or transmutation. My cooking and gourmand are probably both in the high 30s to low 40s, nature appreciation is low, healing is high.

This game has so many trade skills and such that I don't really know where to start and I'm looking for suggestions. I get skill adhd and have a hard time focusing on boosting my cooking or something like that. Is it possible to find good armor or do I need to invest in customizing it or having it crafted for me?

Any suggestions would be great to make my character more powerful despite having combat skills basically maxed.


09-12-2018, 11:18 PM

Hello. Mentalism is not a burst damage skill with insane dps. (Skills like Sword, Hammer or Psychology deal more Single Target damage with mods, if you need aoe, that would be something like Fire Magic or Battle Chemistry). Plus there is a Crossbow skill now which helps you to deal additional damage) Also the max Mentalism lvl is ~87 with synergy levels (so that's more hp for you). Learn augmentation and transumation, additional mod on a piece of gear is a great "bonus".

As Far as Overall hp, armor and power go. Armor is not the most important one, top cloth armor is enough. You will increase your HP and Power by leveling up additional skills, that have nothing to do with combat, for example Teleportation. Grants you permanent bonus power. Skills like Holistic Wellness grant you bonus HPs permanently. Bonuses from "Meals" (Cooking) are also nice to boost your hp temporarily, there are also some Alchemy potions that boost your hp. Some other skills give you damage bonus to elements like fire, etc. Same goes for taking damage, there are skills that will permanently increase your resistance to certain types of damage. use /wiki, it's really helpful.

Crafting, yes, if you're leveling up your gourmand and cooking atm and with that gardening, I would suggest that you start with Textile Creation and Tailoring, because you'll have to grow a lot of cotton. Really a lot.

P.S. lvl 73 and 70 are "maxed" but your character is nowhere near maxed. If you have archery, you have to lvlup Anatomy to get those crits, you need Phrenology to get Mentalism bonuses and crits, etc, etc. Too bad that, having a "combat skill" maxed dosen't mean much in this game, you would want/should/have to lvl a lot of other skills to get the most out of your combat skills. Also a good set of maxed yellowed equipment with the max number of mods is "maxed gear" per se. You will feel the difference, plus your weapons are important. Getting a very nice bow with +20+% archery damage bonus and a green mod +20+% archery damage bonus is a must.

09-13-2018, 02:05 AM
Dropped gear from GK is adequate to run GK in a group, but if you want to solo GK patrols /increase your contribution then you will need to augment and mod your gear (preferably using max crafted items).

Archery /Ment can achieve some of the highest damage output in the game and is a good choice in GK for both group and solo work.
Unlike many skills, Archery can make both an excellent solo-mob or AOE build, depending on how you mod for it.
When combined with Mentalism it becomes a highly useful survival build.

Many people will tell you that PG end-game is a DPS race. It is not.
It requires high damage supported by rage control, stuns and healing.

The mods you use and your attack rotation make a huge difference.
If you wish to share your mods and rotation, I would be happy to offer some advice.

e.g do you use archery AOE skills?
What spell do you open with and what mods are on it?

Health and armor:
I solo GK patrols with c. 600 health and 500 armor. The key lies in what mods you use and crowd control
Crafted armor has a high impact on survival due to the increased combat refresh capabilities it possesses.
Crafted leather evasion gear is even better as it provides 45.5% projectile evasion - very useful in GK versus the archers.

High quality food and snacks make a huge difference. I would advise using cheese on any GK run. You can buy it from shops, if you can't make it.

Do it.
It makes a huge difference when your mods support the spells you use.
e.g. Archery: Mangling Shot in my build has 7 mods on it + additional damage from another skill. A Base damage of 468 becomes 1553 with a trauma DOT of 804 plus damage reduction (from mobs) of -28 with a speed reduction (on the mob) of 50% plus the stun.

09-13-2018, 05:34 AM
Nature appreciation, invest in it, a winterhue flower gives +85 power, desert rose, +93 for 1 hour, cheese preferred if you plan on GK there's also an archery mod that reduces piercing damage, basic and aimed shot have health mod and i think longshot does too, extra HP carry ruggerized and a unpig potion, as an archer you can't use xbow so could look into maybe sygil scripting , crafted evasion armor best imo, cloth armor for better power refresh

09-13-2018, 06:33 AM
I just want to point out that being an archer in gk is rough since some of the mobs have missile evasion. If you can make it to the room before the healing suit tester you will have access to orcish boquets which will raise your accuracy. But with out some sort of accuracy boost the archers mobs in gk simply eat other archers alive.

09-13-2018, 10:47 AM
Thanks for all the input guys, it sounds like I need to focus on synergy skills, and additional combat refresh boosting skills. There's so many I don't know what to focus on. In addition I probably only play the game like 0-10 hours a week depending on what's going on in my life. It definitely seems like some of the more powerful people in my guild are on daily for several hours.

09-13-2018, 05:01 PM
For achery/mentalism it's just anatomy/phrenology for crits.

High level cheese can grant you 200 bonus health, if you're using lower level non health boosting fods that would be the main source of survivability you are lacking.

09-14-2018, 04:30 AM
powerful people in my guild are on daily for several hours.
That is correct, this game is very grindy. But you don't have to be online 24/7/365 to level up a crafting skill. If you want to lvlup all the skills in the game (without lycan, druid) it will take an insane amount of grind and time. So, just focus on 1-2 skills at a time and you should be fine.