View Full Version : Guild Alliances

08-08-2018, 02:39 PM
My suggestion is to allow guild alliances, perhaps 3 or 4 guilds max, it provides an alliance chat channel. I think it's a good way to encourage more socialization. Widen social circles and grouping. And in the future it opens up a lot of development options, such as guild wars, minigames, duel tournaments, and betting if you choose to go down that route.

In my opinion, this will be very useful for small guilds and large guilds alike, there are a lot of guilds with only a few active, so this would be a major improvement while retaining the unique identity of their guild.

08-08-2018, 03:48 PM

You can do that now. You don't need formal game structured alliances to make chat channels. Just make a channel and invite the people you want to have there. Already some guild leaders have a channel like this. If you do /help in game, you can see how to make an join a channel, in this case likely a private one. Just invite the people from the guilds who wish to be allied.

Guild and player driven activities like this do not need to be part of the game structure to work. Player driven activities can be so much more compelling than having the game dictate how to play. Just make it so!