View Full Version : New, loafing around

09-07-2018, 06:17 AM
Hello! Thought I'd go ahead and do something I rarely if ever do - post on the forums. Spooky.

I came across this game while aimlessly haunting youtube, I can't remember if it was TheLazyPeon or someone else that did a review of it that peaked my interest, but needless to say I really wanted to check it out. I'm a lover of older RPGs from Ultima to Might and Magic, and didn't really get my start in MMOs until Vanilla WoW. I sadly never got to try one of those sandbox MMOs with skills you level up, as I didn't have any friends who played Runescape and the like. Although I thought 40 was a steep price for a game like this at first, I've quickly poured 20 hours into the game and can't put it down.

I'm a freelance artist, so most of the time if you see me in game I'm sitting in Serbule afk while I work. I'll probably be poking my head into the guild recruitment section after I'm done here. Hope to see yall around!

09-07-2018, 09:06 AM
Hi Ovorelord, welcome to Project: Gorgon

Rick Sanchez
09-07-2018, 12:18 PM
Welcome to the game Ovorelord!

I started in the days prior to Steam release and find that just like player habits the updates and new content comes in waves and will often times add whole new gameplay options that run up the hours of play time to the point you want to hide your hours played listing in Steam. If you ever find yourself at a stopping point for any particular skill remember it might change and you can always swap out to another. If you arent sure the in game community is great to point out ways to play that you might not have considered. So keep up the in game conversation.

A note on price from an older update when they launched on Steam they set the $40 not only because those who like the format will spend an unhealthy amount of time playing but also because when you put in a game at a lower cost on steam you get a load of tourist players who love to trash talk the game instead of doing what an early access intended goal is which is to say get the game to what it should be at release. Glad you decided to go for it and hope to see you in game.

09-23-2018, 12:03 PM
Hey welcome to this great gem of a game! Enjoy your stay!